I'm glad they are doing more of the remastered figures. Those renders do look a little sus though. I hope the final product turns out nice and looks fun and enjoyable like the 4 Turtles.
Justice, I don't know if that Raphael is yours, but I have seen videos online of how to fix the misaligned upper heads so you can straighten them up.
I originally didn't know this was a problem and was very lucky that the 4 Turtles I bought were ok and lined up correctly.
@supercamel-1982 yeah it is mine and I was able to heat and pry the top of his head off and fix it.
@supercamel-1982 Playmates did actually show digital renders of Shredder and Rocksteady, so they ARE planning to do more apparently. I know they're only renders but it looks like they're going to continue to overdo it in the redesign department. Vintage Shredder definitely needs an upgrade but there's no need to completely redo Rocksteady IMO. These new proportions are way different.
Playmates seems to have noticed the success of Origins and thought, "hmmm, how can we do that, but like... screw it up?"
If that's what Rocksteady will look like, I'm excited.
My biggest problem with the original was only exacerbated by Super 7's version - the head is f*ing GIGANTIC. It is NOT proportionate to the body, not proportionate to the cartoon, not proportionate to an actual f*ing rhino, lmfao.
Thanks to a text from a local collector, I was able to pick up the sketch set this morning. I had to do it after a colonoscopy(!) so I had to ask my wife to drive me!
These sketch turtles are so damn cute! Got all but Raph. Hopefully I can find him soon...
Are the sketch Turtles being found at Wal-Mart at all, or is it just Target? I keep watching them on Amazon and Target.com, but they never seem to go up again for pre order or go In Stock.
Are the sketch Turtles being found at Wal-Mart at all, or is it just Target? I keep watching them on Amazon and Target.com, but they never seem to go up again for pre order or go In Stock.
just Target til Amazon starts fulfilling.
I saw a complete set at 2 different Targets on Thursday, and I don't get a chance to really "hunt" but maybe once a week. Seems like they are starting to hit a bit more now, so just keep an eye out.
I spotted a lone Leonardo a day after securing my set and I can’t get my mind around why only one of the group would be left behind.
@normdapito funny that you mention that because I went to 3 or 4 Targets that had Mikey, Donnie, and Raph but no Leo. I managed to find him at the last one I went to about 10 minutes before closing. Leo is historically the least popular Turtle I believe so I couldn't understand why he was missing at that many Targets.
@justice I thought Donatello was the least favorite? His figures tend to be the most rare of any group of four… or at least I thought.
Thanks to a text from a local collector, I was able to pick up the sketch set this morning. I had to do it after a colonoscopy(!) so I had to ask my wife to drive me!
Norm, I have to quote you several days later because I'm reading back today. Just wanted to share, I bought Neca Alf at Target right after my colonoscopy. Nice to see I'm not the only that doesn't let a little procedure stop a good trip to Target or Walmart. Can you believe my Mom and Dad did not ask to go toy hunting after their colonoscopies 🤷. Generational differences, I guess.
I've been seeing these with some regularity (they'll show up, sell out, but then show back up a little while later), but I haven't had the money for even one of them.
I HAD the money for all four of them when they were first showing up & on sale. 😒
Only 3 of the 4 Sketch turtles can fit on the peg at once, so if you are only seeing one, he was probably put out after the first 3 sold.
This happened to me twice with Raph. Second time I asked someone if he still happened to be in the back, and as luck would have it...