Yeah I ran across two Pizza Throwers today for 20% off. I still have my childhood one (CIB even!) but it was still tempting. I wish I'd find the Toilet Taxi, that would be a buy. I know the figure is just a repaint but even still it's cool to see a new "vintage" figure.
Yes, I am a sucker.
Picked up a couple of the sports variants this week, I think it was Skateboarding Mikey and Football Leo? Plus Casey, Slash, and Rat King. Left Mutagen Man, but realized I still need him carded, so I’m kicking myself.
I found the Retro Cards at Macy’s Toysrus. They had the 6 of the new wave plus the 2003 Series ones.
They had 2 of each
Can’t find Rat King anywhere.
I continue to look.
I still have a delivery date pending on my Technodrome preorder placed on 6/2. I don't know if I should reorder since it has a release date or keep my place in line.
Thanks for the tip. I was able to find a full set of Casey, Slash, Rat King, and the extra Mutagen Man I need for my carded set. Was able to open each of the aforementioned. I had Slash and Casey as a kid, and I remember Casey having two bats and a golf club originally. I didn't have Rat King, but he seems sparse too. But Slash came with exactly the weapons I remember, though the mace that came with this one was a little mangled. This Slash also has a black belt, where my childhood one had a pink belt.I found the Retro Cards at Macy’s Toysrus. They had the 6 of the new wave plus the 2003 Series ones.
They had 2 of each
Toy Shiz got a sample unit of the Technodrome reissue from Playmates. Credit to him, he got something free and ended the review by saying he can't recommend it for a very valid reason we all saw coming: it's just too small. It does look pretty decent with ReAction figures though so if you wanted a Technodrome for such a collection it will work okay there. Playmates must have lost the original molds or something to even bother retooling a smaller version. I guess it might still be cool for those who never had one or regret getting rid of it. As a kid, I was already disappointed in how small the thing was (I was a child with unrealistic expectations) so I have zero interest in a version that's even smaller.
Hm. That's a bummer. I can't watch the video right now, so I'll save any specific questions. But I don't think I'll cancel mine because this will be my first experience with the vehicle. Even if I'm not totally satisfied with it, I still would like to see it in my collection. The vintage reissues are really fleshing out now. I've picked up almost everything, whether I had it growing up or not. The nostalgia is hitting hard seeing them all together.
@normdapito it will still get the job done of being a vintage looking Technodrome if you have a display going, just don't expect any of the figures to actually fit in the various seats and such inside the thing (despite what's pictured on the box - they either photoshopped it or had to pop off legs or something to get Shredder into position).
it does still get the job done, but I am honestly glad I decided not to get it. The smaller size isn't great, but it's not the biggest deal breaker, as I probably would have just displayed it all closed up anyways. The stickers freak me out more than anything. There are so many stickers.
But overall, I just don't feel I need a reissue Technodrome. I wish they would have just made it the same size as the old one though. It's one of the few vintage TMNT pieces I didn't have as a kid, and still don't have now.
I did recently find some vintage reissue 40th Ann. figures, and I picked up Slash. The vintage Slash I have is the one with the purple belt. So, I picked the reissue up since it has the black belt so I could have both.
Not strictly speaking appropriate for this thread, but since it's for a toy that was supposed to be for the original line but was never produced, I'm gonna mention it here anyways. Kickstarter for production of the old Army Ant Mega Mutants figure, as well as some possible other characters by creators like Jim Lawson:
I really like that Inferno hippo. He'd look great next to Halfcourt, King Lionheart, Sandstorm, and Doctor El. I may be in for him. Army Ant is a bit pricey for me but I think if I were going to get one I'd go for the camo variant. It just pops more than the plain green.
Picked up all four sports Turtles today at Walmart. I had previously picked up two of them at Target weeks ago, but couldn't remember which two. So I just bought all four and will return or donate the doubles. Skater Mike, Soccer Raph, Basketball Donnie, Football Leo.
I got in the vintage reissues of Sewer Surfin Mike and Slap Shot Leo today from BBTS. Playmates did a really good job with these. They didn't skip out on any paint deco or details that I can see.
I already have the vintage sewer Surfin Mike, but he is one of my all-time favorites. So, I got this re issue just for the hell of it. But I actually don't have the vintage Slap Shot Leo. So, I'm happy to get this one as a re issue.
I have my childhood Slap Shot Leo, missing some things, with the wear & tear from childhood play. I have a vintage Slap Shot Leo mint on card. I got this Slap Shot Leo so I could have a fresh complete open one, lol.
(I don't "sport," it's just one of my favorite figures from childhood. And repeating the same word three times in one post triggers my OCD, lmao. CHILDHOOD. FOUR TIMES!!!! 🤣)