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Joy Toy TMNT Figures

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Yet another new licenser.  Hoping for an original take, but I always admire their various mech offerings from afar, so I'm interested to see what they're doing:

Shinigami Customs
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Since it's Joy Toy, this could end up being 3 3/4..

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I, mrboshek, also have a new Turtle line coming out by the end of 2025. At this time, I can't give any details because I don't have any or a plan, but I had something more important. A small briefcase of $100 bills to pay for a license.

TENIME and NORM reacted
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if these are 1/18 scale I’m in, I’ve been wanting a set of 1/18 Turtles to take fun scaled photos (imagine then crawling around the Q scale Krang Android!!!) and from what I understand Joy Toy is the best at this scale.

if the Turtles are JoyToys attempt to break into a 1/12-1/10 scale market I’ll probably pass, I might regret it when I can see they can bend in the torso and do a high kick like the Mezco Turtles (none of my waitlist orders will ever be filled, sigh…) but I have enough goddamn Ninja Turtles not buying another 1/12 set won’t be the end of me.

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Confirmed to be 1/18 in the Chinese press release

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I sincerely hope they're truly 18th *scale* and not 4in/10cm.  They shouldn't be any taller than 3.5" and preferably just 3in even, imho.

Neca Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles 7" Scale Action Figure - CASEY JONES  (Mirage Comics)

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All depends on what iteration of TMNT they're doing when it comes to height. The 2k3 turtles were much taller than the 87 ones. The silhouette looks a lot like NECA's Lawson turtles so maybe it's that era, or maybe something else entirely. I'm curious, but definitely not eager to collect more TMNT.

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I am personally glad these are more of their own take rather than a straight adaptation of a particular style.  Kinda sounds like they don't have a US license for them, but I'm sure they'll be available in the usual import stores.

TENIME reacted
Shinigami Customs
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Pretty sweet, sucks for me they're so small but I'm glad fans of that scale can enjoy them. Kinda remind me of these

TENIME reacted
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@cmoney the preternia account seemed pretty confident they'll be picked up by US e-tailers in short order. The price from Hong Kong works out to $40 a figure which is pretty steep for the scale. The US based retailers might tack on more if they're not getting friendly rates too. I'm not familiar with Joy Toy so I don't know who they partner with typically. TMNT seems to be a good seller so it would not surprise me if a big retailer tried to get an exclusive agreement with Joy Toy for them, which would be bad for anyone in the US looking to buy them.

As for the figures, very modern interpretations. I see IDW in there, the MK turtles, Fortnite, and it largely works. Good accessory loadout, but no bicep swivel which is unfortunate. Hard to tell what's going on with the wrists, but some of the shots featured angled grips so I'm assuming they're little ball hinges. Like most, I collect 1:12 for the most part, but I have a fondness for 1:18. I just always thought that was a fun size when it's as well-articulated as larger scales so I'm interested in these. Just waiting to see what it will cost me. Joy Toy anticipates these being out by October, probably later for North America.

2nd most posts
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These look excellent, but I'd want to see them with other 1:18 figures. I've been out of the 1:18 game for a long time, but I'd be willing to add TMNT if the price is right.

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These look like pretty sweet figures, if only it weren't for that price point.

The bandanas look a little wonky but I love the wooshing/slashing effect for the weapons, the display bases that form the sewer cover, and DEFINITELY the skateboards. I would absolutely be down for these. THOSE are the pros.

Now the cons: For them to be around the size of what I imagine is like the old school Star Wars POTF figures, $40 is too steep for me. That would be $160 for the set, which would be hard to justify. ESPECIALLY when I don't know if they plan on going beyond the TMNT.

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First place to put them up is matching Joy Toy's "sale" price, so about $36 a piece. This store is also based in Hong Kong so I imagine shipping to North America won't be an insignificant amount.

TENIME reacted
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These are fuckin’ gorgeous! The slashing effects look great!

Now to decide if I want to order them at Bombusbee since they did me right with the white variants of Master Weng and Veteran Williams, or if I want to wait to see if Big Bad works something out so I can get a slightly more “no hassle” pre-order…

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I love 'em (and still want those 1/6 scale ones, too, @shinigami-customs)! Hopefully we get more than just the four boys.

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