You know what The Star Wars team at hasbro should do? Make more creature packs for the vintage collection, like a haslab Sarlacc pit.
HasLab Sarlacc Pitt hmmmm....
I believe there already is a Sarlacc Pitt
how about
a Rancor cave to place under your throne room set?
a Death Star set with holding cells including trash compactor (& monster)?
HasLab Sarlacc Pitt hmmmm....
I believe there already is a Sarlacc Pitt
how about
a Rancor cave to place under your throne room set?
a Death Star set with holding cells including trash compactor (& monster)?
I'm perfectly happy with the current Sarlacc, but would definitely be interested in a rancor pit and new trash compactor.
I was thinking a more improved Salacc pit, one with an open mouth and/or beak for figures to fall into.
@wummyhulk I think they should release a new or reissued Sarlacc, but I'm pretty happy with the one I have. I'm stupid when it comes to OT stuff, so I might even buy a new one, but I hope I'd save my money.
As far as Cobb Vanth, I thought I was done buying non OT figures, but at $12 I had a hard time passing on him. I was just going to keep him carded, but Target sent it to me in a mangled package and I decided to get my money back. When I started a return, I was told I could keep him for free. I guess I can't complain about that.
F that - Target has Cobb as part of their sale.
Was able to get him for $12 along with other figures. 🙂
darn it the sale is over right when I get a 5% off coupon!
some new vintage figures
I don't know about some of you but I'm good on Snowtroopers
That t-crotch bullshit is flat-the-fuck unacceptable now, Hasbro.
Got Mae, Osha, and Master Sol open and fiddled with; and am liking them quite a bit. Mae the assassin is most impressive beneath the cloak altho I'll likely make cuts to her skirt to allow greater leg movement. Osha is nice as well for a female 'grunt' type; I'll get dupes of both for customs. Mae's outfit is singing to me in a TOS Klingon kind of way.
Sol's right knee was mis-aligned in the mold so I had to cut his boot off to reset the ankle forward where the knee was bending. I'll get another to keep and use this for my long-planned 'civilian' Beta Ray Bill figure, maybe.
Of course the one figure I actually order double of to have one kept on card, Grand Admiral Thrawn, both arrived all bent and warped. That new paper razor wire crap they’ve switched to on Pulse lately just doesn’t do a good job protecting things. Most of the bends and dings haven’t been an issue since I open most things but the one time I’m actually wanting one in good condition, it happens to be one of the worse cards conditions I’ve received. Sigh.
I’ll see what their CS says. Luckily he’s not super rare or anything but ordering from somewhere like Amazon right now with the holiday rush doesn’t exactly guarantee he’ll arrive any better.
Anybody know when Dedra Meero is due to hit? I've got a custom idea for an extra of her Lady Imperial buck.
@adrienveidt just be aware she’s got the male imperial officer legs. I didn’t notice at first but she’s got some questionable proportions once you start looking closer. Hasbro cheaped out and didn’t develop a full new female imperial officer body despite its potential for reuse. The Black Series one is actually one of the best in the line so that stings we get what were getting.
I found her on vacation while in Oregon at the beginning of this month. So that wave has already hit in some places. But not where I live in California so far.
Edit: Never mind. I found the black series. Vintage hasn't come out yet.