Ooh! I was wondering how the arrows would actually fit in him. Are they all just plugs? Like a buncha holes in his shell?
So, the one going through his shin, there's a hole clean through the leg, and no back to the arrow, so you just feed it through backwards.
All the arrows are pointy tipped. To the "point" (ha) that you could hurt yourself if you were delicate like me & not careful (though, their thinness does make them pretty fragile). But they're not solid triangles, they're kinda barbed. Like, a triangle on top of another triangle. I can take a pic when I get home from work tonight.
His shell (& vest on the front) are soft. Kinda rubbery. There are slits all over his shell, one for each regular arrow. The barbs in the middle of the arrowheads "plug" into the slits. It's kinda neat, but then my anxiety wonders how long the material will last, or if the holes will get widened with too much insertion & removal (giggty).
And I definitely have not felt brave enough to leave him standing with them in. Gods forbid SOMEthing bumps him, and he falls over & snaps a couple arrows off.
Yeah, he's one where I feel like you'd have to be REAL damn sure how you pose him or just have him dead on the ground. :p
Also the Haulathon picture leak showed the Last Ronin Accessory pack is headin' to Target (first?). Gonna have to snag that.
The Raphael First To Fall figure is not numbered and so does not make up part of the mural when you put the numbered boxes together, in the same was as the Rogue Derelict and black and white versions were not numbered either.
I made the mistake of reading the first Last Ronin mini-series Thursday night. I say mistake because the very next thing I did was go order every last Ronin figure that Neca currently has available. I REALLY loved that series. I'm reading the Lost Years next and I am in dire need of a Neca announcement of the impending release of Odyn, Yi, Uno, and Moja. Also need April, Case Marie, and Oroku Hiroto in the final battle suit. Let's get on it Neca. You like money and I like giving it to you in exchange for plastic in the shape of things I love
Casey's up for pre-order on BBTS. Elsewhere soon as well, I'd imagine.
Gotta fill that physical media hole with something...
BBTS already got LR Casey in. Not often they're among the first these days (barring the initial Walmart offering, of course).
Two things: it seems like some people have flashbak Mikey in hand already, and I saw a mention of him being on Amazon at one point? I see there's a page for him on Target's site, but listed as out of stock. Anyone know anything about that?
Second thing: I'm just passing this along. It was posted in a reply to post on the NECA TMNT reddit by a user with only the one post to their name. Could be total BS, but we'll find out eventually. In the meantime, here's what they said:
"Not only are they doing all 4 new turtles in a 4 pack there doing them in toddler versions as well one with gammy April one with Casey Marie and the other two I'm not sure who with. There also doing a wandering Mikey in snow gear full armor hiroto samurai hiroto with the first ever neca horse the 3 ghost bros and a couple others I can't quite remember off top of my head right now and half the ones I just named are already in design phases and could potentially be revealed at sdcc "
Believe/disbelieve, makes no difference to me!
Part of Uno's hand is on the collage spine for flashback Mikey.
I just ordered Splinter on Amazon, it says delivery June 24-July 15 ...
But I'm also noticing placeholders for Leo, Mike, Don, and Spliner on Target's site, and Leo and Mike on Amazon.