Looks like Mouse-Jaw is showing up at Target. I have no idea if he's exclusive, or if this is any indication the rest of the line is going to Target, but have at it:
Looks like he is part of a build-a-figure wave. 1 of 4 to build "Metal-Boto"
Yeah, there are 4 "Deluxe" offerings, and all 4 come with Build A Figure parts to build the Metal Head/Roboto figure, Metal-Boto.
Each of these 4 Deluxe figures are exclusive. 2 to Target, and 2 to Wal-Mart.
@prophet It was literally the meanest thing Mattel has ever done. I award them no points, and may God have mercy on their souls.
Wow, a BAF split between two stores? That's a new kind of hell for collectors.
HAH I'm regretting my decision to pass on this line less and less with every new announcement about it. Godspeed to those of you who are looking to collect it, but it's just not appealing to me.
So I got my first one today. It’s the one I wanted the most. Donatello.
The package is gorgeous. It’s an explosion of color. Donnie looks amazing. I almost didn’t want to open it. But I did. It moves like these new origins figures do. The leg and arm armor moves around more than I would like. Dang he looks cool!
The removable shell doesn’t bother me. It’s a nice play feature. I can keep it on and it’s fine. The ankle joints are fine to do some ninja stuff. Knees and elbows are limited. It can still throw some good shapes as I borrow a phrase from Ham Man Reviews on YouTube.
The mini comic sets it up. The heroes of Eternia investigate a strange energy reading. The six heroes He-Man, Ram-Man, Moss-Man, Man-at-Arms, Teela, and Roboto split into two teams. The comic mainly focuses on Teela, MaA, and Roboto meeting their first incursion/mash up then meeting the brothers. They team up then go back to celebrate their victory by trying on new armors with their captured mash-up. But what if the other party? It’s teased that Krang/Shredder and Skeletor had other plans for them. Fun little comic with good art.
It’s pretty sweet. Worth the $25.
Leo is in route….and dang it I think I’m getting Mutated Adam and Duncan and whomever else I can get my mitts on. I’ll not get Black Series figures to balance the budget. This is fun.
Toy Habits has a review of Mouse-Jaw. He doesn't look like there's anything crazy we've haven't seen from the promo images and what not, but what stands out to me is how janky the Mouser on his arm is. Would have been nice if the mouser head could have separated from the body to add to the arm itself as a big grabby clampy dealy, but no, you need to attach the body and end up with this weird three segmented arm. Kind of spoils the look, but also great to see he's engineered so that he can still stand up with the mouser body and the flame effect attached.
I've got Leo and Don so far, with Raph and Shredder on preorder. They're..ok. Like, nothing crazy, but nothing great either. I wish I liked them more, but they're just kind of there. Hopefully having all four turtles and more a display will change things up a bit. Or maybe it's just Origins fatigue after four years of the toy line (crazy to realize it's been that long). So far, looking forward to Slaker the most, but then, I've Slash is always gonna be my fav in a turtles line..
Speaking of Mouse-Jaw - any Americans able to help a Canadian out and nab an extra if you're grabbing one? The exclusives on this line are gonna kill us up here, if we ever get them, so I'm happy to make arrangements with someone in the land of Target!
I also saw on ToyHabits that they are expecting all 4 Deluxe figure you need to build the Metal-Boto Metal Head/Roboto Build A Figure, to be exclusive to Target.
There will be Wal-Mart exclusives as I mentioned earlier in the thread, but they may have nothing to do with the Metal-Boto BAF. That didn't seem to be 100% confirmed yet, but Toy Habits seemed to trust their sources that this may be the case.
So, I guess we'll see.
The packaged images I’ve seen of Kraang, who is exclusive to Walmart, there’s nothing on his package indicating there’s a BAF so I believe all the Robo-Head pieces will be Target exclusive.
That’s what I’m calling him at my house and no one can stop me.
I was gonna go "all-in" on just the Turtles characters (or severely "Turtle-ized" MOTU characters like Mouse Jaw), but those prices are rough (I collect too many other lines just for TMNT in general, let alone every other franchise I'm into), and the exclusivity kills interest further.
I'll grab the four Turtles, but I'll likely stop there. Even that's rough at $80.
I found these today, and after all this time of not being sure rather or not I'd buy the line, I decided to pick up Donnie and Leo. I will at least get all 4 Turtles. To not have the Turtles in Eternia MOTU gear would just be a betrayal to my childhood self.
I think what I will do is just buy some of the TMNT characters, to go with my regular MOTU Origins. Because to me, some of the MOTU characters in their Turtles of Grayskull looks are just goofy or odd. Don't get me wrong, they're fun in their own way, but I'd rather have my regular MOTU figures, and then some MOTU-ized TMNT characters with them. I will probably get Shredder and Kraang, and Splinter, Slash/Faker, April and Casey Jones if they all get released.
I will say this, in hand......the Turtles look awesome!
I found Mouse Jaw at Target the other day and grabbed him.
I like that the blast effect he comes with can fit in the Mouser's mouth as if it's firing a blast.
I'm likely only getting the turtles, Shredder, Moss Man and Ram Man of those shown off thus far. I'm not a big enough Origins fan to need alternate versions of all the MOTU characters.