Didn’t see a thread for this, up on Walmart there are listings for 6” 1984 comic turtles for $19.97.
these are most likely part of the Walmart summer collector con happening 07/25 to 07/26
these are pretty much the stranger things x tmnt 2-packs now sold as individual figures.
I tried one of these via a Stranger Things 2pk. They're obviously too large to fit in with any other lines. But I also didn't like how the left hands are molded to hold Walkmans. They end up not holding their weapons very well in that hand.
Great sculpts of a design that only represents three issues of a massive comic run? And it scales with nothing else? Count me in!
Crazy that Mondo is probably still the best overall representation we have for Mirage Turtles.
After seeing the terrible articulation scheme these had, I just forgot these even existed. Playmates needs to figure their shit out.
Speaking of Playmates it looks like that guy who was always making excuses for them never returned after the snap. He had Krang as his avatar and his handle was a series of letters beginning with an O but I don't remember the rest. Just realized that. Some used to joke that he worked for Playmates I think.
Ohhhh, Mr. "the NECA & Playmates yellow ducks with orange bills & feet in brown jackets & blue jeans look NOTHING ALIKE." Yeah, I remember him.
Instead, we kept ToonTurts, who I guarantee is either Joel Weinshanker, or related to him. 🤣
@tenime I had to Google who that was not now I'm laughing.
Maybe we need a thread where we post about missing Fwooshers. Like in disaster movies where they have the memorial wall in town where people post pictures of their loved ones that disappeared during the flood/alien invasion/zombie apocalypse.
🤣 Yeah, our good buddy Joel is the president & CEO of the National Entertainment Collectibles Association; or "NECA" as we know them here, because someone who celebrates the insanely high prices of the sewer sets or the "brilliance" behind the Loot Crates (that even Randy Falk hated), has to be profiting off NECA's customers somehow, lolol.
There's an old board member I wish I could find again, because I owe him my broken Danny Pennington forearm, but because we lost our Private Messages from the last board, I lost his screenname, real name, e-mail, and physical address. 😥