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Why are these variations even considered so soon after the 4pk was released? Seems like overkill. Those 4pks are still lingering at my stores.

vicious7171 reacted
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I guess because it saves money if both sets were in production at the same time. I prefer this white coat look for Raph, but not enough to repurchase the figure (plus a Leonardo). I wish they would have just made the extra coat an accessory in the four pack since it already was pretty light on extras for the not-so-low price of $150.

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That two pack is going to warm shelves like we have never seen before. I have no idea why they even made that.

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@justice Because people actually want it.  There's people that were customizing the ones in the 4-pack because they remember THESE colors over the other.

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@detrimental-fig completists gonna complete.

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I don't think it's a completist thing. I think it's a "these are the specific color variants certain people wanted in the first place' thing.

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The toon-specific street scene diorama is back for preorder. $150 still and I guess now it will actually come with TMNT themed packaging (original just came in a brown box). Hopefully they package the satellite dish accessory better this time, myself and many others had it arrive broken (they never did replace it).

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easily fit 30 figures on display?  maybe if they're MONSTER IN MY POCKET toys lmao.  

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@vicious7171 nah, it's actually not hard to get that many onto one of these things. Without counting the interiors or figures like Mousers and Roadkill Rodney, I have 33 figures on one of these things and 35 on another. Chrome Dome, Krang, Colossal Napoleon, Rex-1, Pizza Monsters, - they're on there so it's not a case of me being selective either.

vicious7171 reacted
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I can't believe I'm seriously considering the street scene. I just finally sold my Classics Grayskull maybe a year and a half ago or something like that because I just will never really have anywhere to properly display it. And here I am thinking about something that's basically just as big. But I've also always kicked myself for not having the street scene to display my Turtles, even though I also have no idea where I'd put the thing. What's wrong with me?

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@theknightdamien it's not bad. It is a little janky, but it stays together and it's a nice display option. I have the toon one and a standard one and I don't think the toon one is really worth the extra 40 bucks or whatever it is. I also bought some of Johnny Nostalgia's paper inserts for the windows which I like, though it does remove the ability to put figures inside the diorama and have them be visible through the window. Also, one of the things that did disappoint me is that the walls and such are really thin. I went to put some lighting inside them to better utilize the interior, but the walls are too thin and the light bleeds through it and ruins the illusion. I like them enough as a display option though that if I had room for a third I'd probably consider it.

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@misfit In fact, Johnny Nostalgia just put out a video - yesterday, I think - going over all kinds of 3rd party stuff for the street diorama. There's some cool blinds that clip on to the back of the windows and are actually slats of resin/plastic, so you can see through them. That's a pretty cool way to dress up the windows but still be able to see figures behind them.

The lighting thing is definitely tricky. I guess if I were going to do that, I'd just end up painting the inside of the walls black so the light doesn't shine through the walls noticeably? I dunno. Expensive pieces like that are tricky with customizing because you (or I, at least) always want the option to sell it later if it doesn't work out for whatever reason.

I know it's more, but if I do buy a street scene it's the cartoon one that I want because it's the cartoon figures I really want displayed in that way. I don't plan to ever have enough movie figures to make the movie scene worth getting, and I don't really have anything I really want to use the 'regular' street with at all. The cartoon one is the only one I ever strongly considered getting at all.

Plus.... maybe I'll get the sewer at some point as well? Jesus.. I don't need to spend this kind of money on display pieces I probably don't have room for.

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@theknightdamien That is exactly what I did for light bleed through, paint the interior black.  However, that didn't entirely work, it was still coming through in some places.  I think I used duct tape or electric tape to address those areas.  It was a lot of work, not sure it was entirely worth it...

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@scottg10  Yeah, it's definitely not a 'for sure this would work' but more of an idea of what I could do if I wanted. Now, I also don't know what kind of paint you used. At my work we have an heavy duty, black elastomeric FR paint that we use sometimes (incidentally, this is not why we actually carry it) for a similar purpose to what we're talking about here. I can paint actual glass with this stuff and after two coats no light gets through. So, that's probably what I'd use because I'm the boss and I can just go take some if I want. Haha.

But again.. I really don't know that I'd care enough to go that hardcore on it.

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So I, like many others apparently, am still waiting on shipping for Donnie's lab.  I came across a post on a Facebook group yesterday where several people that received theirs weeks ago got a duplicate freebie that showed up this week.  Someone who had bought two and gotten two already got two more freebies.  It appears some orders are being duplicated.  If this is truly made to order and they don't have extras then this does not bode well at all for some of us who haven't received these yet.  I reached out to Neca "customer service" but I fully expect a patronizing "please be patient while we ship orders" e-mail with no real info in it.  I thought their last shipping update e-mail (speaking of I haven't gotten on of those emails in a long time) mentioned shipping by September.

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