LTCave, where I've mentioned I've been ordering all of these, has the new wave up for pre-order. You have the option of paying up front or putting down 40% now and the rest in 20 days.
And Tokka finally got me to cave on the line.
Just ordered everything, and my wallet is absolutely livid now.
Some times you gotta remind your wallet who the bitch is and who the bitch ain't.
/and some times it reminds you you're wrong.
Cross-posting in Fury and Joy Toy threads:
This is the first thing I thought of when I saw that. Pretty sure both LT Cave and Cool Toys ship via USPS so hopefully this gets remedied before April and the others start shipping. It's a bunch of bull though and it's going to hurt a lot of people.
Edit: Looks like they're already backing down. For now. We'll have to see what tomorrow brings.
What it sounds like now is that we'll all be paying import duties on individual packages? Those valued under $800 were previously exempt, but now the president did away with that rule too. So instead of lower value packages passing through Customs in bulk, hundreds or thousands at a time, in theory they're going to have to be individually processed and paid for now. Which will both a) take forever, and b) is probably more work that Customs is funded/equipped to handle at this time.
Yeah, it all sucks, but I definitely agree with that last point about there likely not being an infrastructure in place to take care of this. I'm guessing the shipper will pay it, but we'll all get some kind of an order update looking for a second payment to account for it. That would be the most efficient, but who knows? I'm curious how thorough this operation will be. Will they just inspect items shipped from China and let others through? Then you'll see an uptick in middlemen in other countries. And if it's cheaper, a lot of these places will just start shipping via DHL or another carrier if they're not being checked. Everything is so half-assed that it wouldn't surprise me if loopholes are easily available, then they can act like they're being tough on China without really doing much.
And now the tariffs on the low-value packages have been "paused" while they figure out a way to actually process that kind of volume:
@cmoney Love how stupid actions by stupid people make it worse for everyone else. Good times!
LT Cave has opened a new pre-order for a re-run of the four Turtles themselves.
Incoming new ones:
Where was another good place to get these at? Splinter sold out on LTCave and I was lazy and didn't order. Cause I kinda thought he'd get in stock before selling out...
Also I guess I'll have to get triceratons now? Yeesh.