With some cool toys from the line going on clearance, as well as the shipper displays being found with the new Mix N Match Turtles and more, I thought it would be nice to have a thread for all the new TMNT toys from Playmatres for Mutant Mayhem and the upcoming Paramount+ show and beyond.
I recently found the store shipper at Wal-Mart with the new Mix N Match figures and new Mutant Mayhem figures like Young Splinter, Baby Bebop and Rock Steady, etc. The Mix N Match toys are cool, but the main one I wanted was Metal head.
I haven't seen Ray Filet anywhere though for the Mutant Mayhem figures. Is he supposed to be with this new stuff, or had he already been out some?
As far as Clearance I bought The Mutant Mayhem bikes with Leo and Raph that were normally $24.99 for $10! This was at Wal Mart. Wal Marts also seem to be clearancing the 12" Leo and Raph, Pizza Van, and some other products.
Anybody else find any cool stuff or after anything certain?
I want the single carded April but haven’t seen it anywhere here in the Milwaukee Wisconsin area
Yeah, that April is cool because she comes with quite a few accessories. I got her in the Target multipack, but I think I will get the single carded April because of the accessories.
I haven't seen her, Ray Fillet, or the single carded costume Turtles in my area. I have seen young Splinter, the new Super Fly with his baby version, and Baby Bebop and Rocksteady.
Finally found Ray Fillet the other day. No other new Mutant Mayhem figures, but he was top of my list. So glad to finally have him and complete the line-up; feels like it took forever! Got the blind bag baby Superfly as well (was pretty easy to tell it was him in the bag just by feeling). I didn't need another adult Superfly, especially since he's still not entirely screen accurate. Gonna get baby Bebop and Rocksteady, but I'll wait for the packaged one. I don't mind Superfly all covered in ooze, but I don't want all of them to have the deco, plus I like the accessories they come with. Never really been a big fan of the cutesy baby version of characters that a lot of lines do, but these ones are actually really cute and dopey looking, aside from just being featured on screen. Still on the lookout for Young Splinter. Excited for the rest of the mutant tots and the school clothes Turtles down the road. Has there been any word on a possible Baxter or Utrom figure? Not quite as "exciting" for kids, but they still feel crucial.
Also found the Mix n Match wave, and picked up Bishop, Metalhead, and Mechazoid. Only thing is it was at one of the smaller Targets, so they rang up at $15 each. Didn't have a Target listing or anything to price match for, but I got them anyway, just in case. Gonna wait to open them so that, if I do find them for normal price, I can just exchange. Excited to have them, though. Can't wait for the other new mutants.
Glad you found Ray Fillet. I hope I can find him soon. He's the last one I need. But it's nice to know he's showing up, and I'm glad you got one 🙂 I really like the Mix N Match Metal Head figure. I don't know what it is about the figure, but I enjoy it a lot.
@supercamel-1982 Thanks! I got back into TMNT with Mutant Mayhem, so I'm still catching up on all the hype. I know Ray was a popular character in the movie, but is he hard to find/shortpacked, or is it more just a case of he's not widely out yet? I've seen a couple toy hunt videos lately where they go looking for him, and find everyone but him. Don't know how I managed it- I never have good luck, but I was having a crappy day and decided to pop into Target on my way home right before they closed to look for him, not expecting to find him, and he was the only TMNT figure on the shelf. Guess it was just life throwing me a bone for once!
I did manage to find Bishop and Metalhead yesterday for normal price, as well as Young Splinter (that flocked hairdo is so ridiculous, but I love it). Just gotta find the Mechazoid at normal price now, and the Bebop & Rocksteady tots. I agree with you- there is something really cool about Metalhead that I can't quite put my finger on. It's sorta like having a new fifth turtle, and the yellow really pops nicely.
I do miss having Wal-Marts close to me. Target never does the big shippers of figures, and at least around me, never does endcap displays or rarely ever puts out more than like a peg or two of any line at a time. Watching some of these toy hunt videos lately has reminded me how much I miss walking into a store and seeing either a huge shipper display or an entire shelf full of figures to comb through. There's something really fun and nostalgic about it.
I think Ray Fillet just hasn't widely come out much yet. Like you, I'm just now seeing reviews or toy hunt videos where people find him. So, hopefully I'll come across him soon. You were definitely lucky. He's just hitting, and it doesn't seem that stores are putting out more than 1 or 2 at a time as of now.
Good find 🙂
I definitely loved Ray in the Mutant Mayhem Movie.
I was excited to see some new Mutants shown at SDCC, but I was most excited about Genghis Frog, because they put him in a more vintage TMNT Toy attire with the blue Hawaiian shirt.
But they also showed Pigeon Pete, a new Wingnut, Mustang Sally, Lee the Eel and Goldfin.
Still can't find Ray Fillet, but I did pick up a couple more of the Mix N Match TMNT Line. I grabbed Mikey, Leo, and Splinter. I didn't realize at first that splinter had soft goods for his attire this time. I thought that was pretty cool. And even though it seems unnecessary, the mix n match feature of swapping and popping all the parts is fun. Especially since it works so effortlessly.
So, I will have to get Donnie and Raph soon to finish the Turtles in the Mix N Match line.
Took a little day trip to a place with a Wal-Mart, and ended up picking up a Mechazoid for normal price, so I'm happy about that. I don't really care for the mix-n-match gimmick, personally; it's cute, and definitely a heck of a deal for what you're getting at the price point, but I prefer to keep my character looking like they should, especially since
I really enjoyed Tales of the TMNT overall. The art style still held up nicely in 2D, even if it did lose a little bit of the "grunge". It was nice getting more time with the Mutanimals- they all got more lines and screen time in one 25 minute episode than they did in the entire movie. The humor really help up well for me too, and there was some great action. I didn't think I'd like all the turtles being separated throughout, but it really helped in their character development, so it ended up feeling like more than just a gimmick. Would love to see a season 2 in the future.
Definitely looking forward to the 2nd wave of figures, too. Pigeon Pete was a great standout, as were the aquatic mutants. Looking forward to adding them to the shelf. Only one I'm missing now from Mutant Mayhem are the Bebop and Rocksteady Tots. I could probably just grab the blind bags, but I want the accessories too. Glad I grabbed Ray when I did, because I haven't seen him again. Targets in my area are swimming in the Tales Turtles, but almost nothing else.
LOL. I'll actually give it a look. The little bastard sure ain't in the toy aisles. So, even worse case I can score some fish sticks and pizza rolls.
I actually picked up 7 new figures today. First off, they had all but one of the new regular Tales of the TMNT figures (the non mix n match). They had Raph and Mikey as High Schoolers and Crabapult. The only one from that set they didn't have was Turbo Gabby the lizard.
Since I was grabbing those, I went ahead and picked up the last Mix N Match figures I needed which was Donnie, Raph, Bishop, and the Mechazoid.
joshsquash729 I'm also excited about Pigeon Pete. I'm also excited about the Genghis Frog that has the more vintage Playmates attire on this time.
You know, I have never seen the blind bags with the babies. Where do you see them at? And is that all that's in the blind bags are the baby mutants?
I've only seen them at Target, as that's really the only big box store I have near me here in NY. All things considered, they're not bad for the price- $4-5, depending on where you get them. Even at the Target stores that normally mark things up heavily, they've stayed pretty consistent. Every time other than the first time, when the case had just been put out, they've been pretty heavily picked over, though. There's no extra cardboard or anything in the pack itself to really obscure what figure is inside, and I think since most people got the Turtle Tots before, they only want the Mutanimals. So your luck may vary, of course.
I've only picked up Superfly from the blind packs, as I wanted him, but not enough to get a second adult Superfly. He was pretty easy to figure out as being the one in the package, as his wings stuck out. Worse comes to worse, I can always try and get Bebop and Rocksteady that way, but I don't want the ooze effect on all the tots. I wonder how they're gonna put out the rest of the mutant tots they showed off- Wingnut, Mondo, etc. I'm hoping for just regular packs; I know it's probably silly, but I always feel like I'm doing something wrong by standing in the aisle feeling out all the packs to see who's inside. I suppose it could be worse- some people just straight up open them, but I want to be at least a little fair.
Thats awesome man! Where did you find him? Target or Wal-Mart?