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NECA TMNT (2012 series) Line

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They look fantastic.  I'm currently in season 3 of the show (kinda doing it and '03 in tandem, I only ever watched like the first season of both), but work is nuts right now so I'm progressing slowly.  Still, there's a ton of stuff I'd pick up if NECA makes it.  My concern being, of course, expense.  We've talked about it before, but man, everyone just towers over the Turtles in this show.

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If we can get a 2012 Leatherhead I'm gonna squeal like a girl.  But yeah, they look amazing, even more excited (and worried for my wallet) than ever.

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I will admire these from afar, they look good and show accurate, but I never watched the show personally so don't have much of an affinity for them and need to draw the line somewhere to help curb my collecting habits. I think I heard from somewhere that this is the best TMNT show storyline-wise though.


I just hope that if they ever get around to releasing Lord Dregg in this line, (which there is a reasonable chance of considering Playmates released a figure of him in their 2012 TMNT line), then that will prompt them to finally release a Lord Dregg in their Fred Wolf line.

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It's definitely one of, if not the, best TMNT series.  I watched all of Rise earlier this year (and Tales, if that's not too new to enter the conversation), and I'm working on 2012 and 2003 together right now, and I'd say I mostly prefer 2012 in terms of story, characterization, writing, choreography, etc.  There are a few design choices that don't work for me, but a lot of them do. It's overall pretty strong and I like how organically it folds so many eras of TMNT together into one story.

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@cmoney 2012 is easily my favorite animated iteration of the turtles. I found 2003 to be too generic 90s/00s action cartoon, and Rise was just way outside what I'm looking for in media I watch, though I'm perfectly happy for those that liked it.

For me, 2012 not only made them feel like teens, but more like family and less like yet another super hero team that happens to be brothers. I loved their bickering and playful picking on each other, particularly Mikey's and Raph's interactions with each other. Speaking of Mikey, he's easily my favorite version of the character and I feel like too many people don't understand that he's not dumb but extremely ADHD. He's smart but most of that intelligence is applied to frivolous, imaginative things. And I love him for that.

Plus 2012 Splinter is almost objectively best Splinter ever. Letting him be a badass ninja master instead of solely in the teaching role really gave the turtles something to grow towards over the seasons.

My only real complaint is in that episode 4, they defeat Bradford and Xever's Foot soldier backup using stealth - that was the moment that made me love the show. And then they rarely, if ever, did stuff like that later. That moment made them really feel like ninjas instead of just martial artists and I wish writers would remember that more.

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Can't really find anything to disagree with there!  Especially the character stuff.  Splinter's definitely my favorite version of any of the shows so far.  I will say that as I make my way through season 4, I'm liking the space stuff a little less than what came before, but there's still plenty I do like. Sometimes the designs go a bit too goofy for my tastes, but then sometimes they just nail 'em too, so that's not a big overall complaint.

And I totally agree about '03: it does feel kinda generic at this point, although I like a lot of the Baxter stuff and the way he's constantly being "pieced out" and upgraded. 🙂

aggroninja reacted
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Michelangelo was my favorite on the show. He's usually my least favorite in other iterations. But the way they handled him here... So easy to underestimate, but so formidable in his own goofy way.

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Always loved 2012 Splinter. They allowed him to be funny, stern, kind of scary... It was excellent. NECA better include the Cheese Phone, I swear...

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April dressed as Travis Bickle for Halloween: future SDCC exclusive? 🙂

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Also, I'll pretty much take every character from the post-apocalyptic Mad Max future arc, thanks.

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Sorry to bump without any real substantial news, but just here to mention that in the recent Veebs/Trevor interview, it was mentioned that they have about ten figures at the factory already, including all the Turtles and at least a couple of villains.

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NORM reacted
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Shredder looks awesome. Not loving this default portrait on Donnie though, but overall this line look really promising. Maybe NECA's most on-model effort yet:

NORM reacted
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Oof....those Turtles are really tempting me.


Loving that Slash teaser as well.

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Seriously, I really don’t know how I’d be able to resist this line. It’s the iteration of the TMNT I’m most attached to and have most enjoyed (besides probably the ‘89 movie). So far everything looks so on model too.

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