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MOTU Origins - Turtles of Grayskull

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Mouse-Jaw is probably my most disliked figure in the whole batch. I was pretty turned off by the initial offerings of this line, but they QUICKLY turned that around with some of the most fun and interesting designs that made me start buying these things.  Mouse-Jaw is just so boring, there's absolutely nothing interesting about him and he could've used another weapon or something. 

I did get a 2-Bopsteady, though I had to go to a Target a town over. It's crazy to me these stores can get exclusives and then completely remove the items from their planograms and just not carry the line anymore.  Target doesn't want to carry or stock anything that isn't Hot Wheels and Goo-Jitsu it seems.

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Splinterskull was the one that made me pay attention to this line, followed by Mer-Man and Moss Man.  Of course, I never did find Mer-Man, like nearly everyone else, but I've talked myself into nearly every other figure since then...

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If I made my mini-list to include all the figures, Megator Krang would be at the top.  He's just so fun and a pretty good value for this line compared to the rest.  Still waiting on Leatherhead from Walmart, he could still steal that #1 spot just based on cuteness alone.


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I guess I'm the odd man out as I like the Mouse Jaw design. I'm still kind of "meh" on Shredder and I don't like the sword the first Leo came with, but probably not enough to get one of the other Leonardo figures. My Two-Bopsteady is scheduled to arrive tomorrow and then I may be done. I had Leatherhead on preorder with Walmart, but ended up canceling it as I don't think I need him. I am looking forward to completing Metal-Boto and this collection should display well enough. I do kind of wish I had interest in one of the He-Man figures since it feels weird to have a He-Man x TMNT display without a He-Man, but I think I'll get over it. If Target ever tosses the Prince Adam and Cringer set on clearance then maybe I'll just get that.

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The only He-Man I picked up was the mutated one, I liked the translucent coloring.  But now I've got a "regular" He-Man as well since I picked up the Vecna Stranger Things 2-pack.  I figure another creature/mutant works just as well in the display, and I liked the look.

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Got Two-Bopsteady in today. They had to take a long trip across the country (seriously, I haven't had a shipment take this long in ages), but the wait was worth it. I really like the finish on this one. It's still largely colored plastic, but it has a nice satin finish that's really appealing. I think it would have been cool if he was on the bigger buck like Slash (who probably didn't need to be as big as he is), but otherwise this is fun. It's a great idea and it's funny. A good capper for the line for me as I'm probably not getting any of the rest.

Metal-Boto is also pretty cool. My only complaint with him is he comes with the two adapter pieces for his hand replacements, but he doesn't have storage for them because all of the plugs are too big. It would have been easy to put two smaller holes in his shell, but oh well. I also like his more turtle-inspired left hand that comes with Two-Bop, but it looks stupid since it needs the adapter to replace one of his default hands. A fun release though that could have been just a little better with some clever engineering.

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Posted by: @misfit
I do kind of wish I had interest in one of the He-Man figures since it feels weird to have a He-Man x TMNT display without a He-Man, but I think I'll get over it. If Target ever tosses the Prince Adam and Cringer set on clearance then maybe I'll just get that.

The 200X Origins figure is on sale on BBTS for $7.60 right now:


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Walmart just notified me that my Leatherhead preorder was pushed back to Jan 20th 2025.  JFC.  How have some people had this months ago and meanwhile most of us keep getting this thing delayed?  Did the shipment get lost at the bottom of the ocean?  I preordered this shit in JULY.  What the fuck!

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Posted by: @vicious7171

Walmart just notified me that my Leatherhead preorder was pushed back to Jan 20th 2025.  JFC.  How have some people had this months ago and meanwhile most of us keep getting this thing delayed?  Did the shipment get lost at the bottom of the ocean?  I preordered this shit in JULY.  What the fuck!

That nasty pirate who got so many shipments of Shocker Toys products must be responsible, it's the only logical explanation.


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I suspect Wave 6, which is available for pre-order now, is the last of this crossover. Nothing has leaked out and they’ve stopped teasing new characters in the artwork, Thundercats likely begins as this comes to an end. I would have liked to get a couple more characters, specifically Baxter Stockman and Rat King but overall I can’t complain. Now I just need Wal-Mart to find their stock of Leatherhead and Mer-Man. 

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Yeah - with the pre-orders up I had to pull the trigger on mutated Ninjor and Clamp Champ.   I didn't need these turtles, but the other two were must haves.

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It would be a little odd to switch from a 4 wave theme to a 2 wave theme.  The Snakemen stuff has different theme name, Reptile Wars, and also different packaging.  Would they change that up for just 2 waves?  Although, they're putting out all 4 turtles in the first 2 waves of the Reptile theme, so maybe it'll wrap up.

I'm not sure we'd see 4 Reptile waves in 2025.  And the start of Thundercats.  Seems like a bit much.  So maybe there are only 2 waves of Reptiles.


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I’d be happy to be wrong and get a few more characters/unique twists on MOTU, I just remember when Wave 4 hit people thought that might be the end but Toy Habits were tipped off that more were coming, but no rumors and there’s no obvious missing characters left, and since they did all four Turtles again in a lot faster fashion this time, that makes me think they wanted one more bite at the apple before the license expired. 

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I think my only complaint about this line is how chaotic the BAF setup was. I got 2-Bop this week and haven't opened him yet but I have no memory of how much of Metalboto I've built already. I definitely have the other three figures, but now I gotta make sure I know where I stashed the parts... 

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Found Leatherhead today, at a store that has no other MOTU/ToG presence at all.  Kinda weird.

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