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MOTU Origins - Turtles of Grayskull

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Speaking of Leatherhead, it was supposed to arrive from Walmart today.  So I guess I'm in for the like, sixth delay?  Ordered in JULY.  Will it ever arrive?   😭 

EDIT:  I found Walmart is still selling for MSRP with a Feb 10th arrival date.

EDIT AGAIN:  Thanks Justice!

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@vicious7171 Do you want me to grab you one from my Walmart?  My local one had a couple last time I was there.

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Yeesh, my Walmart had 10 Leatherheads today. But never a Merman, of course…

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I still have a Merman on order from PopMarket.  It claimed release Jan 30, but I'm certain nothing will come of it.  Ordered in like September.

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Leatherhead was the coolest looking one, and now he's kind of pegwarming majorly around here. I think every store got twenty sitting around on pegs and overstock. 

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I keep forgetting I preordered Leatherhead and he never shipped, but will get an update email every so often and I'm like OH, HIM! Just got one this week. Very typical Walmart to have him pegwarming and not fulfill preorders. 

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My locals actually got cleaned out pretty well for the holidays, but thankfully they’ve shipped them absolutely nothing. I still have a preorder in for Leatherhead, it might ship this year, but who can say? 

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My walmart hasn't had a single MotU item on the shelf (that I've seen) in like a year now, Leatherhead no exception.

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Same.  Neither of my local Walmarts have had anything from this line, or any MOTU product aside an occasional WWE one.  

But shout out to @justice for helping me out!  This was one of my most-anticipated figures lately, wanted it since, well, JULY when I bought it.  No thanks to Walmart for once again shafting those who preorder with these continuous delays.

I think he's surpassed Splinter to be my second favorite from the line after Krang.  Love the different hats, especially the spikey orange helmet.

Justice reacted
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I didn't know Leatherhead was back up for "pre-order" on Walmart's site.  I put an order in, but we'll see!  I won't be crushed if it doesn't go through, but right now it's saying Feb 10.

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@cmoney Let me know if you want me to grab you one and ship.  My Walmart got in even more of them.  Just don't use the email address from last time because I lost access when I changed phones.

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Appreciate the offer!  I'm still not 100% sold on Leatherhead for whatever reason, so I'll probably just let this ride and be okay with however it turns out.  It's more of completion thing for me right now, though some of these in-hand pics are starting to sway me. 🙂

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Dammit... seeing the in-hand pictures of that Leatherhead made me want it in a way that the promo pictures never did.   Sigh.

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His head poses fantastically.  Generally-speaking this line has some great neck articulation due to their ball joints being better-engineered than anything Hasbro does or even Mattel's other lines like Masterverse.  Combined with  Leatherhead's fantastic head sculpt with the articulated jaw means this guy can emote very well.  A curious, easily-agitated baby alligator for your desk.

The Man Child reviewer on youtube cut his trap open and added a chain, which I'm going to do as soon as my translucent purple acrylic chains from aliexpress show up:

He doesn't show much of it but here's the link anyway (timestamp not working, it's near the end)

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Posted by: @cmoney

I still have a Merman on order from PopMarket.  It claimed release Jan 30, but I'm certain nothing will come of it.  Ordered in like September.

I know this isn't the kind of surprise anyone wants to get going into their weekend, but they did indeed cancel this one yesterday.  Sorry all, I know this was important to you!


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