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Joy Toy TMNT Figures

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Perpetually Confused
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Ooh, I'm interested. Gonna be expensive but they look like a lot of fun.

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Aliexpress often has sales, so you can probably get the Joytoy TMNT figures with a little patience and savvy.

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Ugh....the stuff bolted to their shells is killing an otherwise nice looking set.

Amazing Spider-Man
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These look really cool. I'd pick 'em up if they get distributed in the US. Depends on the price. I can't do $40 for 3.75 scale figures. Way too much, even with the accessory loadouts presented here.

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They're imports, and if you've seen Joy Toy pricing on BBTS, this isn't really that big a sticker shock. If BBTS ends up carrying them, I wouldn't be surprised if they charge even more. They're worth what they're worth to ya though, natch!

I'm generally not into 1/18, but since I've been getting in on the Beasts of the Mesozoic 1/18 dinosaur Kickstarters, I've been more and more likely to pick up the odd 1/18 figure to scale with them.  Couple of Joy Toy mechs, for example.  And now, yeah, probably these too. 🙂  Just gonna wait a bit cuz I'm hoping 5K Toys ends up carrying them.

Though at 10.6 cm, they're not "really" 1/18 scale, are they? 🙂  Like, technically that'd make 'em six feet tall in "real life"?

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Posted by: @misfit

First place to put them up is matching Joy Toy's "sale" price, so about $36 a piece. This store is also based in Hong Kong so I imagine shipping to North America won't be an insignificant amount.

Shipping appears to be free.  Also they offer an option to pay 40% of the price up front and then in 20 days they'll charge you the remainder.

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After thinking about it some more, if I did get these, I would have to get them one by one like I did the Figuarts TMNT. I guess I'll get them if I can.

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Like cmoney mentioned, the price isn't far off the range that Joy Toy offers their Warhammer figures at (ranging from around $30 - $60 looking at some search results).

They look good to me. I'm interested. I'll keep an eye out on some of the sites I get imports from for these to pop up.

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These look good to me overall. A little weird they have a license plate bolted onto Mikey. Not sure what that is for Raph. Just seems like they used the same shell for each and had to come up with something to cover it up. I like the look of these though very much and they come with some neat fwoosh accessories. They have them here for $138.76 free shipping US releasing in August TMNT

Amazing Spider-Man
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Screw it! Saw Onesixthkit had them with a $28 deposit, and I had some points so I put in a preorder.

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Posted by: @cmoney
I'm generally not into 1/18, but since I've been getting in on the Beasts of the Mesozoic 1/18 dinosaur Kickstarters, I've been more and more likely to pick up the odd 1/18 figure to scale with them.

Same… this is all David Silva’s fault!

Posted by: @shadmann
A little weird they have a license plate bolted onto Mikey. Not sure what that is for Raph. Just seems like they used the same shell for each and had to come up with something to cover it up.

not that it makes it look less weird, but I don’t think those are supposed to be bolted into their shells, it looks like it’s part of the shoulder strap on the front of the figure that’s poorly continued onto their back. Again, still looks weird, just saying I don’t think it’s supposed to be body modification/wound patching or something just poor belt design 


Shinigami Customs
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It just works on Fortnite back bling logic.

Doc Baghead reacted
Perpetually Confused
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They're up on Amazon from a third party seller (preternia says they sell all the joy toy stuff on Amazon) for 39.99 each with a 5% off coupon so I ordered them

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At first, I wanted them all, but after looking carefully, I can't get over the fact their belts don't go over their back shells... Also, only 1 head...

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Mine have shipped from a seller on Amazon, and should be here within the next 10-15 days.

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