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Playmates Vintage Reissues

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Struck out on Tatsu on Saturday, but found a Pizza Thrower & Toilet Taxi, so I grabbed those. Never had the taxi, but remember it (I won't be buying anything I don't remember unless it's really cool lol). I not only had the thrower, but I still have all my pizzas (and the stickers on them are MINT), so I was able to compare them all...

TLDR, because I was mocked & bullied for pointing out the differences on Facebook (some piece of shit actually posted a "reeeeee" gif, so I got him banned)

The pizzas are completely different mold. The plastic color is a lighter tan than the original redder brown, and the new ones are completely smooth & flat around the edge, whereas the originals' edge rounded off at the top, and the rounded top had notches in them. And the stickers are all the same, instead of 3 regular pizzas, 3 ice cream pizzas. 6 ice cream pizzas. I know wacky combinations are the trademark, but I personally rather would've had 6 of the plain instead.

mikeysee reacted
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What I want to know is, does it smell and sound the same when you use it?  I distinctly remember the smell of an overworked motor inside warm plastic.  Good stuff!

and actually, does it shoot as far/hard?  I could see consumer guidelines preventing it from being as powerful as the OG.

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Posted by: @tenime
TLDR, because I was mocked & bullied for pointing out the differences on Facebook (some piece of shit actually posted a "reeeeee" gif, so I got him banned)

F**k that guy.

Thank you for taking time to compare the pizzas, I was actually wonder if there were any differences between this reissue and the one I had 30+ years ago, so thank you for sharing.

Unrelated to jerks on Facebook, I don’t normally buy the reissues because I don’t have huge nostalgia for “idea” of vintage Turtles (and a lot of these reissues with their changed molds and missing paints and parts feel more like “the idea” than an actual replica) the NECA toon line has been just fine for scratching my 87 Turtles itch, but I *needed* to buy this Pizza Thrower, I had been considering buying a busted one on eBay for awhile just to have one, and the reissue was a better deal. (It in theory works and has all its parts! For $40!) I have no clue if it’s smaller or if it’s just that I’ve tripled in size, but it feels smaller than I remember, but it LOOKS like the one I had when I was a kid in my memories… it’s just sitting on my coffee table and I’m staring at it in awe, unsure if I want to keep it clean, put the stickers on it, or paint it like a Warhammer tank but it’s amazing!



TENIME reacted
Super Camel
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Posts: 898

Man, that Toilet taxi still isn't available on  And the Pizza Thrower still doesn't seem to be on their site either.  I do keep searching on both google and Targets site for the Pizza Thrower.  But nothing.

I don't have a Target near me right now.  The closest one was always 45 minutes away, but it is currently closed because it's sliding down a hill lol.

I think they've about got it handled and will reopen in a month or so.  But I'll be honest......I kind of still don't want to go in it.

I don't want to be hunting toys then just slide with an entire department store down a massive hill in WV.

NORM and Justice reacted
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@supercamel-1982 if you aren't willing to slide down a hill with a Target to get your desired collectibles then can you even call yourself a collector?!

No pain, no toy gain.

Super Camel and NORM reacted
Super Camel
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Damn!  You're right!  That was like a speech from Gladiator Justice.  I'm f'n pumped!  I WILL die in a landslide for toys.  And just like the loud crashing of my local Target to the bottom of some hill in the middle of nowhere, my toy hunt for a Toilet taxi will echo in eternity.

Justice reacted
Super Camel
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The Toilet Taxi with Donatello is up and in stock on Target if you need one.

Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Toilet Taxi Vehicle With Donatello Action Figure : Target

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I've seen the pizza thrower twice now at two different Targets. They appear to only be getting one per far?  I want it for nostalgia sake, but I don't know if I have room for more large vehicles like that. 

Super Camel reacted
Super Camel
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I know what you mean.  I feel that way about the Pizza Thrower and the Technodrome coming up when it comes to space.  But honestly as much as TMNT means to me, I think I can't possibly skip them.  And if I need to make room something else will go.

I wish they'd put that damn Pizza Thrower on already.  But I was so happy to get the Toilet Taxi today off their website.  In unfortunately seems to be sold out as of now.  But hopefully it will go back up again.

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In the Milwaukee Wisconsin area, I’ve seen 2 at every Target and even one had 3. Toilet Taxi is the hard one to find around here. I have mine but haven’t seen it out like I do the Pizza Thrower.

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Posted by: @mikeysee

What I want to know is, does it smell and sound the same when you use it?  I distinctly remember the smell of an overworked motor inside warm plastic.  Good stuff!

and actually, does it shoot as far/hard?  I could see consumer guidelines preventing it from being as powerful as the OG.

I haven't put batteries in it yet, lol. 😊 

I don't remember any particular smell to it, though, lol.


mikeysee reacted
Super Camel
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2 Questions.  One, isn't the Reissue/Retro Krang in his walker a little smaller than the original vintage version?  I thought I even saw they said somewhere that the newer release is smaller and fits better in the upcoming Technodrome rerelease.

Two. When you guys see the Pizza Thrower out, what does it retail for?  Is it like $34.99 or $39.99?

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Posted by: @supercamel-1982

2 Questions.  One, isn't the Reissue/Retro Krang in his walker a little smaller than the original vintage version?  I thought I even saw they said somewhere that the newer release is smaller and fits better in the upcoming Technodrome rerelease.

Two. When you guys see the Pizza Thrower out, what does it retail for?  Is it like $34.99 or $39.99?

I paid $39.99 for my pizza thrower in store.

As for Krang I'm not sure but that would be a very Playmates thing to do.


Super Camel reacted
Super Camel
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Thanks Justice 🙂  I was hoping it was around that price.  Hopefully I can come across one soon or it goes online.

I'm trying to find out about the Krang on YouTube.  But nobody I've watched yet compares him to the old/vintage krang lol.

EDIT:  Ok, I found a video of the reissue and vintage Krang.  The Krang toys seem to be the same size.  But it's the hole underneath them that allows you to plug him in to the Technodrome that is smaller.

The vintage toys port hole on the underside of Krang is much bigger.  The new Krang reissues port hole underneath is smaller, and must be a tighter, better fit on the new reissue Technodrome.

 I knew they said something was smaller about the new Krang, and that he fit better in the upcoming rerelease of the Technodrome playset.

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My store put out Pizza Thrower and Toilet Taxi sometime between yesterday and today plus they're on sale for 20% off.

Super Camel reacted
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