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MOTU Origins - Turtles of Grayskull

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I'm guessing this topic does not exist because no one wants to get notifications for each new reply, but I'll bite the bullet and do it since these are already starting to make their way out:


And by doing so, us Turtle Boys don't need to hi-jack the MOTU topic. If you've been under a rock though, here's what to expect so far:


More are on the way as well, so expect to see Mikey at some point. No pre-orders yet, but the Preternia account got theirs from where they're charging $23 a pop (Leo and Don are sold out). That's a little more than I was expecting, but maybe they'll be cheaper if they can go to Target and Walmart. I wonder if the retail agreement with Playmates played a role in the TMNT x Power Rangers line from hitting those stores because, if so, it could come into play again here. I guess we'll find out. I'm not the least bit interested in He-Man, but I may get a set of turtles from this line and do some cherry-picking. Krang looks kind of fun and the Trap-Jaw x Mouser figure has some appeal as well.

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Toy Shiz has a look at Donatello-At-Arms. Of perhaps more interest, he flips through the included comic a bit which shows some other designs and characters we haven't seen yet.

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ToyBro has a video looking at all 4 figures from wave 1.

They all look pretty good, but for the most part I think I'll stick with the turtles themselves.

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I've grown to have kind of mixed feelings about these, which surprises even me because I really love this concept and I'm so excited about the figures. Knowing these are retailer exclusives, and therefore probably won't even exist in Canada (or will, but in very reduced quantities) just absolutely murders my enthusiasm. It means this won't be a line I can 'pick up.'  It's a line I'll have to actively pre-order from the States and pay outrageous exchange rates and shipping fees to acquire. And I just.. don't want to do that anymore. Prices are already too high. And with what Mattel charges for those MOTUO-style wrestling figures in Canada, I can only imagine how expensive these figures will be to import.

I don't know yet what that means for me as a collector, but I can basically guarantee it means I won't be getting everything. Maybe not even most things. I've already been really going over pictures of the figures we know about so far and deciding which ones are must-haves, and which ones fall into the 'maybe' or 'can definitely live without.' So that one exclusivity announcement quite literally took me from being a completionist to being a cherry-picker before the line was even in stores.

Misfit reacted
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I'm of similar mind, though without the added expense of importing into Canada. As someone who isn't a MOTU fan - do I need these? I go back and forth a bit on the designs. I love some of the MOTU elements incorporated into them, really like that shade of blue on Leonardo, but I'm warming to some of the aesthetics. The waist, especially, has a very Battletoads look to it and I don't care for the removable shell gimmick. A turtle removing his shell like that is unsettling to me, though a turtle with a "storage shell" bothers me little. Perhaps not the most consistent view, but it is what it is. If I could buy these for 15 bucks in Target or whatever then I'd probably be more inclined, but if I have to order them or whatever it might be easier to just decide that I don't need these. Unless they end up getting clearanced to hell and back like the MMPR Turtles.

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These things just scream fun. Mattel get your crap together and make them more available to collectors abroad. 

Knight Damien - Let me know who you are most interested. I’ll add them to my hunts and send them your way.

I am not sure how deep I go on this. I definitely want Brothers, Shredder, Krang… the TMNT characters. The mutant and warrior Eternians are growing on me.

I’m definitely excite though.


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@prophet I appreciate that!
Right now I'm not even sure where I am on these. Even with help, it's still retail + shipping + exchange rate, so they are not going to be inexpensive grabs. I know I'll be down for Leo, Shredder, and Slash. Because I can never resist those characters in basically any line. The rest I'm really having a hard time deciding on.

It sucks for Mattel, I guess. If these were basically impulse buy items where I could see them on a peg and say 'oh neat' and just walk out with it? Way more inclined to get everything I see. Having to PLAN the purchases out and decide who I want to pay that kind of money for? Just far less likely to bother with more than a couple favorite characters. It's a bummer, but that's toy collecting nowadays - especially in Canada.

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Wave one is listed in stock at BBTS for 20.99 each. Wave two is listed as PO. 

Wave one also in stock on Amazon!

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Dang it! I went to sleep at 12.

So at $20 right now I’m just buying Donnie and Leo to get in hand. I figured with BBTS I’m paying $4 in shipping plus taxes. Not too bad. Donnie and Man at Arms are on Amazon still. Oozed up He-Man… I’m gonna wait and see.


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Do they have at least artwork for April yet?

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I waffled, waffled, waffled, then saw Leo sell out on Amazon and BBTS (he's still up for preorder) and caved and got the first four from Entertainment Earth on pricy impulse buy tonight. I love the turtles, I love the Origins line... I'm trying to cut back, but they got me. Preordered Raph, Shredder, and Beastman from Wave 2 but not quite sure I want Ram Man yet. Hoping they at least make April and maybe Splinter and Casey. Honestly, I don't love He-Man's design here but I sincerely like the turtle variations. Wish I had the willpower to just get the boys. 

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I wish I liked these. I love the idea of the crossover, and they look fantastic for what they are, I just hate the origins proportions when applied to the turtles. If this crossover was happening in the Masterverse line I'd be all over it.

Slixta reacted
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@fenrys ... I just said, out loud, "Oh gawd if they did this in Masterverse scale I'd never financially recover." I'd buy them in that scale and probably like them more.

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I think the only one I like is Shredder. But everyone else somehow doesn't quite scratch that MOTU-look to me. I know they have direct homages visually, but for some reason it's not hitting me like I expected.  I don't hate them, but I guess I expected something more...creative? Maybe? I'm not sure.

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@docsilence if any, I'll grab a few MouseJaws for the Mouser parts, but that's pretty much it.

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