I’m pretty sure a Super Cyborg Krang was already confirmed, but if not, it likely will be soon:
Isn't that their oversized/underarticulated (even for Super7) robot line with visible chest gears & such, though, not Ultimates?
Isn't that their oversized/underarticulated (even for Super7) robot line with visible chest gears & such, though, not Ultimates?
Yeah, that's what the Super Cyborg line is, though there is SOME articulation. Swivels at the shoulders for sure, possibly the neck. The way that blueprint reads, it doesn't look like there's space for a Krang. Or that space is filled with gears. I'd be interested in seeing what a prototype would look like, but these things run about $80, so I don't know if I'd need it.
Kind of surprising how it's basically a 1:1 recreation of the Playmates figure. By going the Super Cyborg route, it essentially has the same articulation too and the major difference is the removable chest. Pretty odd they could release this, but certain Ultimates designs are off limits. Also, pretty hilarious that it says "high articulated," think whoever wrote this release is used to doing Ultimates?
I'm pretty sure a bunch of their other Super Cyborg figures also look like vintage figures if they had them. so it's on brand, just with the extra opening chest gimmick.
I meant it's a surprise in that Playmates wasn't able to put a stop to it. It might just mean they have no plans to re-release the vintage one.
It could be a situation of where it was too far along for Playmates to really have a say. Kind of like the other products already solicited.
Either way, it's kind of amazing to me how gung-ho and fully on board with this line I was, only to see how quickly I've fallen off. I'm still getting the stuff when it eventually releases, but maybe more out of force of habit rather than genuine excitement. Losing what made it special really took a hit, and that's through no fault of Super7 really.
Interesting tidbit, btw---Brian Flynn's title no longer says "Owner of Super7", but rather "Head of Super7". I wonder if whomever it was that invested 37 million into the company are now majority owners?
I have the Super Cyborg Optimus Prime, Megatron, and Bumblebee. I only have them because I got them on discount. $85 for what you get is brutal. They could do an Ultimate of the same figure in a better format for the same price or less (think Mumm-Ra or Mon*Star). This will fill a void in a display, but don't be fooled into thinking it's going to be a poseable or fun figure. It's essentially a hollow statue.
@normdapito that's pretty much in-line with what I hear about them. From afar, I thought the Super Cyborg line was a series of simple, but nice quality vinyl figures. I'm hearing from those who actually buy them that they feel more like rotocast stuff, and at the price they command, I just don't see the value. This particular item has some appeal for those who want a Playmates style Krang for their Ultimates display provided they don't need it to do anything. I'd still advise those people to wait for a discount though.
@misfit I don't know if I'd say rotocast. They are definitely hollow, but made of a more brittle feeling plastic! They seem fragile, even when using the swivel joints. Like they could crack with too much use. The plastic feels brittle like it's been sitting in the sun. They're handsome figures. But they're not for play or posing. And they will make you regret paying full price.
Yay, Super7! "Who are we for!?"
Photos from Toy Fair by Preternia on Twitter. Can’t believe Triceraton is still in prototype stage. And I’m trying to figure out how Scumbug is $65. Genghis Frog looks better than I expected.
Am I being too negative or does Wingnut not look so good anymore?
@nilocomic I believe those are test shots. Farther along than prototype.
Not giving them a pass. Just saying.