Also, for those of you that are missing the Cartoon Street Scene diorama to go on top of this sewer diorama, do not worry, NECA have confirmed that they will release it again at some point in the future, so there will be an opportunity later on to get it.
For those of you that held off on getting the van first time around, there will eventually be another re-release of that too, but not at this time.
This line is far from dead, in fact it is full of life and I believe there were 12 new figures revealed for it at the recent SDCC 2023, with many more that have been teased for later on!
Have they announced anything recently about re-releasing the Street Scene and Van?
Because they said they'd re-release the street scene at the same time as this underground sewer set, but have not. Maybe the optics would look bad, as one is half the cost of the other. There was also mention of the Van going up for pre-order again, since they made so many changes to it. But Blainer Things (a designer at NECA) recently confirmed they are not. Maybe the first report was incorrect, or maybe Blainer things meant not at this time. But so far it sounds like there was talk of re-releases, and then NECA decided against it.
I wouldn’t expect preorders on the van, but it sounds like they ordered more from the factory than ordered for direct sales once product is delivered (which will be next month). It may have to wait until all orders are shipped and they deal with any QC issues, but it sounds like there will be more opportunities for the can from NECA.
I'm really hoping they get to Tempestra soon.
They joke about Tiffany but I'd buy her in a heartbeat.
With them now doing Toon Style things I'm really hoping for...
...the possibilities are just crazy.
I know the red sky stuff in typically despised, but I 1000% want a Lord Dregg. I'd buy a human Carter, but the mutated one is something I'd pass on.
I said it a few times in the old forum: I absolutely need Dregg, his two lackeys, and their bug army.
Anyone ever buy anything for 12 months using Shop Pay? I'm considering it for this, but not sure how it works. Do I still get this in DEC or will it not ship until the 12 months are up? Also, does it get sent to somewhere for holding or is it up to NECA to hold onto it if it has to be held?
Yeah, it pays it all up front, you get your item when it ships normally. You just have to pay for the item over that course of time, plus interest if that's part of the deal. I often use the Paypal Pay in 4 thing on stuff these days. It's a bit too convenient...
Thanks, appreciate the info!
My take on what Blaine from Neca said was that preorders for the van wouldn't be right now. Trevor said in an SDCC walkthrough that there were going to be add-ons for the van (accessory pack or maybe a couple of things released similarly to Donatello's portal) and I imagine when those go up for preorder is when they'll put the van back up too.
I'd be willing to bet that we'll see one of those waves of open preorders like we've had in the past where a few things go up for preorder every two weeks with no crossover so we can't save on shipping. My guess/hope there too is that we'll see that Mirage Lawson style Turtle set and the Ultimate Toon April (crossing my fingers on that one because I've lost count of how many times I have had to approve the delay on my preorder through Target which gives the sense that, at 4am est--the time all these approval e-mails have been sent--I'll be getting a cancellation e-mal in its place) [if people from Neca are reading this thread then more toon Mouser set preorders please!]
My take on what Blaine from Neca said was that preorders for the van wouldn't be right now. Trevor said in an SDCC walkthrough that there were going to be add-ons for the van (accessory pack or maybe a couple of things released similarly to Donatello's portal) and I imagine when those go up for preorder is when they'll put the van back up too.
I'd be willing to bet that we'll see one of those waves of open preorders like we've had in the past where a few things go up for preorder every two weeks with no crossover so we can't save on shipping. My guess/hope there too is that we'll see that Mirage Lawson style Turtle set and the Ultimate Toon April (crossing my fingers on that one because I've lost count of how many times I have had to approve the delay on my preorder through Target which gives the sense that, at 4am est--the time all these approval e-mails have been sent--I'll be getting a cancellation e-mal in its place) [if people from Neca are reading this thread then more toon Mouser set preorders please!]
I believe that Trevor mentioned that we would be able to buy that circular spring board at some point that would fit into the middle of the van that shoots the turtles up and out when the van roof opens up like in the opening credits of the early seasons.
It would make sense for NECA to open up the van pre-orders again when those new van accessories are ready, so that both can be ordered at once for the people that are missing the van from the first time around.
The funny (to me) part about this is that the upcoming lair playset/dio/whatever was slowly edging me toward starting over with a cartoon TMNT collection. I'm not gonna pretend like I am so important to NECA as a customer that this matters, but still; a reasonably priced dio almost certainly would have had me back in for at least a good thousand dollars' worth of product.
But with that price? Makes it very easy to just say 'never mind' and not even go down that road at all.
And... Target canceled my Ultimate Toon April.
@theknightdamien one would think they would have priced the living room aggressively to lure people in, then upcharge them on the kitchen/lab/etc.
Has there been anymore news on the Usagi 4 pack? I'm hoping its coming this year, but I'm afraid it might be a 2024 release.
@misfit One would think. But they didn't.
Really, the pricing of that thing is just bizarre. I don't understand it at all. It's wildly higher than expected enough that the first time I saw the price mentioned I thought it was a mistake.
In anticipation of the turtle van shipping, I did one round of rearranging of my toon shelf.
I realize I have way more of the toon line than I had first planned, and I don't have all of them on this shelf.
When the van gets here, some of the figures will go on the shelf with that.