So are the new four part of the Last Ronin line? I read TLR, but I can't imagine I missed them showing up in this story.
It was like a post-credits stinger, Casey Marie showed 4 babies in a bowl (IIRC).
Then in TLR: The Lost Years, there were two storylines, one following the 4 New growing up (beautiful artwork), and one following Mikey's travels from losing everyone to the beginning of TLR (garbage artwork - Mikey looks like a green Voldemort, only without ears either). I'd highly recommend it (despite my issues with one of the artists, lol).
And then TLR: Re-Evolution has started this past March, and is the 4 New, AFAIK (I don't read monthlies anymore, I wait for the collected editions).
Haven't read The Last Ronin 2, but they are the center of it so they belong in this line 100% Maybe I will pick it up. I wonder how Jason Aaron's run will be and what that could mean.
We got in 2 of the naked and bandaged Last Ronin figures at my Walmart yesterday, so i grabbed one to check out, and if I really like it, I'll wait for a sale to grab 3 more to add as random fantasy creatures for my Mythic Legions and NECA D&D figures to square off with.
Remember hearing Trevor say something about this in passing at SDCC in one of the walkthroughs, but this is the first I've seen it official and for sure the first I've seen it available to pre-order:
Picked up the nude Last Ronin figure today at Walmart. I never find stuff at Walmart. There was also two Leo and one Splinter. There were three nudes on the shelf, and I considered grabbing all three to make into the other Turtles, but I decided to check out just one to start with. Haven't opened yet. I doubt I'll stumble on extras again though, so maybe I'm saving a hundred bucks.
Also came across the accessory set at Target yesterday. Considered canceling my online order but it was already in the process of shipping. Went back to Target today, and the set was still there, so I picked it up, since I've gotten no update on WHEN the online order will ship. So far, I only took Honeycut out of the package. He's almost a full fledged Fugitoid figure, except for a missing right hand. He has alternate parts to make it look like his right leg is ripped apart as well. He was the main reason I wanted the set, as the rest of the accessories will likely just sit in a Ziploc bag.
Casey Marie and April coming. This series isn’t over yet!
Wonder why they didn't have the new generation of Turtles on display at NYCC. They had 'em at SDCC. Was curious about what accessories they might be coming with.
I think I’m skipping the spirit Turtles.
They look fine. I'm mostly out on the Ronin line having so far only bought the original Ronin figure and Synja bot. These would work if I wanted to add to my display, but I'm probably out unless they hit clearance way down the road. And why does NECA refuse to do vertical hinges with this line on the gripping hands? Drives me crazy. At any rate, even if I wanted these I would not preorder from NECA direct and take my chances that they show up in other places. The price is acceptable, but their shipping and recent track record is not.
I ordered a set, I love the naked Ronin sculpt. It’s one of NECA’s best Turtles in terms of sculpt and what it can do (it’s not as good as some other more expensive Turtles but for NECA, top notch.) I do wish these were based on the original promotional art/first issue where they had less identifiable gear and black (dark green?) mask since I think the fun of Last Ronin was that first issue and wondering which one it would be. I’m sure these are what they are because they’re going to get non-translucent repaints in the future to be the afterlife (Dream sequence?) versions.
Have people seen the newest reveal from this line by NECA? It's kind of my favorite Turtles thing I've seen in a minute.
I'm not usually a Casey guy. I don't buy Casey figures - never loved the hockey mask motif.
But this thing is bad ass looking to me. The black color on the mask takes it to another level and the cape adds a super-hero element somehow that makes the whole kit more menacing and cool. This is a figure I can own.