They've been spotted at some of my closer Targets, but I can't afford them yet.
I COULD when people were getting them for $40. Heck, I could've back then at full price. I don't even really have the $40 right now.
The link for the bundle at Amazon finally went live. ETA September. I POed because I still have had zero luck at Target, and I’ve even got those individual links saved.
Thanks for the heads up, sir. POed as well, so I can save up instead of having to drop it all at once if I found them in stores.
I found the new Remastered TMNT figures today at Wal-Mart. These look awesome in person. In person, the weird texture we saw in the promo pics doesn't bother me at all. I know some folks have their issues with the articulation, but the range of motion and points of articulation these figures have is just fine with me.
Especially just for $13. And you get all these accessories and the rooftop diorama base/stands.
I was very skeptical at first but after seeing YouTube reviews I thought I'd give them a chance, and now having these in hand, I like them a lot. I really hope they do more.
@supercamel-1982 I agree. Got them last week and have been meaning to post about them. They're not perfect, but I like them. Certainly the can be better but I think there's stuff to like. They're cheap. Their bases are neat (surprised they have no footpegs). I don't mind the skin texture, and it really only stands out on Raphael. Wish the heads had more range-of-motion (no reason they couldn't have more). And ankles should be rocker. I really feel like ankle swivels are borderline useless. I wish Playmates would at least introduce ankle-rockers into this brand. All the other articulation is fine, but the ankles are the real killer. But they're fine as basic turtles. I think some aspects of them, like the skin texture, while not directly evocative of the original toyline, captures the essence of the toyline. As something kinda weird and wacky. And the headsculpts feel hand-drawn, if that makes sense, which recalls the independent, unpolished comic origins. Again, they're not perfect and could have been vastly improved with a few small adjustments, but I like them as some basic, not-tied-to-specific-media Turtles. I wouldn't mind if they continued the line with some other characters.
Just ordered everyone but Donnie (who was OOS) from Walmart. Should be here Monday! I’m excited to check these out in person to see if the skin texture is indeed less worst-thing-ever in person.
I haven't found the remastered at Walmart yet, but I don't have the money for them anyway, and I have found random assortments of the sketch Turtles (never the full four, but IIRC, I've found all four cumulatively), but don't have the money for them anyway (and then hit a previous store I first found two at, and they were of course gone).
Found a Pizza Shooter, but didn't have the money, and the box was in rough shape, and I'm doing these vintage rereleases to keep the packaging (the one time my buddy found an April, and her card was messed up, and I've never seen her period, and he never saw one again, so I'm still missing her).
Still no Toilet Taxi.
I wish they made these f*cking things easier to get like the next wave that's already showing up (Casey/Slash/Rat King/Mutagen Man) that I was able to preorder on BBTS for MSRP (BBTS markups don't count as "Playmates making it easier" because BBTS obviously didn't get those from Playmates direct at cost).
Got my three turtles. I was going to open Raph first as he was my favorite as a kid but... wtf with that head? It's like it was mis-assembled but I'm sure it's just one piece, right? Between this, the huge noses on the other three turtles and the head swaps for Leo and Donnie I think I might just return these and check out from this line until they announce it actually IS a line and not just another iteration of the brothers.
I will say, the dimple texture isn't so bad in person.
I was thinking, maybe this could be a fix for Leo and Don. Just swap their bandanas. But the problem is their skin color is still wrong.
I know the remastered Classic Turtles just started showing up. But I was really hopeful a Wave 2 would be shown or mentioned at SDCC. I hope they do continue this line.
@supercamel-1982 Playmates did actually show digital renders of Shredder and Rocksteady, so they ARE planning to do more apparently. I know they're only renders but it looks like they're going to continue to overdo it in the redesign department. Vintage Shredder definitely needs an upgrade but there's no need to completely redo Rocksteady IMO. These new proportions are way different.
Playmates seems to have noticed the success of Origins and thought, "hmmm, how can we do that, but like... screw it up?"
These Turtles are definitely not ones you want to order blindly. Much better to pick your own out in store where you can look for yourself to get the best ones (unless your left eye is in the center of your head like my Raph)