Sold on every one of those Triceratons.
Huh, Bebop and Rocksteady fell into my BBTS PoL despite the Stateside-sales issue; but I cancelled them as I can't keep up with the line as much I'd like to. Somebody snap them up!
The copyright owner is determined not to allow JOYTOY's TMNT products to be sold to non-Asian regions. The orders already placed in our store is no affect.
From CoolClubToys
Son of a...
Hope this doesn't become a thing.
LT Cave wouldn't normally have these up yet anyways, but I notice all their pre-orders are listed as Sold Out now. I'm not entirely sure if they were before today or not, but it's really gonna suck if the sources for these all get cut off.
Where was another good place to get these at? Splinter sold out on LTCave and I was lazy and didn't order. Cause I kinda thought he'd get in stock before selling out...
Also I guess I'll have to get triceratons now? Yeesh.
Splinter seems to be available to pre-order on Chosen Prime:
Price is higher than other places though.
Well shit!
I’m buying these to go with my Creative Beast dinosaurs, so I can’t see how I could possibly pass on the Triceratrons!
not my favorite take on Casey, bit it’s still Casey I ain’t not buying a 1:18 Casey!
Obligatory "Hey, Fwoosh is back!" comment.
New figures popped up while I was on vacation. The Triceratons look pretty cool, but I don't need them. Casey, on the other hand, is the first figure in this line where I really don't like the approach so that's another easy pass. I want to keep this display neat and tidy anyway and am just waiting on April and Krang.