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Jim Lee TMNT Figures (old and new?)

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Saw this on TNI while the board was down, don't know what to make of it:

1 of 3

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I remember seeing those Jim Lee TMNT designs in the cross sell on the Savage Dragon cardbacks at KayBee when they came out, but never having seen the actual figures in real life. Also didn’t understand why one Turtle was missing (Leo?). That said, if they released a set of reissues and included the missing brother, I’d be in, even if it was the original sculpts. This looks like an updated line with current articulation, for which I’d probably also be in. 

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Huh, I'd never seen the Leo before, though I do vaguely recall seeing these figures on the shelves at the time.

Jim Lee TMNT Concept Art

Jim Lee TMNT Concept Art 2

I'd probably pick up a re-do series, but the shadowed image I shared earlier looks awfully ... round.  We'll see.

Boy Wonder
Attempting To Avoid The Void
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I had Mikey as a kid and thought he was so cool. Like a TMNT figure that could fit right in with my 90’s Marvel ToyBiz figures. 

Funny though I just saw a couple of them at a local toy store the other day and was thinking that if Playmates had made Leo, I’d likely track down the whole team. But if a new company takes a swing at them, I’d be all in for the four Turtles. 

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With respect, because I love Jim Lee and his X-Men designs are iconic and my favorites, those Turtle designs make the Michael Bay ones look good. Absolute fucking trash and I can't imagine EVER wanting that immortalized in plastic except to make it handier to burn them in effigy.

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Honestly, part of what I liked about the Turtles is doing all these variations on a theme.  I don't have a "true" Turtles look that I prefer, I like the interpretations.  I'll take x-treme superhero Turtles, and I'll take Universal Monsters Turtles, and I'll still be interested in seeing someone come up with something else.

NORM reacted
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@cmoney Leo was never released, but was initially planned to be.


I'm with KD on these designs - absolutely hate them. I give Jim Lee credit for doing something different with the property, but no thanks. I think the render in the first post was just a sculptor (Brandon Gash) having some fun on the side. No way any sculptor would intentionally post a render for an unannounced figure. At best, he showed it to some powers that be at a toy producer (I believe he's done work on Super7's TMNT line) and they said "No, but go ahead and share your work and if the response is positive then maybe we'll revisit."

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I 100% NEED them.

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I kinda love how ugly the designs are. Like Jim Lee doing a caricature of his own art.

TENIME reacted
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Literally all of THAT ^.

Boy Wonder
Attempting To Avoid The Void
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The sculptor posted all the Turtles and even printed off a functional Mikey prototype

Also looks like he’s doing the same thing with Swat Katz

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As a huge vintage TMNT fan I have toyed with trying to complete the Playmates line a number of times.  But every time I look through the TMNT database to figure out which figures I’d need to grab I’m reminded how awful some of the variation lines are and how positively stupid I’d feel buying them just so I can check a box on my spreadsheet.


the Jim Lee figures are one of those sub-lines.
