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I've picked this line up piecemeal and now of course I want some basic Turtles.  What's the deal with the Ultimate Turtles. Are they going to be single packed at Target with their "hope you get there first" distribution like the rest?

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Posted by: @chooch555

I've picked this line up piecemeal and now of course I want some basic Turtles.  What's the deal with the Ultimate Turtles. Are they going to be single packed at Target with their "hope you get there first" distribution like the rest?


Pretty much. "Ultimate" implies they'll be single releases. They look to be the exact same molds as the disguise turtles, but will have some new accessories. Since they're the actual turtles, there's a good chance Target stocks them which should make them easier to get.


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Thanks. I'll keep my fingers crossed as these go out.

Space Cadet
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I bought the lair, it's overpriced, not worth the value, but I can afford it, I think I have the space, and it'd make a nice centerpiece to my toon collection. So against better judgment I pre-ordered it. Pleas don't follow in my footsteps.

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This could go in any NECA thread, but this one is always the most popular. Target is bringing back Fall Geek Out this year and is advertising NECA for Friday September 29. If it's like Targets Summer event, decent chance that NECA has a bunch of stuff headed to Target at the same time, whether or not it's technically part of the event. Hopefully, it's nothing like this year's Haulathon as that was way too much, way too fast.

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Welp, I've been wanting to learn 3D modelling, and 75% of my local friends have the printers, and flat walls with rectangular bricks & circles & cylinders should be pretty "novice" level, right?

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I'm really sitting on the fence with the Sewer Lair, it feels essential but I just don't know where they are coming up with that price.

Then for the street topper to just be foamboard is just insane.


It's the Hellcharger all over again.

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I am 100% getting this sewer lair. The quality of it is fantastic and it fits in with the line perfectly. You can move the pieces on the walls around to different parts of the brickwork, (like swapping the mirror and monster picture around etc.), so it is very customisable and I like that. Custom dioramas will be made out of cheap materials as most of what you are paying for is the labour, and custom dioramas don't quite fit perfectly with the figures.


There are as many as five sewer rooms in total according to Trevor as he hinted at 1 or 2 extra rooms being in the works on top of the three we know about, so it would suck to miss out on this one and then really want the other four rooms later on and then have to pay aftermarket prices for this living room set to complete the lair.


I do think it is a bit overpriced but I can't be certain NECA are gouging us fans as maybe the tooling for this really is pricey. I still hope for a surprise price drop being announced by NECA over the next couple of weeks based on fan feedback and them under-estimating demand, but even if they don't drop the price, I am all-in on all the modular pieces of this fantastic sewer lair. These pieces are more than just a diorama, as the floorspace in each piece is so large.


Hopefully some more people change their minds on getting this fantastic living room piece too!

Agent of S.W.O.R.D.
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Anyone ever buy anything for 12 months using Shop Pay? I'm considering it for this, but not sure how it works. Do I still get this in DEC or will it not ship until the 12 months are up? Also, does it get sent to somewhere for holding or is it up to NECA to hold onto it if it has to be held?

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Posted by: @swordagent

Anyone ever buy anything for 12 months using Shop Pay? I'm considering it for this, but not sure how it works. Do I still get this in DEC or will it not ship until the 12 months are up? Also, does it get sent to somewhere for holding or is it up to NECA to hold onto it if it has to be held?


I'm fairly sure you will get it when it is physically ready to ship, but you will still continue to pay for it for 12 months essentially.


This is a great diorama with so much quality, I will be surprised if anyone regrets buying it and I am pleased to hear that you are thinking of picking one up.


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Also, for those of you that are missing the Cartoon Street Scene diorama to go on top of this sewer diorama, do not worry, NECA have confirmed that they will release it again at some point in the future, so there will be an opportunity later on to get it.


For those of you that held off on getting the van first time around, there will eventually be another re-release of that too, but not at this time.


This line is far from dead, in fact it is full of life and I believe there were 12 new figures revealed for it at the recent SDCC 2023, with many more that have been teased for later on!

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I get people's gripes with the pricing, and I don't love it either.  But I get it. This is an item that not many people were going to get in the first place (just due to space etc), so it'd have to be a lower production item. Plus there's not really much in the way of reuse once all is said and done, and that always kicks up pricing.  I don't know.  I'm of course getting a set, because why not really.  Yay payment plans.

I do think people are acting a bit insane about the whole thing though, like people just wanted a reason to start throwing some of the nastiest aspersions at NECA over this. I guess they were certainly doing the same at the poor Marvel Legends team during the Engine of Vengeance Haslab.

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Posted by: @swordagent

Anyone ever buy anything for 12 months using Shop Pay? I'm considering it for this, but not sure how it works. Do I still get this in DEC or will it not ship until the 12 months are up? Also, does it get sent to somewhere for holding or is it up to NECA to hold onto it if it has to be held?

Yeah, it pays it all up front, you get your item when it ships normally. You just have to pay for the item over that course of time, plus interest if that's part of the deal.  I often use the Paypal Pay in 4 thing on stuff these days. It's a bit too convenient...


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Posted by: @detrimental-fig

I get people's gripes with the pricing, and I don't love it either.  But I get it. This is an item that not many people were going to get in the first place (just due to space etc), so it'd have to be a lower production item. Plus there's not really much in the way of reuse once all is said and done, and that always kicks up pricing.  I don't know.  I'm of course getting a set, because why not really.  Yay payment plans.

I do think people are acting a bit insane about the whole thing though, like people just wanted a reason to start throwing some of the nastiest aspersions at NECA over this. I guess they were certainly doing the same at the poor Marvel Legends team during the Engine of Vengeance Haslab.


I didn’t get that impression at all. I get the sense most people are genuinely baffled by the price, especially considering it was announced as $250 at SDCC. That confusion has certainly sowed anger, but it is what it is. It doesn’t matter much what it costs NECA, to a consumer, it either looks like it’s worth the price or it doesn’t and I think the vast majority have concluded it does not.


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Ramen Toys is doing a livestream right now with Mad Hatter. Looks like he's working on sewer set to compliment the NECA one for a $150-$180 price point (depending on # ordered), shipping included. With a goal to ship before late-January.

Sounds like the idea is that it would have a plastic roof instead of accessories. Possibly a ladder/manhole.

And he mentioned doing accessories as an add-on.


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