On the creator's Bilbili page, one of the commenters asked "can all the turtles be together?" to which he answered "two turtles announced at the end of the year". Also said Don is shipping around Christmas (I assume Splinter too). (those are Google translations)
Just to further reinforce this: he posted a new video today for his version of the Monkey King, and one of the comments was simply "Michaelangelo..." to which he replied "announced at end of this year"
Honestly, good for them.
As someone whose fan art isn't all that popular, I would love to have more success with my original work.
Donnie is supposed to be out this month, but I'm guessing he'll be pushed back into 2024, maybe Q2. Anyone heard any rumblings?
Video posted on bilibili for the final Splinter figure unboxing (Don coming tomorrow, he says): https://www.bilibili.com/video/BV1zb4y157vw/?spm_id_from=333.999.0.0
Also got this reply from the creator from another user's question (Google translation) about the other Turtles and villains:
"I’ve been waiting for a long time [Hold fists] Mickey will be announced early next month, followed by Pig Noodles. Lafite and Bull Head will be announced early next year."
I assume Pig Noodle and Bull Head are Bebop and Rocksteady? 🙂
They've lost me on the Turtles, but that Splinter is fire.
Not gonna hold my breath on Bebop and Rocksteady though.
To each their own. The Leo's my favorite Leo I own, not sure what it would take for me to give up on the line. But I'd mention that there is no "they" here. Fury Toys is literally one guy designing figures and then getting someone to make them.
Nice! Thanks cmoney. Hopefully Donnie will arrive soon, and then protos for the other two.
Donnie unboxing: https://www.bilibili.com/video/BV1Qi4y1Y7Mc/?spm_id_from=333.999.0.0
Interesting answers from the creator in the comments:
"We haven’t reached Slade yet. The next group is Mickey and Pig, and the group after the year is Lafite and Cow."
So Shredder is a possibility still? I recall originally him saying the plan was the Turtles, B&R, Shredder, and a fifth Turtle.
"Mouse and Turtle will be shipped in the middle of next month"
And more reiteration of the above info, re: Mikey, Raph, and B&R.
Excited to eventually see bebop and rocksteady
Any idea who Lafite is? Cause i got no idea
Excited to eventually see bebop and rocksteady
Any idea who Lafite is? Cause i got no idea
Pretty sure that's Raph
Yeah, it's Raph. Just the vagaries of Google translate and whatever they actually call these characters in China.
I don't think Raph would appreciate being called Lafite!
Donnie looks great. Still wish he had a head without goggles, I may customize the new Leo head coming with the accessory pack to be an extra Donnie head, or buy an extra for that purpose. Actually, I think that's exactly what I'm going to do.
What a fun line. I have too many turtles, yet I'm still excited for these.
These are looking fantastic! Been wondering about this next release date it now seems like it will be within the next 4-6 weeks
So where are you guys pre ordering these from? I currently have mine with 5k
Another translated comment today on the topic of Shredder:
Q: "will there be a Shredder? I hope he is as handsome as in the live-action movie"
A: "It's hard to say whether he can be that handsome...but Slade is one of my favorite villains, so I must show it to him."
"Handsome" shows up a lot in these translations, I don't know if it's just like a generic "cool" word or what.
Dang, seeing those unboxings is making me antsy. Guess it's time to keep track of 5K's instagram for the news on when they do the rest of the payments...