Couldn't even bother to repack the beskar spear from mando with Morgan Elsbeth.
If they did it wouldn't be accurate to the Ahsoka show. But it would be nice if the figure came with at least one accessory, rather than none at all.
If they did it wouldn't be accurate to the Ahsoka show. But it would be nice if the figure came with at least one accessory, rather than none at all.
That's true. I just don't like seeing that they've now done two figures with no accessories this year. But I guess most of the budget for this wave went to Sabine.
That was my thought with Morgan as well. Heck, they could give her the MacGuffin from Ahsoka. I know they're looking to avoid spoilers, but since the figure hasn't even technically been unveiled yet, they still could've snuck it in there, like Lola with Showbi Wan. I'll still pick her up just to have her, but it'll sting a little. Maybe I'll give her one of my extra Dora Milaje spears, even if it's not technically show accurate.
After seeing the premiere, I'm clamoring even more for Baylon, Shin, and Marrok. Shin especially. I'm sure they're inevitable releases, but I'd love them sooner rather than later.
So Chopper is part of the Rebels line but has new artwork and number. If he's getting new art and a new number why do that and not make him part of the Ahsoka line? After all, Ahsoka herself is a straight repack of the Mando line figure.
That was my thought with Morgan as well. Heck, they could give her the MacGuffin from Ahsoka. I know they're looking to avoid spoilers, but since the figure hasn't even technically been unveiled yet, they still could've snuck it in there, like Lola with Showbi Wan. I'll still pick her up just to have her, but it'll sting a little. Maybe I'll give her one of my extra Dora Milaje spears, even if it's not technically show accurate.
After seeing the premiere, I'm clamoring even more for Baylon, Shin, and Marrok. Shin especially. I'm sure they're inevitable releases, but I'd love them sooner rather than later.
Im with you man - after watching the show, Baylon, Shin, and Marrok have become my biggest wants in the line outside of Dark Horse Legacy characters.
Anyone have any news on when Galen/Starkiller single release is coming out?
After seeing the premiere, I'm clamoring even more for Baylon, Shin, and Marrok. Shin especially. I'm sure they're inevitable releases, but I'd love them sooner rather than later.
Im with you man - after watching the show, Baylon, Shin, and Marrok have become my biggest wants in the line outside of Dark Horse Legacy characters.
Same. I'm pretty much all in. Give me the Rebels crew, Morgan, Baylan, Shin, Marrok, Huyang. Loving the show so far.
So here is what we have:
1. Ahsoka
2. Ezra Bridger (Lothal)
3. Sabine Wren
4. Morgan Elsbeth
5. HK-87
6. Hera Syndulla
7. Huyang
(These are according to leaks, Yakface, and Huyang that YF found from the mural artwork on the boxes)
How long do you think it will take to get Baylon, Marrok, Thrawn and Shin? I hope Shin is next, really loving her. Baylon could be a sick deluxe release, like Malgus sized. I would love that.
It is funny Chopper is number 8 in the Rebels line, which is the second Rebels Chopper, but he could have easily been number 8 in the Ahsoka line.
Also really hoping LA Garazeb Orellios gets a release. I don't mind waiting if he is in Ahsoka to get him in the Ahsoka wave, but if not I want him from Mando. Deluxe release again? Probably.
I am so excited for Ahsoka, both the show and the toys.
That Ezra looks fake af in that pic, but I'm sure it's real. It just looks weird. His head looks cartoony. Unless he's supposed to be from Rebels instead of Ahsoka then that makes sense. I couldn't tell what card he's on from that pic. And Ahsoka looks like a straight re-release from the Mando one. They didn't even have the decency to fix her Lekku that they lengthend in the show. It literally needed a new head, that's it. Maybe not even, the Lekku might be removable.
I got some stuff. Most of its good. Some of its meh. Sorry for the long post but the forums were dead for a while and I really like alot of these new figures so here's some info/reviewsish.
Bastilla Shan. The legs are reused from Aayla, which is fine cause I liked those legs. Everything else looks new. The figure is pretty good honestly. I really like it. And giving it yellow blades was awesome. I was hoping they wouldn't be stupid and do green, so it's nice they didn't. But she does have some issues. Her hair is odd. It's reversed from all the artwork and gameplay. The part is on the wrong side and it hangs wrong because of it. And the lightsaber, while awesome, is royally ****ed on the inside. The blades don't stay straight at all. You have to bend the pegs when they're in the hilt, which will eventually break them, to get the blades to stay straight. I drilled mine out to straighten them out as much as I could and then tightened them back up with super glue. They're still not perfect but better then they were. I do believe I'm gonna get a second one if I can find it, and paint her black and give her some red blades for her darkside look.
Malak. He's not 100% accurate either. But damn is he cool. The mask is removable, the face underneath is well done. His lightsaber is really nice and he even has a spot for it on his back. And the details on his armor and cyber parts are really well done. The only gripe I have with him is the single knees, but that is about standard nowadays and he doesn't need to be super duper poseable since he's not an agile fighter.
Battlefront Maul. The figure itself is nice, even though it's basically a cash grab. It's an alternate outfit for an almost dead game. The details are nice. The grin on the face is cool. The legs are the same as the CW version, as are the hands. The rest is pretty accurate. But the lightsaber hilt is too short. It's supposed to be longer (believe me I checked), so it's hard for him to hold it like a double blade. Its Maul. I'll own all the ones they make if I could. Like Boba Fett and Obi Wan.
Cobb Vanth. I don't have the armored one, but I'm guessing this is basically the same figure with a new torso, or just with armor removed. It does what it needs to. The face isn't dead on but it's close. Not much to say other then it's decent enough, if a bit plain.
Cad Bane. I am confused. They gave him 2 different pistols, and 2 different blast effects. But the one blast effect doesn't fit on the 2nd pistol. And it looks like the single packed one comes with both of the same pistol? Which seems to be the one the blast effect is made for? It's just so weird. His hat doesn't like to stay on. And he doesn't get alot of bend in his elbows because of the gauntlets and the way they are sculpted. Otherwise he's pretty good. Face is nice, I like the smirk. The sculpt is good for the most part aside from no hip swivels. I had to tighten his ankles cause he kept falling over. I Iike him.
And I got magistrate Greef on clearance for $10. He's not really worth a paragraph. He's fine. Looks accurate. Cape broke. Looks better without the stupid strap in the front anyway. Face is good. Glad it was clearance.
The Luke and Grogu set will probably hit clearance, or at least a sale. It's most likely cause people, myself included, don't see it being worth what they're asking. Especially with all the Grogu we did get already and the fact that Luke will probably be re-released single carded. They may have already even announced the single card but I haven't seen it.
That Ezra looks fake af in that pic, but I'm sure it's real. It just looks weird. His head looks cartoony. Unless he's supposed to be from Rebels instead of Ahsoka then that makes sense. I couldn't tell what card he's on from that pic. And Ahsoka looks like a straight re-release from the Mando one. They didn't even have the decency to fix her Lekku that they lengthend in the show. It literally needed a new head, that's it. Maybe not even, the Lekku might be removable.
I got some stuff. Most of its good. Some of its meh. Sorry for the long post but the forums were dead for a while and I really like alot of these new figures so here's some info/reviewsish.
Bastilla Shan. The legs are reused from Aayla, which is fine cause I liked those legs. Everything else looks new. The figure is pretty good honestly. I really like it. And giving it yellow blades was awesome. I was hoping they wouldn't be stupid and do green, so it's nice they didn't. But she does have some issues. Her hair is odd. It's reversed from all the artwork and gameplay. The part is on the wrong side and it hangs wrong because of it. And the lightsaber, while awesome, is royally ****ed on the inside. The blades don't stay straight at all. You have to bend the pegs when they're in the hilt, which will eventually break them, to get the blades to stay straight. I drilled mine out to straighten them out as much as I could and then tightened them back up with super glue. They're still not perfect but better then they were. I do believe I'm gonna get a second one if I can find it, and paint her black and give her some red blades for her darkside look.
Malak. He's not 100% accurate either. But damn is he cool. The mask is removable, the face underneath is well done. His lightsaber is really nice and he even has a spot for it on his back. And the details on his armor and cyber parts are really well done. The only gripe I have with him is the single knees, but that is about standard nowadays and he doesn't need to be super duper poseable since he's not an agile fighter.
Battlefront Maul. The figure itself is nice, even though it's basically a cash grab. It's an alternate outfit for an almost dead game. The details are nice. The grin on the face is cool. The legs are the same as the CW version, as are the hands. The rest is pretty accurate. But the lightsaber hilt is too short. It's supposed to be longer (believe me I checked), so it's hard for him to hold it like a double blade. Its Maul. I'll own all the ones they make if I could. Like Boba Fett and Obi Wan.
Cobb Vanth. I don't have the armored one, but I'm guessing this is basically the same figure with a new torso, or just with armor removed. It does what it needs to. The face isn't dead on but it's close. Not much to say other then it's decent enough, if a bit plain.
Cad Bane. I am confused. They gave him 2 different pistols, and 2 different blast effects. But the one blast effect doesn't fit on the 2nd pistol. And it looks like the single packed one comes with both of the same pistol? Which seems to be the one the blast effect is made for? It's just so weird. His hat doesn't like to stay on. And he doesn't get alot of bend in his elbows because of the gauntlets and the way they are sculpted. Otherwise he's pretty good. Face is nice, I like the smirk. The sculpt is good for the most part aside from no hip swivels. I had to tighten his ankles cause he kept falling over. I Iike him.
And I got magistrate Greef on clearance for $10. He's not really worth a paragraph. He's fine. Looks accurate. Cape broke. Looks better without the stupid strap in the front anyway. Face is good. Glad it was clearance.
The Luke and Grogu set will probably hit clearance, or at least a sale. It's most likely cause people, myself included, don't see it being worth what they're asking. Especially with all the Grogu we did get already and the fact that Luke will probably be re-released single carded. They may have already even announced the single card but I haven't seen it.
Ezra's head is based on the actor who plays him in live action, which I am sure will look less weird when we see the actor play him more in the show. It is based on his season 4 Rebels outfit though, which got adapted to live action in the hologram scene (which is in the trailers).
I agree on Ahsoka could def use some longer lekku, but I am fine with it either way. I am excited for both figures. 🙂
Ezra's actor in live-action has a very unique face, so maybe it's just one that's a bit hard to translate to plastic? Also, the color of his outfit- that bright orange and yellow- feels quite cartoony to me. It stands out for sure, but in live-action, I can see how such bright colors would come off cartoony. If they weren't gonna fully redo his outfit for live action, I think they could've at least muted the colors a bit, but it is a pretty signature look for him at this point.
Nice to see Huyang is on the way. I'm sure Thrawn, Baylon, Shin, and Marrok are at least Pipeline at this point. Maybe they needed more unique pieces? Who knows- you can never quite tell with Hasbro. But I feel pretty confident about them coming- you know there'll be a huge demand for at least Thrawn. I think maybe Hasbro is taking more of a "wait and see" approach with some characters- especially villains- after some of the past pegwarmers, but now that they know the demand seems to be there, it won't be long before they're at least announced.
The Luke and Grogu buildup pack already went on sale to $35 down from $45 on Amazon. I grabbed it to swap the much nicer Luke head onto the Lightcruiser Luke. Works great! I never loved the Lightcruiser Luke head. Funny enough, the new RotJ Luke has the same face, but new hair, and it works so much better! Can't wait for him and R2. Vader I'm less excited than I was.
Many of you may have already seen reviews of this Vader. While the issues with the helmet are actually overblown--you can just warm it up and then line up the grooves make it fit great--my bigger gripe is with the missing red paint and Hebrew letters on the chest box even though the ESB Vader had them. My guess is the budget for this figure wouldn't cover all the new parts + the small amount of extra paint on the chest box. So despite the new RotJ having the shiniest and best helmet overall, the ESB Vader will remain my main display Vader. I'm sure I'll find a way to display the unmasked head version somewhere. Plus, the black lenses on the ESB just seem more accurate to me, even if technically the brownish lenses on the RotJ are also accurate depending on the scene.
Regarding Morgan's lack of accessories--most likely Hasbro wasn't provided any details about the character outside of her appearance as to avoid spoilers. Then they chose to make her ASAP so as to meet demand to have figures closer to the release of a series. Remember that people were all crying and whining about how long it took to get figures like the Darktrooper, etc. Hasbro is trying, but Black Series "fans" will complain one way or another. Damned if they do, damned if they don't. And no, the Beskar spear wouldn't make sense for this figure. Sadly, she'll likely go on clearance because she looks great otherwise.
Ezra looks like his live action actor in the hologram, which would be a season 3/4 Rebels Ezra timeline wise, hence the outfit. It matches the other Rebels figures as looking like a hybrid of the cartoon and live action. I will say his unlit lightsaber is the same as the new Sabine's, which makes it slightly inaccurate. Ezra's didn't have the prominent prongs on the emitter, but it's not really a huge deal, even to a lightsaber nut like me.
My biggest gripe is with the HK-87 not bringing the staff, and the lack of paint on the head. Thankfully, the upcoming Magnaguard figure comes with an electrospear along with a second staff, so I can give this HK the Magnaguard's spare weapon.
Really loving the Sabine, not much to say there.
Can't wait for Huyang, Shin, Baylan and Marrok--all are 100% must haves. Marrok is easily the coolest Inquisitor since Rebels season 1 Grand Inquisitor.
I recall hearing years ago that there'd be a single release unmasked Enfys Nest. Since they already have the body mold, are they ever going to get around to producing her?
I recall hearing years ago that there'd be a single release unmasked Enfys Nest. Since they already have the body mold, are they ever going to get around to producing her?
That seems extremely unlikely at this point to be honest. The original is still on amazon for less than retail.
Yeah, probably unlikely, but I'd totally pick one up if they ever did it. Enfys has one of my favorite character designs in all of Star Wars, and she's massively underrepresented in the merch department. I've heavily debated picking up an extra and then buying one of the 3D printed unmasked heads that people have made- I'm just no good at painting. But it's a want that's persisted through the years, so I'll probably end up doing it eventually.