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Welcome back! Things look about the same, run a little slow, but it’s good to have the forums up and running once again. This weekend seems to be all about testing this thing out, so why not help Robo out with one of his favorite topics:  pricing!

Yes, the topic of the day is NECA’s recently solicited sewer lair living room diorama. It was supposed to be available at this time last year, but was delayed for unknown reasons. Maybe because of the price? They packed accessories for it into a set earlier this year (which is also up for preorder) and even announced a price of $250 at San Diego Comic Con, but that was in the “before times” so can we really hold them to it?

Here in the “New Era,” the lair is $300, plus what looks to be at least $30 shipping (more for international). I was planning on getting it ever since the street scene dio was released, but I’m going to have to pass at this price. Who’s getting it?!

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I’m passing on the lair. 300 is too high for what it is. I also have no room for it. TMNT is not the only line I collect or have on display. I can’t afford the space that thing will take up. Meanwhile, I ordered the party wagon…

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300$ for the lair is insane. It simply can't be justified when their other diorama cost less and was bigger. I was looking forward to it, thinking "it can't be more than 180 or something". Too bad, I guess...


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Same.  I can afford it, I do have a place for it, but it absolutely is not worth the price.  It’s crazy that Super 7 now has more reasonable pricing when compared to the Cat’s Lair.  This seems to go along with Loot Crate and AutoT in the continuation of bad decisions/experiments at NECA.

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Same. I have the money but the value just isn't there.

Perpetually Confused
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Against all my better judgement I want that giant Krang. 

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One more person here of the same opinion that $300 for some, but not all, of the Living Room is a bit too far into ridiculous territory.  Definite pass. 

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I already bought the Extreme Sets animated sewer they released, because I knew I wouldn't have the room for any of the 3 pieces NECA was teasing.

That said, the price is jaw dropping considering the reverse of the walls are bare plastic, and it doesn't even look like they included the "road" piece to go on top of it to place the street scene display that Trevor mentioned it was going to have so you could have a "full" setup.

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Like others have said. I'm out. I can't justify that price. Thank goodness the accessory set is up. 

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Posted by: @popoman

Against all my better judgement I want that giant Krang. 



Me too!

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I have scaled way back on these. It’s probably my favorite line but they have gone so deep and I just don’t have the room and cannot justify the costs on anything I consider non-essential. That being said I am all in on the ultimate and disguise turtles. 


Agent of S.W.O.R.D.
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Posted by: @salemcrow

That said, the price is jaw dropping considering the reverse of the walls are bare plastic, and it doesn't even look like they included the "road" piece to go on top of it to place the street scene display that Trevor mentioned it was going to have so you could have a "full" setup.

I did see on Twitter that Blaine confirmed the road piece is included, but it appears that it's going to be some sort of foam core, and not plastic. 

The price is absurd, but I'm grabbing it. I feel like an a-hole, but grabbing it...


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I won't begrudge anyone who does choose to purchase the lair. Some people are compelled to go all in, so price may not be a deterrent. If you have the means and space, I admire you. But I personally can't do it, I just have too many other collections to display and can't justify the price.

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Posted by: @salemcrow

I already bought the Extreme Sets animated sewer they released, because I knew I wouldn't have the room for any of the 3 pieces NECA was teasing.

That said, the price is jaw dropping considering the reverse of the walls are bare plastic, and it doesn't even look like they included the "road" piece to go on top of it to place the street scene display that Trevor mentioned it was going to have so you could have a "full" setup.


They really missed an opportunity to have it come with a better street piece that contains a cutout for the manhole cover they included with the street dio. The manhole cover was far and away my favorite play feature of the old Playmates lair. I know in the show they didn't just "drop in" to the living room, but I think it would have work including. I still wouldn't pay 300+ bucks if it did have that feature so I guess it's moot, but those who are might have enjoyed the feature.


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I'm glad I wasn't excited about the sewer dio because holy cow is $300 a hard pill to swallow.  Good luck to those of you that do order it, I hope you don't get hit with buyer's remorse. 

Posted by: @popoman

Against all my better judgement I want that giant Krang. 

Me too, as long as it's priced appropriately.  I think the current guess is $150, which I could probably justify.


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