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NECA TMNT (2012 series) Line

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Jumping the gun a little bit here, I know.  But Pixel Dan posted a video about it recently calling the series his favorite Turtles incarnation, and Trevor from NECA said the same thing at SCC, so I decided to check out the show a bit.  Only watched a handful of episodes, but it is entertaining enough and my understanding is it's only going to get better.  But one of the things I'm thinking about straight off is cost/size on these.  The villains so far are HUGE, I'm actually kind of hoping NECA makes the Turtles themselves a bit smaller so we're not paying $50+ for other mutant characters...  Anyways, here's all we've seen so far, just to start things off:

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And here's Dan's newest video, with some wants/designs mentioned that got me more interested in this line in the first place:

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I agree that this is probably my favorite incarnation of the TMNT in terms of story. Animation was fun, designs were fun, though not my favorite visuals for the Turtles themselves. I did love how they were all different builds, and I believe this was the first incarnation to do that? Anyway, I'd obviously be in for all four from NECA, and probably a bunch of the peripheral characters. I do agree that I wouldn't mind if they were smaller so that the villains aren't gigantic. The ones I remember being REALLY big are Dogpound and Leatherhead. Oh and Slash. Triceratons were expectedly huge. I loved their redesign of Metalhead. Tiger Claw will definitely be one of my more coveted characters.

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Posted by: @normdapito

I agree that this is probably my favorite incarnation of the TMNT in terms of story. Animation was fun, designs were fun, though not my favorite visuals for the Turtles themselves.

I have this relationship with the current TMNT stuff.  I don't really care for most of the designs, and I outright dislike Splinter's, but I really enjoyed Tales of the TMNT and thought the animation looked great in 2D.


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I love the 2012 series. It took me a bit to get used to, but once I actually sat and watched a few in a row, I fell in love.

If you love any version of the turtles through the years, and are a bit of a pop culture nut, this series should really speak to you because they pull from a LOT of sources for inspiration.

As for this line, I want the brothers, obviously, Splinter, April and Casey. Shredder, Karai, Tiger Claw, Bradford as Rahzar (preferred over the Dogpound look), Fishface, Metalhead, Bebop and Rocksteady, and a Kraang or 2. 

All 4 Dream Beavers could be enticing, and other 1 off mutants could draw me in if done well, but the above list is what I could consider essential. 


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No wants to hear a guy say “um, I *DON’T* like these” so I’m not gonna get into why the 2012 series just never clicked with me…

That said, I’m a huge NECA Mark so even though I don’t like say, Snakeweed, there’s a high chance seeing him as a NECA sculpt with NECA plastic and paint makes me fork over $50 especially if they’re similar enough to blend with the Archie/87/Mirage lines (think “Transdimensional Turtles” when they go the 87 universe; no change in design just colored to match!)

and still holding hope we get Rise too someday, I’d be all in on Rise!

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I dig 2012's designs and NECAs toys so this is very interesting.  Proportions look a little wonky, but they have time to work it out.  

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The Mike render does look like it tapers too much towards the top and then has a too-small head, but as you say, hopefully they'll work it out.

Super Camel
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NECA is killing me with all this awesome TMNT s***.  But like the Cartoon, Live Action Motion Pictures, Archie, and Mirage stuff........I'm probably going to get these 2012 Turtles too.

I love the 2012 Cartoon.  The original 80's/90's cartoon will always be my favorite out of nostalgia.  But the 2012 Cartoon is probably the best written, well executed cartoon of all the TMNT animated projects.

Also, NECA is starting this line with Ice Cream Kitty.  Michelangelo, my favorite Turtle, and Ice Cream Kitty.   That decision gives me faith in humanity. 

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Michelangelo was the BEST on this show. He was always my least favorite in every other version, but this version was great in every way. The fact that he's coming with Ice Cream Kitty makes a ton of sense. I would love for them to include his Turflytle costume.

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Mikey and Leo on display at NYCC. Still can't believe they are covering this iteration. Love how they look so far. Gimme some villains!

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They look so good:

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These look so good. I managed to not go too deep on the original toon but this one is gonna cost me.

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As good as they look, I do feel like an opportunity was missed to include a pair of soft goods, pizza-stained, briefs with Michelangelo.

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@misfit Leo's season 5 katanas as well.

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These look so so so good. Very happy I sold off my Revoltechs. Three heads per turt? Hell yes. They could do endless expressions with these guys, in fact I hope we get an accessory set with more. I loved how wild they got in the cartoon. And they could include those briefs, Misfit. 

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