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Mety Toyz TMNT

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Couple of things I've seen from this guy that I'm hearing for the first time.  A) That the Turtles are not uniform height (which I always like):


And B) exclusive extra cloth accessories for pre-orders?

EDIT: I guess the exclusive cloth thing is mentioned in the official pics.  The little black ? T-shirt icon, but I couldn't translate the wording.  Interested to see just what this will be, but these figures are already plenty cool for me to have ordered them anyways.

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Posted by: @cmoney

EDIT: I guess the exclusive cloth thing is mentioned in the official pics.  The little black ? T-shirt icon, but I couldn't translate the wording.  Interested to see just what this will be, but these figures are already plenty cool for me to have ordered them anyways.

My guess is that they're cloth trenchcoats (probably with a few embelleshments for each turtle) as the ToyArk pictures that were showing the HeatBoys Mechs and these versions displayed nearby showed each turtle coming with a brown fedora similar to the one used by Raphael in the 1990 movie.  I would assume they're not just going to give you a fedora and nothing else, plus I imagine it's an easily produced "free gift" and "unique" may just mean they vary in size so as to fit each turtle etc.  But that's just my guess.


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Yeah, after I posted that I remembered seeing the hats on display at one of the shows.  And your idea about them being "unique" makes sense if it's just trenchcoats for each of their particular sizes.

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BBTS put these up for pre-order now too, $99.99.

EDIT: Looks like they also went ahead and put Mikey and Don up for pre-order as well, event though they're not officially solicited yet.

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There's a site called 33Toys that has these cheapest I've seen, under $150 for both, shipped and taxed.  But I've never heard of them before and don't know how legit they are...

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I was on the fence about getting Leo just to try this line out, but at 6.5 inches tall....what are we doing here? Really wish these weren't scaled to go with 7 or 8 inch tall human figures.

My kingdom for a well-articulated 5.5 inch tall TMNT line!

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I assume Mety/Memory is making them to scale with their own lines that they produce in-house.

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Another $400 by the end of it is not for me. Agreed with @karl_space - I'd prefer 5.5 inch TMNT to really go with a 1:12 line. I think the Mezcos are enough for that.

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I don't like the Mezcos, otherwise I might feel the same.  As is, I'm already bought into three different Chinese TMNT lines now... what a maroon.

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I'd love if they released the Mezcos in a basic version. I don't need 100 accessories for each of them, or alternate cloth looks. Just the basic weapons is really all I want.

I've realized I'm really after a line of TMNT that really follows the original toy designs that are well articulated with modern sculpting. Give Leo one shoulder belt. Done gets two. Weapon storage. Similar shaped heads, and hands and feet that are more similar to the Eastman style from the mirage comics. Different skin tones. Maybe just coloured masks and brown pads. Some plug in bandana tails for different looks (on a swivel joint of course, or even a little ball peg they can plug into). Basic weapons with reddish brown wraps and gold accents. 5.5".

Anyways, I may still grab one of these just to mess around with. Love that they included both the cross or parallel sword sheaths for Leo. Don't love his "half" bandolier belt, but it works.

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I guess I don't really have a defined or preferred look for TMNT in my head.  I just look at what's on offer and I either like it or I don't.  Unfortunately for my wallet, I too often like it.  But there are limits.  As I've already said, the Mezcos don't do it for me, nor do any of Super7's offerings.  If NECA were to start up an IDW line, I would at best cherry-pick it, because the art across time has been really hit-or-miss for me in those comics and the designs have never fully appealed for long.  But there are certain characters... I think I really like to see new/original takes, the Fury Toys line is probably my favorite one going overall.  And I'd be willing to entertain a much higher degree of naturalism/realism in a third party TMNT line than I think a lot of fans would, if some creator really wanted to push that direction...

KarlSpace reacted
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Posted by: @cmoney

There's a site called 33Toys that has these cheapest I've seen, under $150 for both, shipped and taxed.  But I've never heard of them before and don't know how legit they are...

I heard about this site and found him on Instagram Patrickchou1986. I may use him still undecided. But then I checked FB listings and found another listing from Takara Tom from Hong Kong. Pretty much same price but unlike 33toys that wanted payment in full he accepts $20 pre order NRP. But to qualify needs 8 minimum. Showed he had 3 when listed on Dec 16. 


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5K has pre-orders up for Don and Mike now.

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33Toys also put pre-orders up $135 shipped for both

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tempted to order these from 5k but the price is such a turn off...the comments about "preferred look" here are helping me pass as I remember the turtles in disguise NECA figures are really what I wanted all along.  These would just be fun to pick up but for ~$400 total...tough sell!

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