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Micro Galaxy Squadron

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I think my next one is the Sith Infiltrator. I've wanted a little ship of that for 24 years but never got the titanium or micro machine ones.

Ghost is very tempting to me as well.

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The Y-Wing and the B-Wing are my personal favorites right now. Particularly if you get them up on some kind of action figure stand. I think the Y-Wing (one of my personal favorite Star Wars ships) is the best that's been done at this scale. I had one from Disney a few years ago that was pretty good but was super fragile.

Hoping they do a version with the armor from Clone Wars.

I also really like that battle-damaged Tie Fighter that's been showing up at Ross lately as well as the Special Forces Tie from Force Awakens.

Something about the A-Wing doesn't sit right with me. Seems way too thin for one. I honestly prefer the Action Fleet version from way back when. Other than the side cannons, it holds up really well.

Ru1977 reacted
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@grumpymatt i haven't seen the MGS awing in person, but I know the action fleet awing (and the snowspeeder) were oversized. Which is funny since the shuttle, falcon, slave 1, etc were all undersized. Their b wing was always weird too since th cockpit wasn't the same scale as the rest of it.

I really hope they do an Outrider. 

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Yeah, the AF A-Wing is a bit big but those AF ships were all over the place. It's funny, the snowspeeder was probably my second favorite Star Wars AF. (Though the Republic Cruiser and the Republic Gunship from the prequels era were really good.)

I just did a bit of research and the MGS A-Wing mold is based on the sequels version of the ship. Not Return of the Jedi. That's probably what's throwing me off.

Ru1977 reacted
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Aw man, yeah that has got to be it. Weak. New mold please.

I actually had that Republic Cruiser too. It's one of my favorite shops from the PT, but maybe partly because it was the first new ship on screen in 16 years. I had finally given up on any more Star wars, so even though it wasn't what I expected, TPM will always be special.

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I did get the Infiltrator but now I'm wrestling with getting the Ghost. 

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Posted by: @ru1977

Aw man, yeah that has got to be it. Weak. New mold please.

I actually had that Republic Cruiser too. It's one of my favorite shops from the PT, but maybe partly because it was the first new ship on screen in 16 years. I had finally given up on any more Star wars, so even though it wasn't what I expected, TPM will always be special.

If they did anything right with the prequels, it was design. A lot of good ships came out of the prequel movies.


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@grumpymatt I absolutely agree. I'm probably forgetting some ST designs (which also says something), but the ones I can think of were really just derivative of the OT. And sure that makes sense I guess as far as continuity of designs (this year's Honda looks quite a bit like last year's) but if they're recycling a lot of plot, at least give us some cool new ships. The best ST ships were a lot like OT ships.

But the PT, I dunno... I can't think of a ship in the trilogy that wasn't at least interesting. From the fighters to the capital ships. I've always wanted to do a model of the Venator Star Destroyer with a deck full of ARC-170s, V-Wings, gunships, and AT-TEs kinda like the old aircraft carrier model kits. Metal Earth Premium Series USS Midway Aircraft Carrier 3D Metal Model  Kit Fascinations : Arts, Crafts & Sewing

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Am I crazy or has the A-Wing kind of traditionally always been out of sync scale-wise? I'm thinking of micro machines, that fun little Star Wars Miniatures spinoff game for ships battles, even the Lego version. I feel like it's always too big. Still my favorite fighter from ROTJ though. 

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Decided I want the Ghost but - am I crazy or is there a huge difference between the Amazon one with the two Y Wings and Phantom vs. the Target one? the Amazon set seems like a pretty good deal for the four ships and the whole Ghost crew in one box but I feel like I'm missing an important detail (not like I can't get the Phantom separately somewhere anyway, right? Seems to be pretty easy to find online.) 

Joined: 2 years ago
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Saw the Ghost at Target this past weekend. That is a BEAST of a ship! I REALLY want it, but the fact I have neither the money nor the space is preventing me from purchasing it.

Ru1977 reacted
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Those are two very good reasons. I can make the money happen, but the space is a big deal. I was thinking I may just leave it unopened and put it away but then... why bother? I know a lot of collectors are cool with storing lots of stuff but it's never been for me.

TheGillMan reacted
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Posted by: @rishoutfield

Posted by: @salemcrow
A local Walmart has the At-AT down to $47 and change, but there are still at least 5 on the shelf, so I'm going to give it another week or so to see if the price drops any more.

My local Target marked the AT-AT 30% off and I didn't buy it (they had four), and last week, it had been marked down to 50% off (which I think is thirty dollars).  I figured I'd think on it, but the next day, they were all gone.  I snoozed, so I losed.


I also snoozed and lost at Target when they started marking down the AT-ATs. There's a few at a local Walmart for $44.50, I might grab one.


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Amazon Ghost is $115 or something like that. I got Ghost for $60 or $65 at Target. Phantom will be $15/$20? The Y-Wings are $15/20? Sounds about even.

i don’t like the dock look for Ghost so I’m good. Need Phantom now.


The Scarecrow Guy
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Picked up Mace's starfighter while I was visting home last week. I didn't particularly need it, but I think I was just gobsmacked at seeing something new (for me, at least). Here in NY, it's endless Naboo starfighters and the occasional Bo Katan. Now that I'm a couple releases in on the starfighters- I have Anakin, Obi Wan, Mace, Aayla, and Plo- I wanna keep going. Don't know if I'll ever luck out on finding Kit's starfighter, but I'm glad that Saesee coming out seems to be a general release instead of a chase or rare.

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