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Playmates Vintage Reissues

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I’ll be looking for a set of Mondo, Ray Fillet, and April to keep carded.

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If you have a Meijer in your area, check it!

I just found a set of Mondo, April and Ray Filet. 

9.99 each 

They also had the prior wave of Baxter, Wingnut and Genis Frog

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I did start to see the Baxter wave of re-releases pretty commonly around a few Targets here. Hope that's the case with this new set. I've never had a Ray Filet before, so wanting to snag that one at least.

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Has anyone else noticed the missing white teeth paint on the re-released Baxter Stockman figure?  I just saw a couple fresh cases of the new retros (April etc) at Target and the Baxters were missing the teeth paint, it was all just that baby blue color.  If only on one I'd assume error, but two?  Playmates is getting way too stingy for their own good.

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The first Baxter I found & bought (because the rest of the line hadn't yet started to get replenished fully everywhere yet when that second wave - third wave? Since the Walmart original Four were technically the first - hit) had no teeth or wing paint & a messed up card corner, so I neither wanted to keep it sealed nor open it for display (I have a retro reissue on my shelf that isn't as sticky as my OG Wingnut or Ray).

Luckily I found one with full paint (still missing some details, and I've always preferred the two-tone swatter, though the single tone is accurate to some older releases) & a pristine card to keep sealed.

Though, as I posted back a page, the second Wingnut I bought to open had no tongue/gum, fur in the suit holes, nor sculpted yellow strap paint, and those are the only ones I've been finding since I returned that & dinged card/unpainted Baxter (and then returned the extra Genghis I bought to open, just because the whole unpainted ordeal took the wind out of my sails).

I'm a little worried with impatience to find a good card Mondo & April (my buddy found all three on severely crappy cards, so I passed on his offer to help, and then I found a good Ray shortly after), because I want to get them before they start shipping out unpainted ones (though my FIRST Baxter was unpainted, and my SECOND was painted, so who knows?).

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I found crisp cards for Ray, Mondo, and April on my second attempt at Walmart. I was pretty psyched about that. This retro card collection is really shaping up. Kinda surprised we don't have Casey or Slash by now. Would love to see Metalhead, Fugitoid, Triceraton, Traag, Rat King, Usagi, eventually.

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Casey & Rat King were shown at Toy Fair (I think? I don't think it was NYCC), and are coming right after this Ray/Mondo/April wave. 🙂 

Let's get some more vehicles, too! Cheapskate, Retrocatapult, Turtlecycle, Footski, Pizza Thrower, Turtle Copter! Bring on the Lair & Technodrome! Needlenose & Killer Bee! Come on, Playmates!!

I need to not only replace my lost childhood, but fill in the blanks (my parents may not have been able to afford things like the Lair or Technodrome, but they got me most of the figures & vehicles from the original line)!!

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I dug up the original vintage collection from my mom’s garage, and reassembled most of what was left. That included the Cheapskate, catapult, some kind of ride-on toilet, the van, Pizza Thrower, and Foot Cruiser. I always wanted Neutrinos for that thing, but stopped collecting before they were released. Didn’t have the play sets, but would buy them if they got reissued.

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I just saw Wingnut with unpainted mouth today.  I'm aghast at how shitty a move that is. Are we going to see the Turtles with unpainted mouths soon too?  This isn't even normal cost cutting anymore.

It frustrates me further because if I hadn't been paying attention I could've just as easily bought that one instead of one with the painted mouth.

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I'm ready for them to release Scratch with no black stripes.


...I'd still buy two.

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Found Mondo Gecko & Ray Filet at Target today. Had no idea these were coming.

Cardback shows April, but Rat King is missing...

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Posted by: @andru

Found Mondo Gecko & Ray Filet at Target today. Had no idea these were coming.

Cardback shows April, but Rat King is missing...

I grabbed Mondo and Ray yesterday at Walmart also. They had April, but I found all three previously to keep carded. The MG & RF I picked up are to be opened. And yeah, no one has seen Rat King in the wild yet. I hope he’s still coming. 


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Was not able to find April today, but these just started hitting. Probably luck out over the next few weeks.

The only figure that I have only seen once (and bought) was the foot soldier.

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Uh.. stumbled across 2003 TMNT Mike and Raph at Target this morning. Picked them up for $10 and change each. I didn't realize these were being reissued. If it was announced, I definitely forgot.

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Don't know if anyone else has already mentioned this, but I just stumbled across reissues of mutating Bebop and Rocksteady at my local target.

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