@normdapito because they're not muscles, they're shells. i don't think it's a bad look, i agree it gels with the limbs, but it's still goofy.
But it's not a shell like a hermit crab has a shell. It's all part of the body, the skeletal system, it has nerve endings. If one can suspend disbelief for anthropomorphic turtles, I don't see why belief can't be suspended further for muscle shaped shells.
Toy Ark's got some pics of Bebop and Rocksteady. Note that they've mixed up Heat Boys and Mety Toys though. They list the article as Heat Boys, but the pics are of from both companies.
Very curious to see how the Turtles scale against Bebop and Rocksteady as those two are massive next to that Foot Soldier.
I'm torn between I don't need or have space for another line of Turtles and the fact that I just really like the look of these. Classic but drawing from other eras as well with a bit of an over the top super hero type build. For some reason I just really like how they look.
I've been debating whether or not if I should get these but after reading a couple issues based on the current IDW run from Jason Aaron, these turtles look like the closest analog to those designs in the comic book
I will pass, they are too muscular. looks horrible.
New pics seem somewhat motivated...
Got my pre-orders in at Gundamit. 🙂
I think these are the first TMNT figures featuring bare turtle butts.
Haha, was there some sort of freak out over that? Didn't even phase me, still ordering them as soon as (hopefully) 5K puts 'em up.
@robogeek1973 same here, got the Turtles plus Bebop and Rocksteady from them, well, only 3 of the boys, Donnie isn't available at the moment anymore. Waiting for a preorder restock.
@shinigami-customs These are on GunDamit? I only saw the JoyToy turtles there. and the Fury toys
@shinigami-customs These are on GunDamit? I only saw the JoyToy turtles there. and the Fury toys
Here ya go