I know there was a bit of back-and-forth on the old board over whether or not this topic belonged in the TMNT section, so I'm just gonna link to the thread I started over in the General section since A) we've had a couple of neat new reveals since the old board went down, and B) it's not getting much traction over there:
More to the point for the TMNT board, I do wonder what exactly the guy's plans are for the rest of the Turtles. He seems pretty occupied with his originals right now and other than Bilibili I don't really know where else to find info straight from his mouth.
Leo is so freaking lonely right now...
Waiting for any news of Raph or Mikey. Already ordered Donnie knockoff, but would be nice to hear anything about any of these. Didn't bother to buy Splinter.
Reeeeeally looking forward to the rest of these coming out...patiently waiting
I really wish the designer would go ahead and just get Mikey and Raph out for preorder
Kicking myself for not ordering Spring when he was available. Best price I'm seeing is 130-150 on the aftermarket.
They really need to show off mikey and raph at this point, they've got to have prototypes done by now. I'd also like to see bebop and rocksteady already, but it's probably way too soon for that.
They really need to show off mikey and raph at this point, they've got to have prototypes done by now. I'd also like to see bebop and rocksteady already, but it's probably way too soon for that.
Problem is, there's no "they". It's just one guy doing this on his own. And if he's concentrating on other stuff now ... who knows. Maybe he's got some 3D work put in on more Turtles, maybe not.
I'd like to make clear that I don't actually think it's a "problem" though. I like this guy's design sense and don't want to see it diluted or changed by too many cooks in the kitchen.
I wish he would've finished off the Turtles before starting on the sharks.
I like the Spring figure well enough. Think it's a bit overpraised, as I find the leg articulation a bit limiting (no thigh or shin/ankle cuts really hurt it). It'll be nice to get some other seasons to pair with him, but he really is nice as just a one-off if need be.
If something else inspires the artist, so be it. I'm sure he'll get back to releasing the other seasons.
I mean, he's not a one-off. We've already got not-Don and not-Splinter on pre-order.
Kicking myself for not ordering Spring when he was available. Best price I'm seeing is 130-150 on the aftermarket.
Quoting myself, I managed to snag a Spring off Ebay for 75! He's missing one of his kunai and the chain but I'm happy.
On the creator's Bilbili page, one of the commenters asked "can all the turtles be together?" to which he answered "two turtles announced at the end of the year". Also said Don is shipping around Christmas (I assume Splinter too). (those are Google translations)