Might be a thing that only interests me, but I just noticed that one of the accessories for Robot Bebop was cut during production. The blue attachment pictured below on the drill bit was dropped. Instead, you just get the one already on the figure's arm. Probably not a big deal to most people, but the one dropped had what looks like a scope sculpted onto it that looks kind of neat (it's visible in the glamour shot of the figure included with all of the listings). If they were only going to keep one of those blue things, I wish they had kept that one.
So, for anyone that keeps the Super7 figures at arms length due price (or at least price vs execution) currently you can get Wave 5 - all 4 figures - for $88 at BBTS. That's just $22 per figure, cheaper than Marvel Legends or G.I. Joe Classified or almost any retail figures these days. It's maybe not their best figures - but it's Ray Filet, Leatherhead, Bubble Walker Krang, and Samurai Leo.
Wave 4 is $90 - so $22.50 each - for Donatello, Casey, Mondo Gecko and Muckman.
Wave 6 is $110 - but for that you get Ace Duck, Sewer Surfer Mikey, Scratch, Slash and a pack of 5 mousers so still not bad.
So, these cheaper prices may be tempting enough to get some people to pull the trigger on these figures they may otherwise have been hesitating on.
I picked up the first 6 waves all in one shot when BBTS ran a similar sale to this in the past. I otherwise hadn't had these on my radar. This time around I just picked up Zak the Neutrino.
I'm still considering all of Wave 8, Scumbug, Mondo Gecko, Cyborg Krang Android, and the Party Wagon --- but I'm leaning towards waiting for a later sale with a deeper discount on those as we get closer to Black Friday and the Christmas holiday. This line isn't a priority to me, so I'm fine taking my chances. I just won't buy them if they don't get down to a price point I'm prepared to pay.
Well that doesn't look terrible! Kind of messily painted like most of the recent stuff, but that kinda works for a dirty hobo covered in rats. I'm not sure if this will be a grand finale of a figure for the Playmates remakes in the line, but it's nice to have.
@normdapito Keytar is the MOST punk rock instrument. It doesn't care what you think. It doesn't even try to sound like you think an instrument should sound. You don't hang your expectations on a keytar, man. Keytar don't give a shit.
@misfit Yeah, I feel like the keytar fails specifically in just looking too toyish. You could probably get away with making it an obnoxious color without too many paint apps and still have it work. It would just look like Don is a real punk rocker and wants his instrument to be stupidly garish and annoying to look at. But they went with it just looking like eye-wateringly bright, undetailed plastic. A real shame.
I've got Donnie pointing with his right hand and holding the microphone with his left - with the stand running diagonally across his body, like he's pulling it over toward his mouth. Looks quite good, but definitely locks my little Turtle band into Donnie being the singer. Not sure where that's going to put Mikey. Wish he came with drums or a bass. Always, always hated Mikey from his group because he didn't fit in at all.
With regards to Robot Bebop - I agree that sucks. I have no skin in that game because I did not buy that figure and was never going to. This goes to an overall problem I've been rabidly bitching about for years; both Super7 and EVERY retailer selling these figures with outdated imagery. That kind of shit -should- be illegal. Like, you KNOW that's not what's included with the figure, but that's still the image you're using, and you hide behind 'final product may vary' like an absolute scumbag coward.
Frankly, I think it's borderline criminal that Super7 sells product with those pictures at all, because I'd almost guarantee pre-orders are still ongoing when those images are already outdated. But the fact that months, even years, after release those are the pictures still up is bullshit. I can still go on BBTS right the fuck now and order a set of Wave 6, and all the pictures show Ace and Slash with colors the actual figures don't have.
Pisses me right off that they (retailers and S7) get away with this blatant bait-and-switch.
And the best possible excuse Super7 could possibly give is that they're actually too stupid and bad at their jobs to know what accessories and colors the final figure will have at the time of pre-order. Pathetic.
The current prices on BBTS for some of these waves, as detailed by PC, are actually really good prices even for the quality of Super7, for the most part (Samurai Leo is still an absolute travesty of a figure, and Krang isn't much better). It's very telling for the future of the line that even at those prices BBTS can't get a sell-through. Super7 has cut themselves off at the knee by (forced or otherwise) jumping to 2003 and being absolute fuckheads towards their customers about the Playmates concerns.
They cannot possibly be stupid enough not to know that basically everyone collecting this line is here for 'upgraded' Playmates figures, and refusing to offer direct answers as to what we can or cannot expect going forward is making everyone just not want to even bother. Hell, I've continued to collect this line despite all my complaints, but there's lots of figures I've simply not bought solely because I don't expect this line to keep going and there's certain figures I only want if I can have other figures as well.
I'll take the core characters and my favorite extras, or I'll take 'all the figures I had as a kid.' Don't really want much in the way of 'in between' those two extremes.
Rat King looks okay, but like... not even 'one of the better Super7 figures' level okay. The bandolier looks like absolute shit and sits too high over his shoulder. It's definitely better than Hot King, but it almost feels like they intentionally put less effort into this because they were pissed off that fans didn't like their sexy CW drama version of the character.
Agreed on Hip Hop Mikey or whatever he's called. He was always the worst of the music line. I guess he'll have to be a DJ in the group which means it's kind of turning into a nu-metal act. Assuming Raph makes it out, maybe they should give him a 7-string.
Rat King looks fine to me. I don't love the bandolier, but the dead cat belt was always a pretty goofy accessory and I don't know if I'll even opt to display it. As an update to the Playmates figure, I think it gets the job done. Assuming it's not a floppy mess (which is a dangerous assumption to make) and the accessories work well. Still irritated we don't know what's coming next for the vintage inspired line. Also a bit surprising they haven't even put up the next 2k3 wave which means we probably won't know what's to happen with the vintage stuff until after CNY.
It's definitely better than Hot King, but it almost feels like they intentionally put less effort into this because they were pissed off that fans didn't like their sexy CW drama version of the character.
Hey... as the one fan that totally preferred their updated head sculpt on Rat King and only kept my pre-order because they tossed that head in the package as an extra anyway - I take exception to this 😉 .
If it turned out that head got cut I would cancel my order for the figure (for real).
But this is almost certainly my last Super7 TMNT figure. I can't see them making any more figures I want. Certainly not before, and not better, than NECA. I think the last two characters I want are Panda Khan and King Lionheart... NECA already showed off a Panda Khan, so I've got that one covered. And at the rate NECA's going, if anyone is going to get to Lionheart it will be them.
Heavy Metal Raph (assuming he still happens) could be my last from the line. If they can't do the characters that existed only in the Playmates line then that will kill my interest since I want Hothead, Scaletail, and Monty Moose. If NECA can do toonified versions of those guys, then that will do me fine. Especially Monty Moose, who I think would look great with a toon approach.
@panthercult I know I'm pre-disposed to thinking very poorly of Super7, but the issue you brought up with Panda Khan just makes me wonder if S7 is difficult to work with (whether that's administratively, or just because they act like twats). They couldn't do Usagi. Even though NECA could. They seemingly couldn't do Panda Khan. NECA is doing him.
NECA is, on the other hand, kind of becoming famous for chasing down rights to stuff they know the customers want to see and really working at it. I mean, if NECA could do it, that sort of implies that the reason it didn't happen with Super7 is solely and entirely because of Super7, right?
And yep.. I've basically lost any small hope I may have once had, probably years ago at this point, that Super7 would ever get to even all of my favorite TMNT figures, let alone getting out a somewhat complete vintage collection. And since they refuse to even comment on it in a satisfactory way, I can't imagine anyone is coming to a different conclusion.
@misfit As I've said before, I'm going to be so incredibly furious if they don't get to Heavy Metal Raph, or have to make some sweeping changes to his design or something.
Like both of you, I'm now more invested in seeing what NECA does with cartoonizing the various toy designs. I actually would still prefer straight up remakes of the vintage toys, but at least NECA will actually release toys and give reasonable responses about what they can and can't do. And, as was said, at this rate they're more likely to flesh out a vintage playmates collection, albeit stylized.
I got an ULTIMATES! Krang for $22 off Amazon, I know Krang is one of “the bad ones” but I could not 3D print and paint a bigger “vintage” Krang for less than $11 so this was a fine deal.
The cackling one gets put on the tripod pieces on my Krang shelf, the “vintage” one goes with ULTIMATES! Muckman (“Frickin’ Krang, man…”) who I picked up a few years ago also for $25…
I just wanted to vent how the bubble walker is the absolute worst piece of crap I’ve ever seen, it’s almost impressive how every single engineering choice they made was the wrong one. I can’t get it to stand up empty, not even gonna try with a Krang in it and the arms on. I didn’t plan to display it, but now I’m angry I need to store such a terrible thing!
compliment sandwich though: the walker’s hands are NICE! Big and shiny with good clear expression and purpose… gonna need to use these on a custom of some sort!
@doc-baghead Do you like the incredibly obvious and ugly seam line running across it as well?
Krang was probably my most wanted and then the most disappointing garbage figure to get. I have so much Elmer's pumped into the legs, I don't even try moving it.
That Rat King isn't bad. It pretty much captures everything the vintage toy did. I'm glad we're getting him, but it is weird to think this could be the last unique character made in Ultimate form from the vintage TMNT Playmates line.
But if it is, that's fine with me. I've pretty much quit buying Super7 product at this point, and the characters we've got from the vintage line as Ultimate figures make a great collection.
But, if they can continue, I'll get them. If they make General Traag, Napolean, Sandstorm, etc., I will buy them.
@detrimental-fig HA! The first thing my wife said when she saw the thing was “Why is the seam line on the front like that?!”
Per Super7's preorder tracker, Wave 11 is now shipping. That's the one with Rapper Mike, Rat King, Samurai Wanderer Leo, and Battle Damaged Foot. I preordered Mike and Rat King via BBTS so I won't have them anytime soon. I am intrigued by both the Leo variant and the Foot, though I can't see myself paying full price for either one. It's nonetheless a rare wave of Ultimates I have interest in the entirety of. I've never bought an entire wave before, except the 2003 Turtles, though that's hardly a surprise as each wave has had some real stinkers in it. With this wave released, that means no new TMNT from Super7 until June (estimated) for said Wave 12 of 2k3 Turtles. I'm guessing they'll put Wave 13 up relatively soon. That big insider Reddit post that Brian denied everything within it that has mostly all come true suggested they were going to be clearing out a bunch of open stuff before soliciting more and that seems to be true. I wonder if they'll get back to their old method if they can keep the delivery windows on-time, or maybe the new system is to only have two open waves per license instead of 3 or 4.