Vel Sartha should be here from Amazon tomorrow. I'd still absolutely pick up the entire Endor heist crew if they ever made them. Nice to get a randomly shipped Andor figure I forgot was due relatively soon this weekend.
@joshsquash729 I was thinking about painting one of those heads too. It'd be much easier if Hasbro just makes a Marvel Legends MCU Flag Smasher with alternate unmasked Karli Morgenthau head.
@docsilence I picked up Vel maybe a month or so ago. I absolutely HATE the AK she comes with (what were the showrunners thinking?) and planned to give her a spare A280 from one of my Endor Commandos. But she's so tiny that it looks absolutely ridiculous with her.
Still a really nice figure on its own merits, and the blaster choice isn't Hasbro's fault or anything. But that gun belongs in Classified, not Star Wars.
I'd gladly take another Vel figure, or two, from other points in the show. Same for a lot of the cast. Definitely would be glad to see them tackle the rest of the heist crew, but I don't see it happening.
Apparently Hasbro is changing to switchable heads on the TVC figures, rather than removable helmets. I know some really like removable helmets but I would love if they switch to that for Black Series as well. Yes I'm gonna bring up the deluxe ROTJ Boba Fett once more. That helmet was deformed and it wasn't even really a removable helmet!
@ru1977 Seconded. Alt heads is a -way- better solution and -ALWAYS HAS BEEN- for characters that need to be able to wear helmets. I'm actually surprised they're doing it in TVC first, since making the heads slightly narrower or slightly undersized to fit better under helmets is, at least, less noticeable at that scale. With 6" they really need to do a good job on head sizing and likeness (including hair and such), which means they virtually always -have- to make the helmets oversized. We'll see if the change transfers over, but I certainly hope it does.
I'm just gonna leave this right here for all us Starkiller Simps.
And I just saw that Pulsecon is Sept 22nd-23rd. My wallet is shaking...
TVC already had swappable heads. At least for female characters, due to hairstyles. Sabine’s short hair is what caused them to experiment with a wearable helmet on a female. But the experiment obviously failed because her helmet was huge. They’re just going back to what worked.
Wearable helmets actually work better at the Black Series scale compared to TVC, but I agree that swappable heads is best.
I wonder if we’ll get any reveals we didn’t already know about (or already have in hand in many cases) at today’s fanstream.
I was hoping star killer looked more like Sam Witwer, but at this point I think the association might be more in my head than from the actual character model.
The character model is based off of Sam, so if anything Starkiller would look exactly like him if TFU were made in the present-day.
I'm just hoping we get the single release shown at Pulsecon, I'm not sold on the deluxe set.
I'm in the same camp as you guys as far as the removable helmets/swappable heads goes.
No more huge oversized/warped helmets please Hasbro! Swappable heads is definitely the way.
Kinda stinks we only got 2 Black Series reveals today, versus the 10 or so Vintage Collection, but happy that we're finally getting some Pit Droids in a main release (albeit exclusive). Huyang and Marrok look really nice too. The bright rust on Marrok is a bit jarring, but I don't hate it, actually. Helps break up what would otherwise be a fairly flat figure. Surprised there wasn't at least a Pipeline of Thrawn, Baylon, and Shin, but something tells me they're being worked on. Maybe they'll be revealed during Pulse Con?
So glad we're getting Marrok and Huyang ASAP. I figured they'd be part of the Hera wave, but they did say that they're both Fall 2023 releases, which I agree Marrok seems a little bright. I'll definitely be hitting mine with a dull-coat and maybe trying my hand at a dark wash for only the second time.
The Momaw Nadon was the least surprising reveal ever, but I'm not complaining.
I do think it stinks that we're only getting (more) Pit Droids if we buy another R5 to go with it. I have the original R5 which I'm happy to replace with the new, better scaled one. However, they already announced a single release of R5, which I preordered. Hoping this Target exclusive pack comes out before the single release so I don't double (triple?) down on R5s. I dunno, maybe I can try my hand at customizing and make the extra one a different droid.
This is a bit of an annoying trend though as they made the Cobb Vanth/Cad Bane pack but are releasing the same Cad Bane (albeit with a different head) as a single release too. Thankfully, that two-pack did come out first, so I was able to cancel the single Cad Bane release.
Overall happy with the reveals today. Now bring on Pulsecon!