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Pulse charged me for Jabba's denizens pack. Pretty sure I have Ree Yees and Tessek already, but pretty sure I don't already have those human skiff guards. 

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I found the Sabine deluxe pack at Gamestop this weekend.  Surprised the heck out of me, it's great to see figures from a show that's actively airing.

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The Book of Boba Fett

[img] [/img]

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Posted by: @eiczerofour

Posted by: @adrienveidt

Posted by: @sepster

Glad to see more and more unique sculpts coming to TVC. Jedi Revan, Huyang, and Chooper look great. Just need to pick up the pace with releases. With all the new media, plus the backlog from past shows they neglected, TVC has a lot of catching up to do. This is where I really hope the success of the Ghost shows the Star Wars team that TVC is money just waiting to be printed for them.

Is Revan built any different than the one from a few years back?  He still got the shit-swivel hips?



They were originally going to rerelease the old Revan, but pulled that idea and recently showed off a new one. I have no idea if he uses parts from existing figures or not, but this Revan is definitely a ton better then the 2007 one. 


From the look of him, Revan seems all new. But I'm sure when we get him he will share something with the old one. But the way that figure was done, and the way this one is, it seems like the only reuse could possibly be the arms. But those even look new. And I noticed something with alot of the new TVC figures. They have new lightsaber blades. They don't have that weird ass kibble on the bottom where it connects to the hilt that they started way back with AotC. I didn't see it on Ahsokas sabers. Revans are straight. And it looks like Sabine also doesn't have the little effect thing. They also look like thicker blades. I haven't bought any TVC lightsaber weilders recently, so I don't know if these are the first to sport this new blade or if it's been happening a while. I've mainly been buying all the stuff from the Mando show, characters I didn't have any of already. And every Boba Fett I find cause I love me the Fett man. And buying each figure in both lines is hard on the wallet so I'm being choosy.


reefer shark
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Posted by: @shootingthegalaxy

The Book of Boba Fett

[img] [/img]


Such an incredible shot as always!  Mine is getting the Jabba crew, but I do love this setup.  I might just use the throne separately and have a little mini display of Boba & Fennec in a different spot.


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Posted by: @reefer-shark

@captaincracker Nice man - would love to see your throne setup once you've put it together.

I got mine as well, and have all my Jabba's palace figures ready to go - I just don't have any good spots to set it up yet.  Need to do some serious re-arranging!

I'm in the same boat, but I'll get pics up once I'm done.  Please do the same.


I hope it fits on the shelf where I have my current Jabba throne setup.  That will make things a lot easier.


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Thank you! The mini display seems to be the way a lot of people are going. And if you get that new Jabba set they're putting out, you'll have a second platform for it too!

reefer shark
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@shootingthegalaxy That's right!   I was planning on skipping that set since I still have my old Wal-Mart Jabba set, but I'm sure I'll end up folding like I do for everything else in this line lol

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I'm starting to see Admiral Jerjerrod/Boba Fett/Nien Nunb wave at some local Walmarts and Targets, and also spotted the deluxe Luke/Grogu pack at Target.  Things seem to be getting better for retail and TVC.

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I've been thinking the same thing! I've seen the latest wave multiple times and it's been restocked! Plus, Target got the weird wave of older characters which are selling really well, and I realized I could finally upgrade my Fennec because I got one with a really dirty face.

It is SO NICE to see figures on shelves again!!

Also, be sure to price match anything at Target - Fennec was $11.99, the rest are varying points of $14.99 but in store will likely ring up higher.

reefer shark
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That's great news!  I hope they start showing up in my parts soon

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Is that the latest wave?!

I got my Moff 2 weeks ago

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@reefer-shark New Jabba the Hutt set is a must on account it has the ROTJ color matching dias to the throne room set. The one included with the Throne room is colored to BOBF.

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@goldbug Lastest wave hitting retail

VC283  Cad Bane (TBOBF)
VC284  Moff Jerjerrod (ROTJ)
VC106  Nien Nunb (ROTJ)
VC285  Boba Fett (Tusken)

Target is reseting their modulars for the 1st to include

Deluxe Luke Skywalker w/Grogu (TBOBF)

Deluxe Tusken Warrior & Massiff (TBOBF)

Speeder Bike w/Scout Trooper & Grogu (VC289)

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@trunks3540 VC301 Darth Revan is all new tooling.

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