I didn't realize the Prof was a two-pack. Not saying it wasn't stated somewhere, but if it was then I managed to miss it.
Either way, that seems like a bizarre decision; a two-pack made up of one character's outfit changes. Particularly when it's not exactly an A-list marquee character. I'm guessing NECA is banking on the idea that anyone wanting Perry is probably fully all-in on the line and will buy every version of every character so.. why not.If I were going to get a Perry, I definitely would be looking to pick my favorite version and just get that one rather than pay for two of the same tertiary character. But hey, they look great.
I'm pretty sure it was mentioned at least one walk through during SDCC when the figures were revealed, that it was going to be both versions of the professor as a set. I just don't think it was mentioned HOW we were going to get the chance to get it.
I didn't realize the Prof was a two-pack. Not saying it wasn't stated somewhere, but if it was then I managed to miss it.
Either way, that seems like a bizarre decision; a two-pack made up of one character's outfit changes. Particularly when it's not exactly an A-list marquee character. I'm guessing NECA is banking on the idea that anyone wanting Perry is probably fully all-in on the line and will buy every version of every character so.. why not.If I were going to get a Perry, I definitely would be looking to pick my favorite version and just get that one rather than pay for two of the same tertiary character. But hey, they look great.
You never saw me constantly b****ing about this B.S.? Lol
Was that jumpsuit "concept" April ever released? The one using the Ripley body. I'm having a hard time finding info online.
I think that's the same one that was shown off with the arcade cabinet, and it hasn't been offered anywhere for preorder from what I've seen.
I think that's the same one that was shown off with the arcade cabinet, and it hasn't been offered anywhere for preorder from what I've seen.
Gotcha. I'm a latecomer to the line and was hoping I hadn't missed her. Thanks!
Yeah, I believe they said she was a very early mock up (they are re-working the body) just to show she was in the works. Hopefully see an update at whatever the next event is/when the current stuff has all been released.
Oh nice! She should look even better next time we see her, then.
Does anyone know if Professor Perry is an In-Stock order or a Pre-Order?
Ordered! 😀
Yeah I'm impatiently waiting for that jumpsuit April.
Any info about Professor Perry and the SotO Shredder reissue? Should we expect those up tomorrow?
For real; I was a bit worried, but for nothing it seems. 😎