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The Loyal Subject BST AXN TMNT

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Just grabbed all four turtles on a whim. Totally dig um. I've only read a few issues of the IDW run, so I don't necessarily have an attachment to this particular incarnation of the turtles, but I always liked versions that gave the turtles different body types instead of just different colors. Bonus points for giving Donny a metal shell, that happened in the comics correct?

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Posted by: @spongyblue

Just grabbed all four turtles on a whim. Totally dig um. I've only read a few issues of the IDW run, so I don't necessarily have an attachment to this particular incarnation of the turtles, but I always liked versions that gave the turtles different body types instead of just different colors. Bonus points for giving Donny a metal shell, that happened in the comics correct?

Yes, but M Santolouco never drew him with a metal shell. He had his shell broken, but Fugitoid managed to make a new artificial one that looked the same as the natural one. 


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These popped up in a facebook group I'm a part of

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Really hoping to see that Deluxe Slash soon.

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Man... I don't care about Loyal Subjects figures even a little bit -  but I NEED a figure of Alopex and they are the only company making one.     Sigh.     Wonder if NECA will follow suit and release one of their own,  but it looks like this will be the first (only?) Loyal Subjects figure I buy.

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The IDW Turtle figures are better than most Marvel Legends- unique sculpts, although there is some pretty useless articulation its no worse than most ML figures were a few years back. I had a Shredder with a leg joint that broke upon opening, which also happened with my NECA Rocksteady. The figures are not perfect but I'm in for this line.

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Wow Alopex looks neat.  I found Tokka today, and thus bought my first TMNT Loyal Subjects fig.  Still haven't found all four turtles in-store yet, which is what I need to buy them.  Foolishly passed on everyone except Leo at one Target, only to come back a week later and find only Leo.  Lol.

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Another pic of Alopex (blue versions) and Rat King; Also the "demon" turtles from Shredder in Hell.


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I don't think I understand why they choose to have such ugly articulation cuts. Like on Alopex there, what the hell is going on?  They really can't figure out how to minimize that?

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@detrimental-fig they're slowly improving.  I'm still not sure what they're smoking with those knee joints, though.  The worst is on Android Krang, there's like 2mm of plastic on the knee hinges keeping him upright.  One of the knees on my Tokka is really loose, too.

Just a quick review of Tokka and Rahzar:  Tokka is great.  His articulation is a bit limited but he's just so much fun and the paint job is well-done.  Rahzar is good as well but personally he's not clicking with me quite as much.  My copy also had a bum arm; the butterfly plugs were sideways and not in their slots in his torso so his arm fell off of his body right out of the box.  After lots of heating and pushing, I got the arm in there but the butterfly joints are real loose now and will need tightening.  So between his bum shoulder and Tokka's loose knee, I'm getting one bad POA per figure, and that's not cool.

Both figures are VERY POINTY!  I like when figures have pointy spikes that hurt my hands to pose but these guys are like 99% pointy plastic.  If you don't like that sort of thing, you will not like Tokka and Rahzar.  Overall I dig 'em.  I wasn't hugely into the NECA Toon T&R, because Toon T&R isn't something I ever wanted.  They just looked too smooth for me.  These LS versions look more like the old toys, so if you're into those, these fit the bill.  A few repaint touches, like more black on Tokka's shell and giving Rahzar red eyes would really make them look like updates to the classic toys.

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Alopex size comparison with NECA Toon/Mirage?

I have my BSTAXN Krangs on my Toon shelf as more Utrom ("Krang" proper is the NECA Android body), but they are quite a bit larger than the NECA ones, yet the four BSTAXN Toon Turts & IDW Mikey are all way smaller than NECA's.

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Posted by: @tenime

Alopex size comparison with NECA Toon/Mirage?

I have my BSTAXN Krangs on my Toon shelf as more Utrom ("Krang" proper is the NECA Android body), but they are quite a bit larger than the NECA ones, yet the four BSTAXN Toon Turts & IDW Mikey are all way smaller than NECA's.


Nobody actually has her yet to my knowledge. I believe these shots were from some small display at a local toy/comic shop near someone at TLS's base of operations.


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Oh, gotchagotchagotcha.

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Rat King and Alopex went up on BBTS and Amazon today

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POed her!

I know she's going to be too small to go with my NECA Toon or Mirage figures, despite their Krang being too large to fit (with Toon), lol. *sigh*, TLS...

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