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Loving watching this enter the “… and find out stage” of the program!

the copium of being told “yeah that’s not how this works” and arguing “well r/legaladvice isn’t real lawyers”, chef’s kiss! Love it!

edit: oh god! Just read over a bunch of shit on the reddit, the OP in r/legaladvice thread getting butthurt they were being “mean” to him, the pin thread attempting to cite unrelated legal precedent to stand their ground… just return the fucking things my dudes.

I can’t wait! Next step is for one of these Double Donnie Dildos (which is what I’m calling them from now on since “chodes” is getting old)  to contact an actual real world lawyer and have to PAY THEM to be told “yeah, stealing is wrong just return the toy”

although, let’s be honest, most of these Double Donnie Dildos don’t have a second lab, they’re giving incorrect and HARMFUL legal advice to people who are going to lose their rights to buy future exclusives all because the Double Donnie Dildos have nothing but malice in hearts and a desire to watch the world burn because Randy (who is the sole owner of NECA and directly controls all aspects of the business like Loot Crate, warehouse shipping, and which Targets get restocks) made a powerful enemy the day he didn’t like and retweet their very good and logical request of “please make figures from ‘Dirty Zombie Freks’ (1971) I think they’d turb out very cool!” All they wanted was for Randy to follow them back and say “right away, sir! Can’t believe I was too stupid to think of that!” but he couldn’t even do that for his fans! Swear to God, if Super7’s figures didn’t break so easy and had a wider variety of characters based on cartoon and comic designs or Playmates made figures for adults or if the licensed Hong Kong figures didn’t cost over $100 each I wouldn’t even deal with NECA anymore!

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If I were someone like Justice who paid for one and didn't receive it, I'd be pretty upset.  But at NECA, not at people who were sent two.  If they sent extras to those people and still sent you your one Lab, you wouldn't be upset at them for getting two, right?  I'm by no means trying to defend people who want to keep their extras, I just mean, it seems misguided to be mad at another customer over being mad at the company who you paid and who didn't fulfill your order.

In the end, I'm just another NECA customer, so I'm not going to judge NECA by how they handle those who received two sets but how they make it right by those who didn't receive one.

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@vicious7171  Yeah, absolutely. It's wild to me that here and elsewhere, there seems to be way more of the onus being put on the customer than is being put on NECA. Like, everyone is all angry about 'thieves,' but significantly less angry, at the least, at massive corporate incompetence and the ever-present inability of NECA to do things like respond to emails in a reasonable amount of time. So....

Also, we just don't have enough facts here. We have no idea how many people got an extra lab, how many people are missing labs, etc. For all we know 300 people are missing labs and only 20 people got extra labs. Not to be conspiratorial, of course. Just an example of the kind of information we do not have and will certainly never have.

At the end of the day, any NECA employee with at least one good eye and an Internet connection can see that SOME of those extra labs are long gone and they're never going to get ALL of them back. As I said previously, if any customers end up without the labs they ordered, it is 100% entirely on NECA, because there is NOTHING besides turning the ol' plastic toy maker machines back on that is going to actually result in every customer getting what they paid for.

vicious7171 reacted
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@theknightdamien I'd take it a step further and say NECA is doing some dirty politics by implying that people need to return their extras in order for them to fulfill the orders of those who didn't receive one.  In their email, it reads,

"To help us resolve this situation and ensure there are enough dioramas for the customers who bought them, we kindly request that you return the extra product to us."

To pit toy buyers against each other while shifting the blame off themselves is so lame.  

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@vicious7171  100%

You can break it down even further because there's other issues with that, relating back to NECA taking their sweet time to do this. If NECA never got back to you about this extra set that showed up, eventually most people are going to just assume NECA doesn't actually care or that nothing is going to come from this. So what if you opened it? Are you going to box it all back up and then NECA is going to send another collector an opened, played-with toy? At this price point?

Further, there's logistical issues here. If you leave your FUCKING CAR, not a 300 dollar toy, but a 30,000 dollar CAR at a shop for too long, they will sell it. Because there's only so much expectation you can have about free, or even just unplanned, storage. NECA took a long time on this. How long is a collector expected to store (and therefore protect) this huge playset that they're not going to get to keep? If you've got a tiny apartment and could barely find a spot for the one you actually bought, what the hell are you doing with the second one? If that person sells it after a week or two because NECA ignores them - I don't blame that person at all. It's in the goddamn way. That thing is huge.

Every argument, every hypothetical, all seem to come back to NECA not doing what they should have done. So to try to turn collectors against each other (which is clearly working) is gross. Especially if their deep and heartfelt concern for collectors getting what they paid for doesn't extend to just making more when INEVITABLY not enough product comes back to them to make everyone whole.

Although I still want to be clear that I don't think NECA is doing anything wrong by asking for a return of the mistakenly shipped product. Not at all. They just should have done it a month ago and I'd be far more supportive of them and far more critical of people saying they won't or can't.

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Weren't these made-to-order?  They certainly weren't stocked at retail.  So I don't find it at all outlandish to think they don't have enough to go around.  And I guess I would make the distinction that what NECA did was a software glitch and that keeping unpaid-for product is a choice.

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@vicious7171 NECA's at least trying to right things. When it falls on people being douchey about it and not wanting to return the product, I think it's completely fair to be upset at the people being douchey.  And boy are they being douchey. Those Reddit posts are bordering on insanity.

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@doc-baghead It was already pretty despicable that people found and gave out Randy's phone number because they were mad about Loot Crate, but this has definitely solidified what horrible people they are. And over nothing, really...cause yeah, most of these people aren't even involved in the matter.  They just want to get into the mob, kick and throw a punch when they can without any backsplash on them.  It bugged me seeing types like Mad Hatter even getting into it and encouraging people to be shitty because of this and that reason.  It's all insane.

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Posted by: @detrimental-fig

@doc-baghead It was already pretty despicable that people found and gave out Randy's phone number because they were mad about Loot Crate, but this has definitely solidified what horrible people they are. And over nothing, really...cause yeah, most of these people aren't even involved in the matter.  They just want to get into the mob, kick and throw a punch when they can without any backsplash on them.  It bugged me seeing types like Mad Hatter even getting into it and encouraging people to be shitty because of this and that reason.  It's all insane.

If he ever got samples from NECA, I hope they cut him off for this BS.


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Neca also had same issue with Baby Beetlejuice!?

I'm not surprised something like this happened because from a handful of personal experiences, neca's shipping dept barely knows how to properly tape a box.

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@cmoney I get where you're coming from with the comparison between glitch and intentional misconduct, as it were. But I still don't believe it's quite that cut-and-dry, and that's my ONLY problem with one side of this conversation. There seems to be (with some people, certainly not all) this utter willingness to jump to the defense of NECA and attack other collectors with absolutely no regard for any facts. Life is nuance, right?

I don't want to bang on about it, because I've already gone on at length about the various extenuating circumstances that are possible, even probable. We already suspect (only NECA and the individual can KNOW) some people reached out to NECA right away and were ignored. We have basically no concrete details. We don't even know how many collectors we're supposed to be mad at, or how many fellow collectors are left without. We do know how long it took NECA from the first reports we saw until the first email they sent. And the fact that they're not being utterly dragged around town for the gap there by certain people who also happen to be quick to hate on other collectors is wild.

At what point is it actually NECA's fault? Or at least at what point do they share equal blame? And why are some people so quick to write scathingly about the customers, but are seemingly taken aback at any suggestion of wrongdoing on NECA's part? And why has it been so easy for some to ignore/brush off suggestions that maybe the number of mis-shipped sets and the number of collectors without sets they ordered don't match?

It's fuckin' weird. It's weird that people, in general, simp for corporations. None of them, and certainly NECA is included in that, are so free of wrong-doing that they're exempt from criticism or consequences. And we have almost no actual information. Certainly not enough to be like 'NECA been done wronged and collectors are screwing other collectors!'  We really don't know how true that is. Could be HUNDREDS of sets. Could be like 7. Could be HUNDREDS of people missing out. Could be like 12. And those numbers might not even correlate. NECA knows. We don't.

So ultimately, a lot of the outrage is like.. theoretical outrage? We're at the point that some people are angry, who are not affected by any of this, at the hypothetical 'if it were me' actions of people who are also probably not affected by any of this. What are we doing here? Just being angry at each other for the sake of being angry?

Maybe NECA should get their shit together and learn how to communicate with their customers outside of softball interviews with their personal favorite YouTuber 'reviewers.' Does that excuse stealing product? No. Are there a bunch of other things that either definitely do excuse it, or at least mitigate the severity of it? Absolutely. Any suggestion otherwise is just ridiculous. In my opinion. We can talk about this with nuance and without the insinuation that every collector hat doesn't think NECA is 100% innocent here and anyone giving them static is a thieving asshole that personally took someone else's toy.

scottg10 reacted
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I dunno, I just found NECA's email pretty innocuous and the fan response to it overblown and cringy.  Far as I'm concerned the only people with a genuine grievance are the ones who aren't going to get the diorama they ordered and (in the event that they ever actually exist) the ones who get charged twice but only received one diorama.

And "at fault" for what?  For the mistake that they admitted to making and then offered a hundred dollars to rectify?  I guess I don't know what we're (the collectors as a whole, not you and me) even arguing about at this point, hurt feelings?

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Yeah, I don't see people dragging their personal issues into this as justification for keeping product that isn't theirs.  Because that's mostly what I've seen with all the vitriol from various Youtube videos and comments and this and that and everything. NECA not getting to this quick enough? Yeah, I can agree with that. Shoulda been on that shit immediately. But people are going absolutely insane bringing in every transgression they think NECA has done to them short of raping their mother. I simply can't have sympathy for a crowd of people that want to act like that. Give me a reason to root for the little guy, not the company.

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Topic starter  

I've been off the grid for over a week and am not surprised to see this topic is still thriving. It's the perfect internet, toy collecting controversy. I still see it as pretty cut and dry:  if you got a double and no longer have it, that's too bad for NECA. They took way too long to rectify their shipping woes. If you got two and just have it sitting there, then just send it back. It's not a big deal. If you got two, but NECA has screwed around with you in the past with its questionable customer service and you're holding it against them then I'd say that's petty, but justifiably petty. And if you ordered one and don't have it, be mad at NECA and no one else. I don't blame NECA for trying to get the extras back, but they need to be more transparent with those who are still waiting and be honest with them. Offer them a refund if they want it and be prepared to order more from the factory.

scottg10 reacted
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Man, I've been seeing people get some pretty good stuff in those TMNT blind boxes NECA was selling.  Seen a few people get stuff like the Turtles in Disguise box set, the old Shredder/Krang 2-pack, the Channel 9 set, etc.

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