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NECA TMNT Archie Line

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@tenime I couldn't help tease, but I'll be honest, I still worry until I see it.  Mine is one state over, so maybe I get it tomorrow.  Saw someone on FB group post they received the single issues today.

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Oh, absolutely. I worry when it's a reputable seller I've had years of experience with like Amazon or BBTS, lol. I don't feel it's a successful transaction until I've got it in my hands & made sure it's what it's supposed to be without flaws (like if it's a figure, nothing broken or missing).

I think I saw that post - are you in the "TMNT Party Wagon" group?

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I am in the group.  I just got my hardcover, BTW.  There will be a post in the group about it too.  🙂

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I opened it up just to make sure there was print on the inside. and I happened to spot images of Ninjara!  Also went to the back to find my name in the credits.  🙂

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I might have commented on your post, then, haha! Last name "Tenime," with a Rocket Raccoon profile pic. 🙂 

Glad you got it! Can't wait for mine! (I went softcover, so it matches the rest of my TMNTA collection, though I'm worried about the "oversized" description the dude used. If it's taller than the rest, my OCD/autism won't be happy, haha. At least it'll be at the end, and not sticking up in the middle.)

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OH SH**. My Forever War softcover has shipped!!!!

Estimated 17 days!!!!!

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"Released from Russia" 4 hours ago, "15 days remaining." COME ONNNNNNNNNNNNNNN.... 😆 

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lol, I need to finish it this weekend.  And then probably re-read the series from the start because i don't remember all the stuff that lead up to this.  lol


It does continue the trend of the series having strangely mature themes for what was originally a series aimed at young kids.

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Oh man, I just saw the back of someone's softcover on FB, and it matches the backs of all the rest of the IDW reprints. This is gonna be so amazing.

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I'm about an hour west of Chicago...come oooooooooooooonnnnnnnnnn, USPS!!!!

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It probably get to you Monday or Tuesday man.  I finally finished it.  Won't spoil anything, but I was definitely left wanting more.  Also, the epilogue references TMNT Odyssey in the editor notes.  Now I gotta read that, but I think supposed to read all of Mirage before that one.

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Yay, the boards are back, and we didn't lose anything!

I'm fairly certain you replied to my post on the Party Wagon group, but it absolutely showed up Monday, but needed a signature, so I got a "sorry we missed you" slip, and had to go pick it up Tuesday (I chose to work from home so I could run over & be back before I needed to start, haha).

I'm especially relieved that it's the same size as the IDW trades, since it was listed as "oversized" when I paid for it.

I absolutely love that they matched the back design as well. I do wish theirs said 17 on the spine, though, haha. Just for consistency.

(And speaking of consistency, I'm still ashamed I didn't measure the spine details of my custom "8.5" & ended up with the misaligning. Live & learn.)

I am doing Mirage first, just for S&G, but good to know about "Odyssey."

Did you also get the e-mail about "Where It All Began"?

I'm wondering if it's needed, how much it is, or if I even have it digitally (I have EVERYTHING TMNTA digitally, that's how I was able to get 8.5 printed - my home PC is currently down & in need of a massive upgrade, but I still want to do the source guides, the spinoffs, and one just for the Mutanimals run - the IDW trades have them included chronologically...but of course, omitted one or two...I think one...but it was like, #8 out of the 9 total).

As soon as I'm done with what Mirage I have (I definitely don't have all of it), you see my lineup (which now includes "First Graphic Novel" colorized volumes 3 & 4) leads to the new Saturday Morning Adventures, and then Archie. I just finished Last Ronin & TLR: Lost Years, and so decided to go to the left of the shelf & just proceed right until I'm done, lol.

Really wish I could find "Urban Legends" (the '90s Image run) volume 2. I lucked upon volume 1 at Half Price Books, but looking online, that's the easy one to find. I managed an order for 2 on Amazon, but it auto-cancelled two weeks later "due to no stock" (even though I'm pretty sure it was a 3PS anyway).

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Any rumors or speculation as to when and how the wrestling turtles will be sold?

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@justice nope, but NECA did a summer thing last year at Target (it was how the Mirage 4-pack was released) and I wouldn't be surprised if something similar is happening this year that includes the Archie 4-pack and the new Mirage and Archie singles we saw last year (Mondo, Rat King, etc.).

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But we just got through the spring thing at Target 😔 

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