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Playmates Classic Original Sketch Turtles

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I want both sets. Hopefully Walmart will make them available online; that’s usually the easiest way for me to get their exclusives.

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Hopefully, the TMNT Origins figures aren't too hard to find via WM.   Maybe it's foolish to think they 've ordered plenty.   They look like they may be a bit overtextured.  I like the bases they come with too.  Interesting.

The original sketch figures are also appealing but in a much more limited capacity.  Still, who would have thunk Playmates would be making a variety of appealing merchandise, much less all in one year.

Anyone still finding the 2k3 figure rereleases around?  I've never seen them in stores.

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Looking at them, I think they're gonna be plagued with swivel ankles, because this is Playmates, and it would mirror the articulation on the Mutant Mayhem figures. Which is a major bummer. Like, why? Higher ups trying to keep costs low? If you've got ball joints at the knees and elbows, what's one more at the ankles? Sigh.

Also, if they're gonna offer the main four bad guys in this style, I can also see that happening a few years from now, because it seems impossible for Playmates to keep a decent release schedule going if it doesn't involve pumping out remolds of figures from 30 years ago.

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I’m intrigued. Not liking the texture and need to see the articulation. If they’re a hit I doubt they remain exclusive to Walmart so I’m not too concerned about that aspect. If they just match Origins articulation and price I think people will be happy, but hard to tell based on what appears to be a picture of a picture.

Super Camel
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Finally!  Classic Playmates Turtles but with updated articulation the same way Mattel is doing MOTU Origins and Street Sharks.  I will have them all.

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Just dumping the instagram post from AIC Podcast here, biggest version of the pic so far I think. Really shows the texture on these. For better or for worse. Also, aren't those the Classic Collection weapons from 2012?


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It definitely looks like there's SOMETHING at the ankles, but I'm not sure if they're hinge and pivots or plain swivels. If they're just swivels, I hope they're at least on barbell joints so you can get some side-to-side movement out of them.

Either way, I'm tentatively excited for these. Playmates means lowered expectations, but hey, I'd like to be surprised.

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@karl_space yeah, I think they are the CC weapons. The sai look ridiculous given these are smaller figures. I really don’t like the texture. It’s like they decided to make every turtle look like Genghis Frog.

KarlSpace reacted
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*sigh* One delicate step forward, 800 massive leaps backward. F STORE EXCLUSIVES UP THE FING @$$.

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Maybe the texture won't be as bad/noticeable, if these are hit with some dull coat?   The shininess of the plastic is really accentuating the texture.

I'm assuming the ankles are just swivel's Playmates.  I don't think they've discovered ankle rocker technology yet.  They don't even seem aware of hinge-swivel tech.

Also, I'm sure they'll get the most out of these new bodies(body?) and re-release them a ton of times.  I can see the Turtles (maybe sans bases) being offered to other retailers down the road.  

Hopefully these will be successful (of course they will be) enough that Playmates revisits other eras of the brand and updates their figures as well.   Mirage, 2k3 and 2012 seem like good contenders.

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Anything will be successful when you make it exclusive & underproduce. Immediate sellout! We're doing so well at our jobs!

Niko (formerly Jead)
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I hope at the very least that they decide to go past just the Turtles. I always want Casey in every line, but I'd def get him here.

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I like these 88 Remasters, they sorta look like a cross between the originals and the Movie Star turtles so I dig that (maybe they have that weird texture so they can be re-reused in 2030 for the 40th Anniversary of the movie?) 

I say I like them with the following caveats:

-I’m assuming these are cheap (which with the bases and the over sized novelty weapons, I could see not being the case and they want $20+ which is just a nonstarter for me)

-I’m not looking to collect a full line of “vintage updates” (don’t collect ULTIMATES! for the same reason, I want my TMNT to look like the show I liked not the toys just had to deal with) so any of the glaring issues with this line like shit articulation are just “who cares, it’s a novelty set I’m gonna stuff on my multiverse shelf and forget about” not “you can’t make Ace Duck and Wingnut without ankle hinges!”… if this is something *you* want, I get why it’s an issue and I respect that, but it’s not for me.

-it’s a bad picture, I’m assuming the final figures in their glamor shots will look a little nicer, if they look worse than the picture, also a nonstarter… also subcaveat for this, I’m assuming it’s a molded plastic diorama piece base not a cardboard pop up, if it turns out when we get clearer pictures it’s junk, that’s a huge mark against.

anyway, love the idea, can’t wait to see Playmates absolutely drop the ball so I skip another set of what should have been an easy buy! (Really wanted a set of reissued Movie Star Turtles, can’t believe they cheaper out and made them all on identical bodies!)

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I agree with everything that you have just said Doc Baghead.

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I thought I was done collecting 1987 TMNT figures, but I may have to get these!

My only gripes are Don & Leo's heads being switched. I didn't noticed it until someone on social media pointed it out to me, now I can't unsee it. Hopefully that was just for this picture.

Also, I find the color-coded weapons a bit odd as well. That's something that's more in line with the 2003 Turtles.

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