Ended up picking up Tokka & Rahzar on eBay since I don't have faith these are ever going to see a re-release.
Big boys! Tokka is an actual weapon! The spikes on his back are quite sharp.
They look great in the display...especially with the SDCC Keno!
What's the ETA on non scooter and pizza box packaging Keno? Did they ever say? I'll get the figure, but with space limitations I'm not going whole hog on that tertiary a character. Still deciding whether I need a Professor Perry, as all I really want left is Tatsu and Vanilla Ice. Perhaps April's boss, Charles, but that's it!
What's the ETA on non scooter and pizza box packaging Keno? Did they ever say? I'll get the figure, but with space limitations I'm not going whole hog on that tertiary a character. Still deciding whether I need a Professor Perry, as all I really want left is Tatsu and Vanilla Ice. Perhaps April's boss, Charles, but that's it!
Are they releasing that version on it's own?
I was under the impression it's just going to be Foot Training Keno in the 2-Pack...
They didn't say, but probably not that far off. Looks like the Perry two-pack is next, and then the Keno/Full-figured Foot Ninja set will follow. I think I'm done with the movie stuff. If they ever do Tatsu, then sure, but I wasn't certain if I wanted a Professor Perry, but I know I don't want two versions of him. And my display is crowded enough that I don't want any more "Feet."
@andru I would hope so, but I have no idea. That's kinda the ideal version of Keno to have if you're going to have one at all. I don't really need more Foot Ninjas as I already went crazy on the 2 packs previously. Is Perry just coming with an ooze canister and another Foot Ninja?
@jtmarsh both versions of Perry are in a two-pack together. Keno comes with the new Foot ninja.
I just want labcoat Perry. I'm sick of ALL of these companies (especially Hasbro) forcing me to buy a figure I don't want in order to get one I do.
I'm still missing Earthrise Prowl, because when his two-pack with Ironhide dropped, I couldn't afford it. And the new one (AGAIN in a f***ing 2-pack) is not only permanently "battle damaged," but the changes they made in general (opaque, painted windows) is garbage to me compared to the original.
And the next person to suggest "just sell the ones you don't want" has just agreed to buy the ones I don't want, because I'm running out of space in my apartment holding onto them at loss prices no one's interested in.
Got Pizza Keno during the collapse. It's a very nice figure, but nothing remarkable either. On par in quality with the rest of the line, which is excellent. He's the only SotO figure I have, so he kinda doesn't fit? But I also never got the Danny figure from LootCrate, so I guess he kinda fills that void. I don't have room in my display for his scooter though.
Yeah, the scooter went right into storage.
I do like the T-shirt though!
I never did get the 1st movie foot soldiers so I feel like I'm not going to be able to resist the SOTO ones if I ever see them.
Which I won't. But still.
@jtmarsh both versions of Perry are in a two-pack together. Keno comes with the new Foot ninja.
I'll probably skip Perry then if that's the case. He was more or less a stand in non-Baxter Stockman, and I wasn't that enthralled by him when I saw the movie as a kid, much like I found Paige Turco or whatever her name was - April to be equally meh. So looks like I'm about done unless they start making movie dioramas like the rooftop scene etc.
Yeah, the scooter went right into storage.
I do like the T-shirt though!
I wear a medium, but all that was available when I was ordering seemed to be XL, so I didn't even bother with the shirt, it's still in the pizza box, which I'm storing. However, back when the original pizza place closed, my brother and sister screen printed a shirt using the real logo ("Original Famous RAY'S Pizza"). For the SotO movie, they used the location, which was on 6th Ave and 11th St, and altered the logos to say ROY'S Pizza instead. This is the same Ray's Pizza Santa references in the movie Elf, and the Ray's logo can be seen on the pizza box Obadiah Stane brings Tony Stark in Iron Man. Apparently, Jon Favreau was a fan of it too. It was my childhood Ray's Pizza because my parents worked at St. Vincent's Hospital on the same block (7th Ave and 11th St). To me, it will always be the real Ray's Pizza, since there are so many others all over NYC and none taste the same.
Yeah, the scooter went right into storage.
I do like the T-shirt though!
I wear a medium, but all that was available when I was ordering seemed to be XL, so I didn't even bother with the shirt, it's still in the pizza box, which I'm storing. However, back when the original pizza place closed, my brother and sister screen printed a shirt using the real logo ("Original Famous RAY'S Pizza"). For the SotO movie, they used the location, which was on 6th Ave and 11th St, and altered the logos to say ROY'S Pizza instead. This is the same Ray's Pizza Santa references in the movie Elf, and the Ray's logo can be seen on the pizza box Obadiah Stane brings Tony Stark in Iron Man. Apparently, Jon Favreau was a fan of it too. It was my childhood Ray's Pizza because my parents worked at St. Vincent's Hospital on the same block (7th Ave and 11th St). To me, it will always be the real Ray's Pizza, since there are so many others all over NYC and none taste the same.
Nice, appreciate the insight!
Medium as well. I was able to grab a large and it shrank to a decent fit.
I rearranged my movie figure shelf and added a second for the SOTO and TMNT3 figures.
I have a variant of the Super Shredder, a set of the Game Stop single figures, and the farmhouse pack that aren't on the shelves right now.
I could put the alt heads from the accessory set to the single turtles, and then display them with the farmhouse set on another shelf if I move more stuff around.
Unless the release the delivery Keno on his own, or with a Paige Turco Arpil, I am finished unless they manage to do Tatsu or Vanilla Ice.
I don't know why it's not letting me post more than one Flikr image in a single post, but here's the SOTO and TMNT3 shelf.