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Playmates Mutant Mayhem, Tales of The TMNT's (And Beyond) Figures

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I’ve seen the single-pack Ralph in the space suit in stores recently.  Has single carded Don in Star Trek outfit been spotted yet?  I’ve been waiting/hoping for this release in the U.S. since it was released in the UK earlier this year. 

Super Camel
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Today at Wal-Mart, I found a new shipper that had Wave 2 of the Mix N' Match Turtles, the Wave of figures from the upcoming Video Game, and some various Mutant Mayhem figures including Ray Fillet.

So, Ray Fillet is showing up now at Wal-Marts.

Wave 2 of Mix N Match had Pigeon Pete, Mustang Sally, Lee the Eel, a new, more vintage Playmates colored Ghengis Frog, etc.

I picked up all of Wave 2, as well as Turbo Cammy from the video game wave, as she was the last one I needed from that wave.

Our very own fellow Fwoosher joshsquash729 recently shipped me a Ray Fillet at cost, which was so above and beyond.  I can't thank you enough man.

As many months as Ray Fillet has been being found, I really thought maybe the figure was about done shipping. So, it was a relief that you shipped me one out keeping the collection complete.

Thank you Josh.

joshsquash729 and Misfit reacted
The Scarecrow Guy
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@supercamel-1982 My pleasure, friend! Ain't that always the case, though? As soon as you break down and order one online, you find it in stores! 🤣  Sorry to have kept you waiting!

@scottg10 - I've seen single carded astronaut Raph a few times now, but never any of the others. Not sure how the case distribution is on that one.


Nice to know wave 2 of the MnM is finally showing up. No Wal-Marts around me, so I gotta rely on Target, who always seem to be a month or so behind in my neck of the woods. Mine just got a fresh case of wave 1, so it'll be a bit. Just want the 3 fish villains and Pete, so hopefully they won't be too hard to find once they're out. I may be more tempted by the civilian Raph and Mikey once they reveal Leo and Donnie, but for now I'm good.

Tempted by the video game figures- who doesn't love goofy looking Mutanimals? I probably won't get around to playing the game (too many on my backlog already), so I'll wait for the cutscenes to see what their part is like first. Knowing me, I'll probably grab them regardless, but still.

The Scarecrow Guy
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Found a single Mustang Sally at my local Target. Not a single other figure from the wave, so part of me wonders if he was a return. Hope the others aren't far behind.

He's a nice figure! I'm a sucker for a good aquatic anything, and the addition of Danny Trejo certainly doesn't hurt. Fun sculpt, no trouble standing because of the tale. Love that they're throwing in the little Anenemies too. Not sure what I'm gonna do with all these extra swappable parts though; no real interest in the mix-n-match gimmick, but hey, are you really a collector if you don't have a whole bunch of extra parts you don't need?

The Scarecrow Guy
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Added Pigeon Pete to the lineup. Found him at a small Target over by me which almost never restocks figures, so it was a nice surprise. I do wonder what the case layout for the new MnM wave is; the peg had been empty for a week or two before, but only had 1 Pigeon Pete, 1 Mustang Sally, and a Bishop and Mechazoid, who weren't there before. Don't know if they were just laying around in the back or what, but it does strike me as odd that I haven't seen any of the other new figures from the wave yet.

Anywho, Pete is a fun figure. Such a goofy design and goofy character, but I love it. A giant pigeon man with lopsided eyes and a strap full of grenades who only speaks in incoherent squawks- what's not to love?

Super Camel reacted
The Scarecrow Guy
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Finally stumbled upon Lee and Gold Fin at Target. One of the smaller Targets that prices their figures higher, so they were $15 instead of $10, but still not terrible. Both come with a lot and take up pretty much the whole package, so it feels a bit more worth it. Might hang on to them for a bit to see if I can't find them for 10 each somewhere, but if not, that's okay.

Wasn't expecting Gold Fin to be so big. I was expecting something more in line with the Tots, since his whole thing in the show is that he's small but mighty. Doesn't bother me too much, but an interesting choice.

Happy to be caught up on new characters, at least until I start seeing the civilian Turtles and video game mutants. I know there's not as much a demand for the human characters, but if Playmates ever made an Utrom or Rod, I'd happily take them.

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Ah, Playmates infamous scale issues.

*glares at 2012 Leatherhead*

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I cant buy the figures (I already have 5 sets of turtles, and more of some characters), but the movie and show for this are super fun and entertaining. Really hope this version of the turtles succeeds, it’s a great experience.

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