I'm going to post specifically about Stan Solo, but go ahead and post about any other unofficial licensed stuff here too.
Anyway, I've spent my summer eyeing up various Stan Solo items because I think the idea of growing the vintage Kenner line is neat. So far I have slave Leia (my favorite), the 3 Force ghosts and a Stormtrooper Luke on the way. I'm tempted to get a lot more but they aren't very cheap. Besides that I have really no complaints, they fit in with the Kenner stuff seamlessly. He's got a Dagobah Luke and removable helmet Vader coming up which I'm really looking forward to. Anyone else into these figures?
No interest in owning any myself, but they are pretty snazzy.
Veils finally has offered the custom clone troopers I’ve wanted most. 104th!
So nice!
@yojoebro82 I've been tempted but haven't taken the dive into them... yet. I do love the concept and execution, though.
Sidenote, is that a generic stand you're using for the AT-ST or something you had lying around? Those buggers hate standing up on their own.
@yojoebro82 I've been tempted but haven't taken the dive into them... yet. I do love the concept and execution, though.
Sidenote, is that a generic stand you're using for the AT-ST or something you had lying around? Those buggers hate standing up on their own.
The stand on the AT ST is just a generic doll stand. The height is adjustable and it just kind of rests on top of it. I wouldn't trust it standing on its own.
SS has a vintage Kenner style Greedo up that actually looks like how he looked in A New Hope. That one is tempting but part of me is OK with the charm of the original being completely off from his on screen look. I'd rather save for characters that never had a vintage figure representation at all.....like his Dagobah training Luke that is coming up.
Those look damn good. So good I went out and looked at getting some for myself, but they're sold out.
@mrboshek I was thinking about getting that Luke, but I'm trying to be responsible and resist the urge. I'm kind of happy it's a Mandalorian Luke since there probably won't be any OT figures to go with him and that makes it easier to pass on.
I don't really consider Sideshow 3rd party, but I don't want to start a new thread just to say how stoked I am that I was able to get Triple-Zero and BT-1 just now. STOKED!
Now I just really really need Dr. Aphra to be made!
0-0-0 arrived today. While the articulation is very limited (which I already knew), the paint work is superb! Like on his weapon's hand with the flame on it, the knife next to it has reflective orange paint. Same for the blue lightning hands. The palms and inner fingers are a reflective blue. Both are really well done. His red eyes really give him that creepy/evil feel. Very cool figure.
I have a feeling it's going to bother me that BT-1 will just have paint to simulate the round light on his dome.
The cloth goods Luke from five posts above is about to depart by plane. I saw a couple mostly positive reviews on YouTube. He looks decent from what I've seen. Although, I can tell I'm not going to like the boots. They link a little clunky and one piece.
I got Luke and liked him enough to drop a deposit on JNB Anakin and Play One Boba. It's not perfect but any means, but I don't feel let down by the purchase at all. The boots are the major weak point. No articulation and they don't have a sleek look like you could get with HOT Toys pseudo leather in 1/6. The edge of the boot is just too thick in plastic. A lesser nit pick is the cloak, which I think is a bit oversized, especially the hood.
So the Sideshow BT-1 arrived today. Much lighter than I expected. I wish it's front eye actually lit up like 0-0-0's does. Paint is once again superb, but the lack of a base really ticks me off. I had a nice moving pose with 0-0-0 that requires the base, but since BT-1 has no base, I now have to pose 0-0-0 in a vanilla standing pose so they can be the right height together. I still really want Dr. Aphra, but I don't feel these are worth the money. This pretty much ends my foray into 1:6 scale.