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Super7 Ultimates! Line

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Robo...what have you done? Anywho. Recently got into the Super7 line. Liking what I'm seeing and especially enjoying buying figures for under retail.

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These figures are definitely more enjoyable if you can find them for less or much less than their original cost. They are so overpriced for mixed quality, particularly in the articulation department. But the sculpts that recreate the vintage sculpts are magnificent and in most cases irresistible. I feel like we've been in a long lull with this line. My only current open POs are for Genghis Frog and Triceraton, both of which are at BBTS. It's times like these when I tend to cave on figures I've passed on just to keep some momentum. That's like the only time I get deals on these because I'm impatient and PO the ones I want day one. But I don't think there's anything out right now that I want but don't have.

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I think they're still full MSRP, but stuff from this line has been showing up at Macy's recently. I've seen images of them carrying the glow-in-the-dark turtles in their makeshift Toys R Us section. Pretty wild to think that the store I used to hate going to when I was a child now sells ninja turtles, and Super7 ones at that. Also, the style guide ReAction figures have started to hit retail as well, for those interesting in that line.

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I ordered Surfer Mikey from Amazon for $32.  As mentioned above, we're in a big ol lull with this line and grabbing something fun for "cheap" was exciting.  Unfortunately they sent me Deep Space Homer instead...

I'm still really curious what direction this line is going to take.  I was hoping we'd get another wave soon but with four already out for preorder maybe they feel the need to pump the brakes until something ships.

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The NECA lair kind of set me off all over my collecting & high-cost preorders, and I ended up cancelling the Cats' Lair, which I'd done financing for, so I hadn't paid anything yet (hopefully I can get the life-size key for a decent price off eBay once it's out) & S7 Party Wagon (thanks to my good account history with BBTS, they offered me the NRD back as a refund, but to keep that good standing, I asked for store credit instead).

Unsure what I'm going to do with the NECA van once it gets here (I mean, I still want the S7 one too)...

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If anyone is in the UK and has a B&M near them, that’s the UK store not bricks and mortar, it might be worth popping in, they have or had wave 4 and 5 in, I think those are the waves, I picked up Slash and Ray Fillet for £19.99 each.

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Not got lucky in B&M but a fellow UK collector helped me out by grabbing Slash and I managed to get Leatherhead in Comics & Cocktails sale so once they both arrive that's me up to date until the next wave hits.

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Super7 updated their status page. They also changed it to be ordered by delivery instead of license. Currently:

Glow Slash - October

Wave 8 - November

Party Wagon - December 

Wave 9 - February 

Wave 7 - April

Wave 10 - June


At least Punker Don will be joined by Rocker Leo sort of quickly. Robotic Rocksteady, on the other hand, will be waiting awhile for his buddy. I hope the delays on that wave don’t impact the quality like we saw with wave 5.


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Crazy to see how late wave 7 is going to be but it actually suits me pretty well as I'm skipping wave 8 and I have a load of NECA pre-orders due end of this year.

Guess we shouldn't expect to see wave 11 until November based on that schedule.

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I wouldn't be the least bit surprised if Wave 7 is being delayed because it's been shopped over to that shitty factory that did Samurai Leo and they're having issues. I also wouldn't be surprised if the entire wave still has QC issues, just like the Samurai Leo wave, because S7 doesn't give a shit.


dr_huxtable reacted
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@theknightdamien that’s more or less my assumption at this point. For whatever reason, that wave probably had to be shopped around to different factories and there’s a not zero chance it wound up with the extra bad one. I suppose an optimist might look at it and think it was ticketed for the bad factory, and after seeing the output, Super7 decided to move it thus kicking it to the back of the line elsewhere. Though in reality, there’s an interview with Flynn out there somewhere in which he mentions they should have charged more for Bebop (and maybe the Triceraton) in that wave which has me thinking they needed to find the cheapest factory they could. I feel like I’m already in mourning for Punker Don.

dr_huxtable reacted
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Veebs has an interview with Flynn up, and I apparently missed this, but Super7 is going to be doing 2003 TMNT. They're going to start alternating waves between what he calls vintage and 2003. I guess this was announced at Powercon. Smart of them to beat NECA (or anyone else) to the punch. The first 2003 wave will be Wave 12, so we're not going to see anything for awhile. Of course, this also means those looking to complete sets from the vintage-inspired stuff will have to wait even longer (i.e. - Heavy Metal Raph now coming in 2026!). Wave 11 is set to be revealed in the fall too, which makes sense if the next wave is leaving the factory in October/November. He also teases a figure from the next wave which will be a turtle, but isn't pulled from the old line (he references the ninja April as an example of what they're going for stylistically) which might be fun, but again, may delay the music turtles or the sports turtles etc. Rat King will be in the wave too. No mention of the delays with Wave 7, if you were wondering.

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Man, I'm starting to hate that guy... like at 35:18

You're 40 figures into the line, at a certain point people are like:  "I have enough Turtles, thank you"                                        

Dude, are you kidding? You haven't released a SINGLE new Turtle figure this year (and no, I'm not counting GITD variants as new figures)

dr_huxtable reacted
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Oof, yeah, I'm not feeling good about my chances to complete my vintage wants.  They were already filling waves with dumb variants instead of knocking out new characters, then they started making designs that weren't vintage at all.  Now they're going to make every other wave a 2003 wave?  I think the line is probably dead for me (to be fair, I've suspected that since the Rat King debacle).

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Posted by: @freditor

Man, I'm starting to hate that guy... like at 35:18

You're 40 figures into the line, at a certain point people are like:  "I have enough Turtles, thank you"                                        

Dude, are you kidding? You haven't released a SINGLE new Turtle figure this year (and no, I'm not counting GITD variants as new figures)


He has made allusions to slumping sales with a lot of their lines in past interviews and I think that may be the take-away he has. Plus, I think the Playmates factor is playing a larger role than they want to admit which impacts what they can do with the vintage inspired line. I think most would put forth the argument though that any slowing down of sales for their products has less to do with dwindling enthusiasm with the IP and more to do with quality and cost.


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