I *really* hope they don't skip a new Leia from TFA - I want a regal 6" version, not the intergalactic gas station attendant look. From TFA, she's the one MOST in need of an update on my shelf.
Though I would rather have her TLJ look, or even her ROTS look.
Saw the YakFace leak yesterday with the jacket part for Merrin from Jedi Survivor. It's gonna be so nice having more characters from the Jedi games, and I really hope the Cere and Greez rumors are true.
It's a fun rumor list otherwise. It'll be really nice to finally have some Galactic Marines. I don't know why I always dug their look so much. An updated ROTS Gree would be nice too (hopefully not at a markup like the original was). I hope we get updated versions of all the clone commanders- Gree, Bly, Wolffe, Fox. As long as they learn their lesson from the lack of face scars on Cody and, if they choose to give us helmetless sculpts, to make them accurate. I'm not really familiar with Sion or Traya, but I'm always down for cool new force users. Young Leia would be nice too.
Oddly, with the ROTS anniversary this year as well, TFA figures hadn't even crossed my mind, but I'd certainly take a new batch of figures with the updated facial tech and articulation. Even from TFA to TLJ, they made some pretty big improvements (though I would say Poe got the short end of the stick each time).
I'd love a TLJ Leia as well; it was always such a shame that we got her in the smaller line, but never Black Series. I think it's likely we would've gotten her, had the fan vitriol not been at an all-time high. I don't really care if some fans don't want an "old lady in a dress" figure, it's freakin' Leia Organa, who's always managed to balance badassery with her more regal side, same as Padme. Now that they've (in my opinion) managed to make the perfect ANH Leia, I'd love to see them take that same style for a TLJ Leia (and heck, do some more Padme looks while you're at it.) I'd also finally love a Crait Luke; hopefully for TLJ's anniversary, they can cook some fun stuff up.
With Darth Sion and Treya coming, we will have gotten so many Sith Lords.
Sidious, Tyrannus, Maul, Vader, Revan, Malak, Nihilus, Malgus, The Stranger, and now Sion and Treya.
I hope so much that we at least get Bane and Plagueis. Those 2 are must haves for me. I'd love to get Krayte and Talon too, but I have to have Bane and Plagueis.
I'm so excited about all the Jedi and Sith rumored to be coming in 2025/2026. Saber wielders are always my favorite thing to get in any Star Wars toy line, and they really seem to be covering some ground as of late in the Black Series for Saber wielders.
@supercamel-1982 I had to remind myself who Darth Bane was (I know, I know- bad nerd). I always want to call Malgus or Malak Darth Bane when I see them; I never played KOTOR all the way through- it was too expensive for my family growing up, and when we finally did get it, my dad took the Xbox when my parents separated. So I've always had an appreciation for the KOTOR characters because there's still such mystery to them for me. I have no excuse not to play them now, short of finding an affordable copy (physical media only, yo!) and finding the mental energy. I love me song long games, but if the combat isn't real time, my ADHD struggles.
Anyway, I dig the look of him, and I'd love a figure of him, but it's gotta come with that helmet; I really like the look of that. Plagueis would've been awesome too, and had the Acolyte continued, I'm sure we would've gotten him, which makes it even more of a bummer. According to one of the novels, isn't he juuuust off-screen in one of the movies- I think Phantom Menace? So in a super roundabout way, they could put him in the TPM box if they really wanted to. 🤣
My philosophy on Darths, Sith, and pretty much anyone with a lightsaber: if they warranted a figure in the Star Wars Miniatures game, I want them in Black Series. The depth of characters in that game is my gold star for Star Wars. I only wish it lived long enough to get us SWTOR figures to go with KOTOR I and II.
Anyone else tune into the livestream during the crash? Was kinda bummed there were no pipelines or big surprises, but it was nice to finally see Mando Moff and his Praetorians. The new Andor looks really cool too- I dig that new pilot gear- but I'll probably wait to see how much a presence it has in the show.
Was nice to see the ROTS Dooku, Kit, and R2, even if none of them were any different (save R2's new rocket parts). Was hoping they'd at least throw in a robe for Kit (also can't tell if there's anything new about the headsculpt like people previously thought, but I do think his colors are a little different). Don't love the WalMart exclusivity either. I know that the anniversary waves are almost always store exclusives, but so far all 4 ROTS anniversary figures are exclusive to Wal-Mart. I don't see them releasing an anniversary wave and not doing an Anakin and Obi-Wan, though, so maybe there are still more reveals ahead. Maybe this weekend at Toy Fair?
Some very cool stuff revealed but nothing on my list, which I'm perfectly fine with. If they'd done Gideon and those guards a year ago, I probably would have bought them but I've really slowed down drastically on non OT figures.
I got the new plastic clothes Leia. Saw her in gamestop and I had my $5 off so I grabbed her. The underneath looks like the exact same figure painted white. And then plastic overlays. Doesn't look bad. I kinda like it. Her head was too high, so i shortened it a little, just enough so it's not noticeable that the hood comes up off her head. Pretty solid altogether. Like it better then the last one.
Bbts says Kelnacca is coming soon. Just a heads up.
@joshsquash729 I keep trying to figure out if Kit is completely a reissue or not. It's funny, the first thing I did was go "I should go ask the forum if anyone can tell if he's just a reissue" and I was actively depressed I couldn't reach you guys.
I got the new Leia. The hood engineering is to be applauded even if I'll likely never switch it out personally. This is a real upgrade.
@chooch555 The engineering on that hood is good enough I'm legitimately tempted to use it even though I really just want her on the shelf with hood down. It really works.
I found Vernestra at Target so I picked her up too. Kind of a why not moment. But now I'm sad I did because her head tattoo is off center and it looks bad. So I don't know if it's worth trying to find another one or not. Wonder how common it is.
Otherwise it's a nice figure. Little hard to stand or pose with the skirt but I expected that. Wish she would've gotten a whip blade.
In situations like that, I do not feel bad ordering one from Amazon and then sending back the bad figure to Amazon. Target's gonna be useless for a fix like that unless they happen to have a second one in stock, but just tell Amazon it's defective and problem solved.
Finally Dark Trooper armored Gideon! And he looks awesome.
The Praetorian looks great as well!
Just kind of repeating myself here, but as a new collector of the line, I'm glad for all the re-releases like Fisto, R2 and Dooku. I don't have any of 'em.
I personally haven't had any problem pre-ordering Walmart exclusives, but I'm not sure if I've tried that many times.