@detrimental-fig This is Neca. They have the worst customer service of any action figure company lately. They aren't going to turn on the assembly line to make 200 of these and will have a minimum to do a second run. Most likely they will just refund the unlucky people whose orders they aren't able to fulfill.
I just bought one off eBay from a guy who says he has stopped collecting the line but he was only charging $340. I'm going to lobby for a refund from Neca on mine that I haven't received. If I can't get it and they do end up fulfilling mine somehow, I'll just sell it on eBay later on and probably end up with a profit on it.
They do not, what are you even talking about? And yeah, they'll do another run and sell them. I don't see them doing refunds when they know people want what they paid for already.
They do not, what are you even talking about? And yeah, they'll do another run and sell them. I don't see them doing refunds when they know people want what they paid for already.
Are you kidding me? I can't go a day online without reading a horror story about their customer service. It is a common joke on Reddit and Facebook. I'm still waiting on the missing piece from my Golden Angel Predator that they were supposed to be sending me. That was what, five years ago that he was released? Probably more.
I hope NECA does a second run so everyone is made whole (they can sell the leftovers quietly on their Amazon oage like they do with Super Shredders and Ultimate Aprils) but if they just issue refunds and don’t send out labs, remember:
Everyone who keeps the “free” labs will never get to buy a NECA exclusive again.
I know they’re talking a big game now “how would they even know I got two?!” MY BROTHERS IN CHRIST, THEY CAN SEE THE SHIPPING STATEMENTS TOO! The email was not a blanket send out, I get the pre-order updates and I didn’t get one, I got my Comic Con exclusives and didn’t get the “we messed up” email, odds are if you got the email THEY KNOW.
“they can’t legally ban me from shopping at their store!” YES THEY CAN! You know how corner stores tack up photos and say “do not sell to this man!” THAT’S YOU!
So yeah, it fucking sucks now, but it’s going to be VERY VERY FUNNY in June when they’re posting “anyone else getting a weird ‘account unable to complete purchase’ message when they try to check out?! SMDH this company!”
I hope NECA does a second run so everyone is made whole (they can sell the leftovers quietly on their Amazon oage like they do with Super Shredders and Ultimate Aprils) but if they just issue refunds and don’t send out labs, remember:
Everyone who keeps the “free” labs will never get to buy a NECA exclusive again.
I know they’re talking a big game now “how would they even know I got two?!” MY BROTHERS IN CHRIST, THEY CAN SEE THE SHIPPING STATEMENTS TOO! The email was not a blanket send out, I get the pre-order updates and I didn’t get one, I got my Comic Con exclusives and didn’t get the “we messed up” email, odds are if you got the email THEY KNOW.
“they can’t legally ban me from shopping at their store!” YES THEY CAN! You know how corner stores tack up photos and say “do not sell to this man!” THAT’S YOU!
So yeah, it fucking sucks now, but it’s going to be VERY VERY FUNNY in June when they’re posting “anyone else getting a weird ‘account unable to complete purchase’ message when they try to check out?! SMDH this company!”
This was a weird one for me too. I saw people claiming there's no way they could know and I'm thinking um, can't they just check the destinations of the shipping labels they bought and match the shipping info to existing accounts? I'm not going to be shedding any tears for the folks who flipped their extras and then can't even order next year's SDCC exclusives.
It's a colossal screw-up. I know people who got an extra and they reached out to NECA via email and on socials and got crickets. When they didn't hear back, they either sold them or gave them to another collector. NECA was way too slow to react here and only have themselves to blame. I agree that, unless they get something close to full compliance, people are going to get refunds. They're not going to start a new production run unless they open up orders again to everyone (and maybe they will, if they think the demand is there) because it's too expensive. They'll take the PR hit. Or, if they think it's cheaper, they could do like everyone else and buy up secondhand stock. I doubt it, but they're in a mess of their own making so good luck.
Wow! Reading the comments about this on Reddit and ‘X, the everything app formerly known as Twitter’, the undue confidence of the scumbags who think they can just keep the extras labs AND can’t be banned, it’s mind blowing!
Just as a fun point of reference, the FTC rule these chodes love pointing to doesn’t protect them the way they think it does.
The way it works is: if NECA had out of the blue sent you a sewer lab you didn’t ask for, then an invoice that said: “pay up, send it back on your dime, OR ELSE”, THAT’S AN FTC VIOLATION.
The way this happened: “Undue Enrichment” is theft plain and simple, for example: if a bank teller’s finger slips when cashing the $5 birfday check from Grampy and doesn’t hit the decimal, you didn’t just win $500. When the bank checks its records they’ll remove the extra accidental $495 whether it’s still there or not. Because think about it, if this was how it worked tellers and cashiers would make “mistakes” all the time, “opps only rang one of the four PS5 Pros you brought to the register! Guess they’re yours when cross the exit boundary!” By sending pre-paid shipping labels NECA is doing all they’re legally required to do to fix the situation. The $100 bonus to get these chodes to be decent human beings is going above and beyond.
And NECA absolutely can LEGALLY ban you from using their online store. Target has banned people from online shopping for making too many returns, “stole a $400 item” is a perfectly valid reason to block your account. I know a lot of hay is being made about the one guy on Reddit who only got one but was sent the email. Believe it or not, if he contacts them NECA can check HIS, see this is true and mark him as clear, it’s not a blanket statement of “they don’t actually know! We can do whatever we want! Fuck them!” If you’re the type of person who wants to buy a $350 house for your Turtles, you’re probably the kind of person who would like future NECA Con exclusives, why would you risk it all for a “free” lab?! You’re going to spend more on the aftermarket mark up getting all future exclusives than you make on the lab.
Also the idea of lawyer up is laughable. First, you’re in the legal wrong, but sure, let’s say you find a slap happy lawyer who will take the case… it’s gonna cost more than $400. You might as well tell NECA “can you just send me an invoice so I can keep it?”, maybe a few fans with more money than common sense will get the lawyer they keep on retainer to scare NECA and get to keep their second lab AND be able to purchase future exclusives, but America has been and always will be a land where the law doesn’t apply to the rich and all us broke ass jokes will still suffer.
”We’ll do a class action”, lol, on what grounds “all of us want to steal and they won’t let us!”, Class Actions are a scam lawyers pull on dimwits, let’s say McDonald’s ran ads saying coffee was 50 cents but when you purchased it they charged you a dollar because they didn’t say “with purchase of two egg muffins” and six million people bought coffees being deceived like this… so a lawyer might round up as many of those people as they can, and sue McDonald’s for the $3m they got by scamming people, the lawyer takes a big old cut of that $3m and then the 6 million people who were overcharged for coffee can file a claim to get a check for 30 cents… there’s no case here “My clients were all sent items by mistake and they don’t want to give them back, your honor please for the record say NECA is being mean to them!”
Sorry to just vent, just wooooow, the amount of undue confidence from these guys, it’s just, wow
People on reddit almost never respond with any sort rational basis. A $100 credit is a pretty good reason to send it back, the only problem being some may not have it anymore. And if that's the case then, well, get a new NECA Store login and send all future stuff to a friendly address. I mean it's not hard to get around a banning like this. Talking about getting a lawyer is laughable. NECA can refuse to sell to anyone as long as they're not discriminating on the basis of a protected status, but don't let that stop the people on reddit from having such a reaction. It's at least good entertainment.
Yeah, it's wild to me cause it really is like...win-win for people. If you're not an asshole. All you have to do is give back the thing you know wasn't yours to begin with.
Apparently NECA also sent out doubles of the Baby Beetlejuice too, same “threat” to ban from future store purchases, only a 20% off offer code though.
It’s going to be a VERY FUNNY Comic Con season I tell you what!
I imagine the Store warehouse is going to be getting a good restructuring. Assuming whomever isn't already fired, they certainly will be now.
Seen the latest round of emails where they are apparently threatening to charge people for them now? I thought it was made up at first but then saw others start to post it. It just seems so out there.
Really though, with as hard as Neca is fighting to get these back I really think they have no plans to do a second run of them and will just refund.
@justice I’m very very sorry if you don’t get your lab because of these dishonest chuds
But it’s about to get VERY VERY FUNNY
I wonder who’s going to be the first to try to lawyer up and have it slowly explained to them they’re the ones in the wrong.
I love the threats of a boycott, it’s gonna go as well as when they try to boycott videogames “well yeah, I *said* boycott them… but then they made something I wanted!”
The wording of the email reads as if -one person- wrote it. I don't think it's real. Or if it's real, it's someone trying to make up for a fuck up. The emails do not come off as official or thought out as they normally do. It's very fishy.
And yeah, seeing the nimrods really get up in arms now. The internet really makes people crazy.