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MOTU Origins - Turtles of Grayskull

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Got the first four from EE today. I'm definitely in for the rest of the turtles and any actual turtle characters they offer, but not totally sold on the MOTU variants - I actually love the turtles displayed alongside the normal MOTU figures but not in love with the purple look of He-Man (okay, Duncan is a very fun variant, no complaints). 

I can live without the exclusives... I do want some of them but if I can't find them I'll be okay. 

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Opened up Leonardo.   I really like his design.  You can kinda strip him down to a standard look but his shell can only attach via his harness.  His back does have a shell pattern sculpted, but it's not painted and is the same color as his skin.   I continue my decades-long hatred of the sword splitting feature.  Leo doesn't hold the splits swords very well.  The halves at least snap together well, and Leo holds the combined sword just fine.  

Haven't opened MAA yet, but I love the look of him.   Also picked up Mouse-Jaw but haven't opened him yet (this weekend perhaps).   He seems rather larger.  I noticed the BAF aspect and wonder who the other 4 BAF figures are.  I'm thinking Moss Man will be one, as it looks like he comes with some largish accessories.   I imagine there will be 4 waves of this series with 1 BAF timed to coincide with each wave.

The Mouse-Jaw packaging and the wave's comic both show us Michaelangelo and Teela's looks.  Mikey has blonde hair which just cracks me up.  Really funny, non-sensical touch, which is perfect for the character.   Teela continues the samurai-esque armor look and is badass.  

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Count me in as waffling for the Ooze-powered He-Man.   Crossing over He-Man and TMNT and having the main character of MOTU as being a villain just feels off.  I'm not sure what they'd do to He-Man to TMNT-ize him, but I imagine it would be like MAA and Teela with some samurai armor.  I kinda think we'll see another He-Man in wave 4, after he overcomes the ooze effects and joins forces with the turtles to defeat the bad guys.

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Posted by: @supercamel-1982

I found these today, and after all this time of not being sure rather or not I'd buy the line, I decided to pick up Donnie and Leo.  I will at least get all 4 Turtles.  To not have the Turtles in Eternia MOTU gear would just be a betrayal to my childhood self.

I think what I will do is just buy some of the TMNT characters, to go with my regular MOTU Origins.  Because to me, some of the MOTU characters in their Turtles of Grayskull looks are just goofy or odd. Don't get me wrong, they're fun in their own way, but I'd rather have my regular MOTU figures, and then some MOTU-ized TMNT characters with them.   I will probably get Shredder and Kraang, and Splinter, Slash/Faker, April and Casey Jones if they all get released.

I will say this, in hand......the Turtles look awesome!

I think this is a reasonable approach. So far, if there's anything I'll cave on, it's the brothers. But I don't know yet which I'd categorize them with. Would I display with MotU or just my general Turtles collection? I feel like they'd fit better with just a general display of different versions of Turtles. 

On the other side of the coin, I still don't think I'd bother getting the MotU figures and integrating them into either a MotU OR TMNT display. Those redesigns just don't do it for me so far.


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I saw a lone Man-At-Arms from this line on the pegs at Target today. No interest in that figure, but apparently I missed the rest as I also saw the tags for Mouse-Jaw. Had a Leonardo been hanging there I may have had to take the plunge.

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If the art on the back of the Shredder card is anything to go by, Splinter is styled after King Grayskull. I believe Toyhabits has the images.

Update: They have the mini-comic that comes with Shredder, and if this art is what Skeletor is going to look like, I suspect he’s going to be very popular. Mer-Man is also teased, he seems to have a tail, my guess is he’s in wave 3 or 4 of the deluxe figures.

Super Camel
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Quick questions if anyone can help.

1.) How much does the Deluxe Trap Jaw/Mouse Jaw cost at Target?

2.) Has Mouse Jaw ever been on Target's website yet?

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Posted by: @supercamel-1982

Quick questions if anyone can help.

1.) How much does the Deluxe Trap Jaw/Mouse Jaw cost at Target?

2.) Has Mouse Jaw ever been on Target's website yet?

I paid $24.99 for the one I got in store.

I don't know if he's been on the site/app yet.


Super Camel reacted
Super Camel
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Thanks SalemCrow 🙂

Man, $24.99 is better than I thought.  I was expecting $30 at least. 

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@supercamel-1982 He is not on the site/app yet.

I found him in store yesterday and tried to look at the product page form my purchase history, but it errors out.

Super Camel reacted
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So it looks like Sla'ker is our next Target exclusive, as he comes with MetalBoto parts. Toyhabits has some good in box promo shots, and he's looking great, but I think the skin colour is a real bummer compared to the vibrant teal we saw before. A little too washed out to be a 10/10 figure, but I still love everything about him. May be one of my fav MOTU O figures from the entire line.


Andru reacted
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Ugh that Metal-Robo head looks great, I'm trying my hardest to resist this BAF Target line but it's becoming difficult.

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Yeah, he's mostly Metalhead with a different colour scheme, and I liked both the deluxes so far, so I'm in. Now to just hope we get the exclusives at TRU in Canada because if ebay is anything to go by, the scalpers are loving Mouse-Trap and selling him for double what he costs at retail at the moment..

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I need to find a way to get the build-a-figure stuff, unfortunately. Here's a semi-related aside to that:

For a brief period of time my son LOVED Ninja Turtles. His very, very favorite toy was from the 2012 line of figures where you could pop their limbs off and change them around -- specifically, the Metal-Head from that line. He didn't have all the pieces, but he had a few and put them on the parts from one of the other turtles. He LOVED that figure. Played with it all the time. As soon as he saw the MOTUOxTurtles version, he fell in love with it. So I have to get it for him. There is no choice here.

It helps that I'd really like to have Sla'Ker. He's probably 3rd in my favorite figures in this line so far.

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@KnightDamien I’d like to get at least one extra Mouse Jaw for an extra loose Mouser if I ever catch one on sale, so if that happens you can have the BAF pieces for cost of shipping. 

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