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@joshsquash729 Right, there's still Hascon. They'll show only a few things there because the month after is SpratchCon, where they'll just show one or two figures because shortly after is SpendCon, where they'll show just a few things because it will be followed by infinitum.

I agree about Marrok. Maybe it'll be toned down on the actual figure but have they ever shown something that ended up looking better on the actual release? Momaw Nadon is a definite buy for me. I've narrowed the Cantina and Palace characters on my wishlist to maybe three or four each, so I'm really glad they did one of them. I'll probably get Huyang as well. I don't have all that many droids and he's definitely a fun one as far as personality and design.


reefer shark
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Where did Hasbro show new reveals today?  I wanna see Marrok & Huyang!

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I am excited that we are getting so many characters already! Eight from Ahsoka I think, all out this year? I feel like Baylon Skoll and Shin Hati are lock ins, as well as LA Thrawn. I also hope we get Ezra however he looks present day... which I think is likely since they labeled the Ezra we saw today (Lothal). I think these 12 characters (8 confirmed, 4 my speculation) would make a good rounded Ahsoka set. Though I will take literally any figure from this show. 

reefer shark
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Posted by: @ru1977

   Thanks for that!   They all look amazing and will be mine (except Chopper since I already have 2).  


Ru1977 reacted
Red Ogre
The horrors persist, but so do I.
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Momaw Nadon's mother and the ice axe that was part of the survival kit stowed in every snowspeeder.
Jeeeee-ZUS Hasbro SW team. Pull it together....

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The early leaks spoilt most of today's revels but nice to see them in higher quality, plus Huyang and Marrok! Hasbro definitely coming for my wallet with this series, think I'm all in except for the Ahsoka repack.

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I'm colorblind so sometimes I see things a little differently than others but did Marrok really have that much color going on? I could have sworn he was basically all black. Not black with gray armor and VERY obvious.. what is that.. rust.. highlights? He definitely does not look, to me, like what I saw in the show.
But that's fine because he's one of my son's new favorite characters so there's basically zero chance if I get that figure it will actually be in my display anyway.

The droid looks cool but I have the same concern with him as many others - the thin legs. Hopefully he's sturdy.

Got some new figures recently. The Death Watch Mandalorian. Hoth Leia. Clone Wars Mace Windu.

The Mando figure is cool. Looks nice on the shelf. Poses well. Not as exciting as some stuff in the collection but I like having him up there and it'll be even better when I finally get Axe, Koska, and Bo. Hoth Leia I already had once before and am just rebuying, but she's still pretty great.
Clone Wars Mando (that new one BBTS just got in recently) is pretty great as well. I'm finding, on the SW figures at least, I actually don't like the old double knees as much as I like the new single knees. I don't feel like I'm gaining anything with the extra movement that he can't utilize, and it looks kind of ugly. Nice elbow range. A little disappointed that they chose not to give him proper wrist articulation. He does look great and is just a way more fun figure than a regular Jedi version would be.
All told it was a good little haul for the last couple of days.

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I didn't notice the rust either, but looking at the pictures, yeah it's there but more subtle than hasbro did?


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@ru1977 I guess that's the issue; it's just too overt with the figure. In my opinion so is the color difference between the body suit and the armor. All the colors feel like they're just ratcheted up in intensity and it looks weird.

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Is Marrok a known character or will there be a call back reveal when the helmet is removed?

Huyang is my favorite character in Ahsoka and that figure is a must for me. Surprised it is coming with a great array of accessories. I’m loving the droids. 

I’m more than happy to cancel the R5 preorder and get the Target pack with Pit Droids. I still want Pelli Motto. I convinced myself to get two of those Disney packs for two droids. I thought surely Hasbro only includes one as a pack in. I guess they can do three if it’s a multipack.


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Posted by: @nanigans

So glad we're getting Marrok and Huyang ASAP. I figured they'd be part of the Hera wave, but they did say that they're both Fall 2023 releases, which I agree Marrok seems a little bright. I'll definitely be hitting mine with a dull-coat and maybe trying my hand at a dark wash for only the second time. 

The Momaw Nadon was the least surprising reveal ever, but I'm not complaining.

I do think it stinks that we're only getting (more) Pit Droids if we buy another R5 to go with it. I have the original R5 which I'm happy to replace with the new, better scaled one. However, they already announced a single release of R5, which I preordered. Hoping this Target exclusive pack comes out before the single release so I don't double (triple?) down on R5s. I dunno, maybe I can try my hand at customizing and make the extra one a different droid.

This is a bit of an annoying trend though as they made the Cobb Vanth/Cad Bane pack but are releasing the same Cad Bane (albeit with a different head) as a single release too. Thankfully, that two-pack did come out first, so I was able to cancel the single Cad Bane release. 

Overall happy with the reveals today. Now bring on Pulsecon! 


From the pics I've seen of the single carded Cad, he also comes with a different blaster then the 2 pack version. 1 is the same, the other is different. It's so weird. Unless they end up changing it and that's just the proto images.

I'm all for swappable heads. Axe Woves helmet is fuckin huge compared to his head. I had to glue little plastic inserts on the inside just to get it to stay on. And I pulled the RotJ deluxe Boba helmet off the head and then modded an old Jango head I had to put it on and make it like he was a bit younger. And even with the Jango head that helmet looks too big and squished at the same time, which is a bigger head then what was under there originally. It's... not great. I almost skipped that Boba because of all the shitty problems it had. But I'm a sucker for Boba Fett and I couldn't help myself. The TVC Axe Woves has the same helmet issue. Way too big. And they need to stop with the stupid ass helmets just glued on blank heads. That's one reason they get squished. If it's just a solid piece of plastic it wouldn't do that, like the old Boba heads from the ESB mold, or the Death Watch trooper from Mando. Not to mention, if you keep pulling the helmet off and putting it back on over and over again, the paint on the hair or eyebrows, really anywhere that touches, will eventually rub off. I don't have my Rebels Sabine helmet on just because I've heard if you leave it on, eventually it'll stick to her hair and pull the paint off if you remove it. The new Sabine looks like her helmet may be too big as well. 


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Black Series Rebels figures peg-warmed at discounts for years, but now they're all $50 to $150.  Crazy.

reefer shark
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I feel like the orange/rust was more pronounced on Marrok in last nights episode, or was that just my imagination?  


Still not as heavy and bright as the paint on the figure, but I definitely feel like I noticed it more.

Amazing Spider-Man
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@reefer-shark I think you just noticed it more after seeing how much Hasbro over did it on theirs. I know that was the case for me. Didn't notice it last week and during the recap I was looking for it, and found it.

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