A very 2k3 Shredder design which I am definitely okay with. Love that Shredder, and these figures look great. I just wish I could get the turtles in-hand to see how much I like the line. I know they're delayed, but not sure when they're expected at this point.
That is a very 2003 style Shredder. I dig it.
Looks like the turtles might be close to releasing. I just checked 5k Toys where I ordered a set from to see what they had listed for a release date and they don't even have the listing up anymore. Maybe they had to hide it if these are only licensed for distribution in China. I've never ordered from them before so I don't know if it's normal for them to take stuff off of the site when it's sold out. I'll worry about it if people start getting these in-hand and I'm left with nothing.
There's no issue with 5K. They do tend to remove items if they're sold out and/or expecting them in (before the send notices for second payments).
I contacted the seller I got mine from Amazon, and it looks like I might have chosen the right time to do so if they are coming.
@normdapito ; I don't know if they've sent you any updates on your order, but I contacted HiPlay Toys on Amazon bout my order earlier this week, since it looked like the figures were releasing, and they got back to me yesterday that my order is in the process of shipping.
I had vaguely hinted that I had kept the envelope and "coupon" they had sent that Amazon had marked as my delivered order, just "in case" I needed it.
I guess I'll give it until next week before I try the tracking number they provided.
@normdapito ; I don't know if they've sent you any updates on your order, but I contacted HiPlay Toys on Amazon bout my order earlier this week, since it looked like the figures were releasing, and they got back to me yesterday that my order is in the process of shipping.
I had vaguely hinted that I had kept the envelope and "coupon" they had sent that Amazon had marked as my delivered order, just "in case" I needed it.
I guess I'll give it until next week before I try the tracking number they provided.
I got that same notification from HiPlay. Gonna wait to have these in hand before I consider using that coupon on another one of these products.
I got a shipping notification for my Turtles from LT Cave today.
Stumbled onto this showcase video for the turtles. No comparisons or much in the way of posing, but I suppose better than nothing. They look like they've turned out pretty well.
Looking great! Looks like mine just departed Shanghai
There latest Shredder looks pretty good too
The Turtles look neat. I only have Rocksteady and Bebop on order at BBTS, they're the only thing I want currently...but the villains all look very cool. Especially Shredder. Seeing the Turtles in that vid...eh...they look really colorful and fun but I'm thankfully not feeling any FOMO in not ordering them.
Another Chinese company is doing 1/12 now:
Still not sure the name of the company though: https://twitter.com/UniverseChew/status/1841084259618218486
They're the beefcake turtles.
Oh no! I like those better!Another Chinese company is doing 1/12 now: