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Mezco Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles

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Posted by: @normdapito

I'm already seeing the Fantastic Four box set drop to the 350-375 range. Patience might pay off for the TMNT set.

That would be great. I was always of the mind that Mezco stuff disappears and never sticks around, so I would be more than happy to be proven wrong. (I still want that Crow, too.)


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I don't know if this set will even be available to drop in price. Normally I can find even the newest Mezco figures on eBay for roughly retail, but this set is going for double its retail price right now on there. Maybe when they start hitting other retailers like BBTS or EE, but I don't know.

I'm 50/50 on (potentially) missing out. The set looks really nice, maybe the closest I'll ever get to my ideal mental image of the Turtles, but there's too many little things that bug me about it for me to feel comfortable dropping $400. Then again, they could literally be perfect and I STILL probably wouldn't want to spend that kinda money in one go.

I know I've spent more on singular figures than what one Turtle in this set costs before (even other Mezcos), but never all at once.

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BBTS has already upped their price up to $500 and they haven't even gotten their stock in for the $400 sets yet.


So yeah, their extras will be $500 now.

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Been about a week since they finally charged me and created the label for my set direct from mezco. Hopin to see them actually ship it soon

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Posted by: @haydencollects

Been about a week since they finally charged me and created the label for my set direct from mezco. Hopin to see them actually ship it soon

I was charged Feb 24th and label created March 7th. There has been no movement. Mezco sucks. I shouldn't complain because this was a converted waitlist, but don't charge me until you're ready to SHIP SHIP. 


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From what I gather, Mezco releases take about up to 2 months to ship from them but also for their product to arrive at their retailers? Is this accurate? I'm new to the Mezco game. 

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@hopethisworks I don't think it's something that can be drilled down to an exact science, or even an inexact one, except to say that they're slow. It can take a month or longer for Mezco itself to ship following taking payment and asking them for any kind of an update is often futile. I'm not aware of any correlation between when Mezco ships its own orders vs when other retailers get them. They just sort of start showing up all of a sudden.

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I think $100 per 1/12 Turtle is just too high a price.  Especially, when the latest NECA TMNT 4pk was something like $130-150.   NECA will certainly make other versions of the Turtles, so I'm fine waiting to see what else they make down the road.  I know the Mezco set has tons of accessories, but I'd never use all that stuff.  Maybe for some initial pics, and then it would all just go in a bag to never be used again. 

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Yeah, I echo some of the sentiments above, I'm glad that I passed on these. I mean you can't collect everything after all.

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Posted by: @misfit

@hopethisworks I don't think it's something that can be drilled down to an exact science, or even an inexact one, except to say that they're slow. It can take a month or longer for Mezco itself to ship following taking payment and asking them for any kind of an update is often futile. I'm not aware of any correlation between when Mezco ships its own orders vs when other retailers get them. They just sort of start showing up all of a sudden.

Mezco’s documented policy says they can charge up to 20 business days prior to shipping.  When I called them on this for GBGL Batman, they shipped next day.  It’s worth a shot.


AgentHemlock reacted
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Posted by: @toonturts

I mean you can't collect everything after all.


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Received my set today. I was surprised by how big the box is, as I was expecting similar dimensions to the Ghostbusters or Fantastic Four sets (each of which are completely different shapes). This one is another totally different shape. I don't know why Mezco packages have so much variance when they're not a standard figure.

Upon opening it, i was definitely overwhelmed with how much stuff they came with. So many hands, weapons and tech for each. I like the alternate expressions and have swapped each of them, as the ones they're packaged with aren't my fav for any turtle.

What I found was pretty cool was that their leather belts have pockets, pouches, and loops that work. There's loops for each signature weapon, plus loops for throwing daggers, darts, shuriken. Even the pouches work, but it's hard to get them to close again. Also, there's nothing official to put in their pouches.

I've chosen to display them with the cloth goods, just to differentiate them from every other set of four I have. The only one who's wearing what the promo shots intended is Mike. His hoodie is bold and functional. I've got him listening through the headphones to his walkman tucked in his hoodie pocket. I was able to get one set of nunchucks through the left belt loop, but it's so tight, I didn't bother with the right. I wanted him holding a pair anyway. Speaking of nunchucks, I love that he has a bendy wire incorporated in the chains of each pair. I've always wanted that. He might be my favorite of the bunch.

Donnie is wearing the trench coat and fedora intended for Raph. I think it works better on him, though he looks a little lean and old with it. He's sporting the arm gadget with the communicator, and his bo is held on his back by the coat belt. He's also wearing the black goggles.

Leo got the brown cloak meant for Donnie. I like the color combo better than the black cloak. The brown cloak even has a slit cut from the back to allow Don's bo to stick out, which also works for Leo's katana sheathes. He can double wield a katana no problem. I thought he'd be my fav, but Mikey is still winning.

Raph is sporting the black cloak and red scarf. Not sure I love it, since the red of the fabric doesn't match his bandana. He has a pocket on the back of his belt for his throwing stars, a loop for his fist dagger like the original toy, though the wedge shape of the dagger makes it sit loosely in the loop. The belt loops in front for his sai fit them perfectly. The black cloak is my least favorite of the soft goods, and feels redundant.

Each turtle also comes with a C-clip which allows them to clip the grappling hooks to their belts. I'm not using them, though I might just to get more accessories out of the package.

I kinda wish the cloth goods were.. just.. something else. Like, still cloth goods, but different articles of clothing. I'm not sure what though. Maybe Don could have come with a lab coat. Maybe someone could have gotten a leather jacket. They come with short and long bandana knots. I've stuck with the short ones. There's a bunch of transparent plastic effects I'll never use. There's a slice of pizza for each. A turtle-comm for each. Plus extra weapons like what came on the vintage sprues.

As figures, they're good. Quite posable. Ankles could use more range, as usual with Mezco. But everything feels easy, no overly tight or loose joints or connections. Swappable parts are easy to swap. Again, I really enjoy each of the alternate expressions for each turtle. They're a fun set, and I'm glad I have them. I'd hate to have passed initially then tried to get them later once they appreciate in price.

I don't think I want to think about other characters being done by Mezco though. I'll leave that to NECA. I had just received their Last Ronin figures a few hours before receiving this set, so I'm on a bit of a TMNT high. These are definitely different enough and unique enough that they don't feel redundant. They look youthful but weathered and experienced. They're like an amalgamation of ALL of the iterations, from Mirage, to Archie, to the original cartoon, to 2012 Nick versions. They're lots of fun.

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Posted by: @normdapito

Even the pouches work, but it's hard to get them to close again. Also, there's nothing official to put in their pouches.


They’re intended to be filled with the crumbs of 30 year old Crunchabungas.


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Posted by: @misfit

And of all the stuff they crammed into the set, and yet they didn't provide one more Raph head to give people the option of featuring an all red look.


Even if they had done that, you still wouldn't be able to give them a (decent) all-red look as the turtles have different skin tones.


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My set arrived today. Overall I love it. Definitely thankful and grateful I was able to get it. I am a little concerned about the belts degrading over time and the shoulder straps breaking due to being delicate. Over than that they feel pretty sturdy. They might be my favorite set of turtles although it is pretty hard to dethrone NECA’s original Mirage ones and I expect the cartoon ultimate release to give them a run for their money as well. 

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